Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Dick

I'm taking time out of my very busy Pokemon playing to post this. I hope you goddamn appreciate it.
Also everyone needs to stop using Aegislash. Ghosts are my favorite type. Stop overusing them and making them predictable.
Ghosts have been my favorite since before half of you were misfired moneyshots. Get a different favorite thx.
I feel like a goddamn magician doing a goddamn magic trick every time I take my boobs out of my tank top while I'm still wearing it.

Behold, boobies!

(Also, my non-silicone boobs came in the mail today, so I now have 4 pairs of boobs. Supposedly all A cups, all of them different sizes (although one of the foam ones and the silicone ones are basically the same, I think). We shall see how they look once they are in the tank top.)
Oh I dunno let's bet on this.
Woman with breast cancer or tranny?
I voted! It was quite boring and very fast. I was not asked for photo ID. I am still VERY ANNOYED at the ads on the radio that basically say "hey, if you care about democracy and freedom and apple pie, show your photo ID, even though you don't have to"*

*you only have to if it's your first time, but I don't even remember if that lovely detail is included in the ads.
When you can only vote for tyrants you're only agreeing to your own subjugation.
tl;dr I am cranky and stressed and angry about the state of the country (the food stamps stuff is making me want to curl up and cry forever) and I do not think NaNo will be happening. :(

(I am kinda tempted to get into real estate just so I can do this LESS TERRIBLY. otoh, this is probably related to the feeling I get every so often about Wall Street: c'mon, I could totally beat that. No. No, I can't. This is the kind of thing that tells me I should never do any betting and never play the stock market, because I will decide that I Know Better and that I Can Do It Better, and thereby lose my shirt, because, no. No, you can't. But they like you to feel like that! It means profit for them.)

am I just doing this wrong? is there a non-horrible way to do this?????? other than pay someone to do it for me...
I skipped most of this entry and I can't actually bring my eyes to focus on these words (I can actually hear the annoying tone in her voice through them, somehow) but do any of these sentences actually connect to each other in a way that forms a thought?
I am thinking about the nature of textual commentary (this started because I was reading The Social Contract (because research) and started thinking about the nature of arguments and philosophy, as one does), and the thing is, my relationship to the "fanfiction and meta = midrashim and mephorshim" has gone from "lol very true" to "that's actually completely accurate i love this" to "wait a minute what exactly are we doing"
as part of my general evolution of thinking of fic as something different to thinking of basically everything is some kind of fic, as in trandformative work of another work. And some aren't, or are very far from the influencers to the extent that they appear new, but a lot is just straight up fanfiction and the distinguishing principle is "if you're getting paid for this"
No I'm sorry. Your shitty Sherlock Holmes fanfiction does not equal Neuromancer quality writing. You're not allowed to say "well it's all fic so whatever."
You're allowed to have standards and your writing is shit.
Also yeah, the distinguishing feature should be getting paid for it.
Anyone can write.
How many people can get paid writing?
I now feel qualified to talk about being a paid author because Google has been up my ass about putting ads and monetizing this blog.
Ignoring for the moment they want my social security number and bank account info to make a whopping like 1.50 a month as we all know I'm not that much of a sell out.
When I sell out it will be for real money.
and tl;dr about amateurism and professionalism, which I honestly don't care that much about right now (with the exception of forced-amaterism in sports as a way of getting around paying people who do the work)

the thing is, it's the same thing. It's the same impulse, textual commentary. Differences are in what's valued, what's provactive, what's considered trivial and what's considered important, what's considered valid and what's not.
Let's start our argument from what every high school English teacher tells you not to do: the primordial ooze.
"what is important in fiction?"
I'll start with "not fanfiction."
Among my many (many many many) problems with English major stuff was the way it approaches literature, which was basically "all readings are valid, there is no wrong reading". It also was a bit "we will treat everything in terms of analysis the way you analyze scripture for meanings" and my problems of *this approach isn't meant for that, this stuff ain't that deep* 
I love people who second guess the author.
Like consider who wrote it goes a long way explaining what they were saying.
I need to finish up my ALL THE MASTECTOMY THINGS post...
Well color me surprised.
I was banking for sure on transsexual.
Boring post about having no tits--
I'm sure it's scary and new for her but I've been sans papilla for 26 years--
She seems to be taking it in stride but then she mentions "gender issues" so I knew we couldn't escape this for long.
Am I the last person alive who is biologically male and I am perfectly okay with that?
Does anyone want anything? Usual offers apply. Drabbles, meta, dvd commentaries, etc.
I want you to stop blogging.
just finished with yearly checkup, been referred to pt for the leg pain and consented to be contacted about a research study, but that's not the lol part. the lol part is;


Yes, as far as the BMI is concerned, that whole "eat two meals a day and gain more muscle" plan? NOT OPTIMAL.

and since i'm continuing the plan and hoping to gain more muscle, well. THE BMI DOES NOT APPROVE (but we knew that already)
Yeah I'm sure it's muscle.
No, I buy that.
It's come to my attention that I could use a post I could point to when I ask people to please consider examining your use of "Judeo-Christian", because it hurts when you poke me there.
All monotheism to me.
  • "Judeo-Christian" gets used as a way of conflating Judaism with Christianity and erasing and dismissing Judaism. It is used to speak of Christian things, but then tacks on the word "Judeo", as if this will somehow give it cross-religion importance or significance. But that's not how it works.
You both follow the desert god so I dunno what you're on about.
I'd lump Islam in with it too.
All the same desert death god.
The Abrahamic Religions.
  • It gets used as a way to undermine Judaism as its own entity, by tacking it along with Christianity. Additionally, you'll find it getting air time when Christians want to make it seem like something they're doing for theological reasons is in fact not that bad, because it's Jewish, too, so it's less of a problem because it's 2 religions instead of just 1. "Judeo" getting tacked on to a code word for Christian religious hegemony! This is amazingly problematic for reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture.
 Fuck. So essentially you could cut that entire bullet point.
Things don't exist: Judeo-Christian Bible, Judeo-Christian god (lol no)
Well there you go I guess. Christers and Jews don't believe in the same god. First I've heard this.
  • "Should I use it"? Well, why do you want to? Consider why you want to use it, and consider if it's an accurate term for what you're saying. Consider this question: Would you call it Jewish and Christian? If you would, why would you? Consider why you think this thing is also Jewish. If you are sure this is also Jewish, why not just say "this Jewish and Christian thing"? Are you about to immediately discuss Jesus or quote from the New Testament? Then don't.
>not following Zeus, who marshals the thunderheads
I ain't be doin' with this.
Now if I could just get every political speech writer in this country to listen to me, or if I could also get people to stop using the term "Hebrew Bible"...
If I wrote Always A Different Sex fic and called it "cisswap", would people understand what I mean?
I don't but probably everyone else would.
Steps performed by an Author In Search Of A Title
"What sounds as cool as 'Blood in the Machine?'"
I have the world's best book title ever ready for one of the best ideas in fiction ever.
The world is not even ready for the mayhem I'm contemplating.
Ohhhh man.
Fuck it I'm done.
Let's mix it up a bit with the song of the now.

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