Amazingly for a man who spends a majority of his day in isolation and loathing his fellow man and, indeed, one of his main hobbies is making fun of other people, I find a lot of you Livejournal users creepy. Not overtly creepy per se, but that subtle kind of creep like you might actually be a giant preying mantis insectoid alien underneath the human suit, your chitinous black carapace glistening with the red gore of your prey-- anyway, I'm sure you all remember my friend
Victorgreywolf.He has the dubious honor of being tied for most links from my blog, actually. My original post is one of my personal favorites (God, does my glory know no limits?) and is entitled
"Small Steps Corrupt".
In many ways we have my friend Victorgreywolf to thank for this entire bit because I was reviewing this very entry when I got the idea for this bit.
Anyway enough whinging, on to it.
Oddly for one so creepy his blog is entitled "you creep me out, lol" which I have to assume is something a girl said to him once and he's now parroting.
When do you get your holiday shopping done? Weeks before or last minute?
The pressing questions of our time on Livejournal.
I don't shop that much, but if and when I decide to, it is usually whenever.
All right. I can't imagine why anyone would want to post this but I can't say it's creepy so far.
Err, well, his location is listed as "your mother's crotch" but the actual body of the post isn't anything too out of the ordinary.
Now he has a newsletter post in multicolored font which is very fruity of him.
All right, ladies and gentlemen. (I know, most of you aren't ladies or gentlemen, but it's respectful nonetheless.) I am here and ready to start the newsletter for December 17, 2010. So, without further ado, here we go with the newsletter:
I'm not a gentleman. I'm a knight.
Also I like how this newsletter is
specifically for December 17th, 2010. I guess all of these events will occurred on that date. Usually a personal newsletter is kind of the year in retrospect but I'm glad blogging has brought us up to speed on what's going on with absolutely fucking nothing.
I am going to try to get some college courses in the spring, and since I applied for a teaching position, I hope to get the job in the fall, which is when my application will be reviewed, according to the people who I sent it to. (In case you're wondering, it is a local place.)
I have to go through a background check (in theory, I'm pretty sure it does nothing) every time I enter my high school. I can't believe this guy passes that, or, even less likely, he hasn't raped a little boy in his life.
As far as this week goes, with the celebrity deaths, I have to say in all honesty, I couldn't feel happier, especially since alot of them I don't like are going away. I do feel bad about the death of Bob Guccione, and last year, the death of Hayden Brooks, but as far as the rest of them go, I have to say, it couldn't have happened to a bunch of nicer people, mainly because celebrities are pieces of shit.
Oh yeah, I totally forgot he had this bizarre hatred for anyone famous, which is strange since he seems to want to be famous himself. Jealousy perhaps? Misplaced, future-oriented self loathing? Who knows. Who cares.
The last bit of his newsletter is in pale blue and yellow font, respectively, which is nearly impossible to read on a white background.
Okay, so gay groups are demanding an pology from the Governing body of FIFA Sepp Blatter for his comment entitled:
"I think they (homosexual fans) should refrain from sexual activity in Quatar."
Probably smart considering I think you get fucking killed for being gay in Qatar.
It's like saying "hey if you're black you might want to avoid Kannapolis, NC because it's one of the few places in the US with an active KKK chapter."
Well, unfortunately, it is true that behaviors like that are illegal, but that is someting that can't be helped, since you are born homosexual, but people in those countries can't see it that way, for some reason. How do they know there aren't homosexuals amongst them? Further more, what would happen if they were that way, right?
Oh yeah, let's go reason with the government in Qatar.
I really don't know what to say, as far as this one goes, so I shall end it at that.
That is all I wanted to say. Thank you for taking the time to listen to my opinion.
>I don't know what to say
>thanks for listening to my opinion
Sure, I guess?
People making a big deal out of the pedo Jackson dying, and the death of john Lennon. Man, let those go already. Nobody talks about people like rodney dangerfield, and he was a way better enterainter that those two bozos
Way better "enterainter" than Michael Jackson and John Lennon.
Okay, dude. You pretty much could not have picked two bigger names in the history of pop culture and then you trot out, of all people, Rodney Dangerfield as the contender?
Okay, So December 8 marks the 30th anniversary of the beatle whose looks completely creeped me out as a kid, John Winston Ono Lennon. What a creepy looking person, and I thought the child molesting, 12 year old boy tea bagging Michael Jackson was creepy.
Yes, the man who sang "Let It Be" and "Watching the Wheels" is indeed as creepy as a pedophile. You know Watching the Wheels, right? A song about letting go and being fucking cool?
Yeah, real creepy.
Anyway, he was murdered on this date at midnight by a Christianese religious fanatic named Mark David Chapman. Man, those religious nutcases are really something. Now before people attack me, do your homework.
I'm still kind of distracted by the term "Christianese", honestly.
It was true, Chapman claimed to be a christian, and attacked Lennon, because of hypocrosy. Sure, Lennon preached about activism, and no material possessions, but it was just for music, not to live that lifestyle. He lived how he chose to live.
I'm pretty sure Lennon preached against materialism, which doesn't outright say "don't own shit" it just says you shouldn't treasure the things you do own too much.
I mean the guy might have been a huge hypocrite, I have no idea, but being wealthy doesn't necessarily preclude speaking against materialism.
Sure, as far as myself goes, I speak against Christianity, but I am not a Christian (Not since 2001) and anyways, so someone said they are more popular than Jesus Christ. Anyone can be. He never existed, except in a book, and when the Beatles said that, they had a boycott. Why? Because some pastors encouraged it, right?
>never existed except in a book
>many people take that book to be historical fact
Well, I am more popular than Jesus. Big deal. So what, are they going to boycott me? No, of course not.
Of course not. Who the fuck are you?
So, Chapman did a very stupid thing, Instead of remembering him, Which is probably close to impossible, especially today, try to look at Lennon's life as it was, not as his death.
That is all I wanted to say. Thank you for taking the time to listen to my opinion.
So-- do you like him or no? This is my problem with Victorgreywolf. He starts out very antagonistic but then ends kind of neutral. It's a very schizophrenic performance.
The post is even entitled "John Lennon, Total Creep." I'd at least expect some conviction from that instead of, well, "remember him for his life, not his death" which I think is generally a positive thing to say about someone.
OKay, so California is facing yet ANOTHER hurdle where Same sex marriages would be allowed. They allowed it briefly, and now this.
I mean, a state that produces BOTH hetero AND gay porn, and a place that has the most openly gay and lesbian city in the USA opposes same sex marriages.
I don't get it. Is this not America, where people can be honest about who they are?
No. Where'd you get that idea?
I mean, I forget if it was Crazy Horse, or something, but he had two men on the side while having one in an Indian Tribe, some parts of China allowed men to marry men since the 1500's, and in some tribes in West Africa, women were allowed to marry women.
Oh that does show how hypocritical America is, citing three groups entirely removed from the US government. CHECKMATE!
(Although I haven't made my own XXX movie yet, but I will, when I get the opportunity.)
Somehow I don't think you're allowed to sell the kind of porn you'd make.
Conventional society didn't inspire me, but sex did.
First person to experience that, goddamn. It's not like inspiration is typically depicted as a sexy woman (or a group if you're lucky) or anything.
There is one thing I need to say on here, in case people haven't seen it: There have been people from foreign countries who don't have their journals in English. I have to say this on here. I will no longer accept friend requests from people who don't have journals in English.
Seems counter-intuitive to me to make an entry saying you won't accept friend requests from people who don't speak English in English.
Okay, I just briefly saw something on Yahoo called the "American Idol" effect, where contestants on the show aren't as successful as they think. Same thing happened with Adrianne Curry of America's next top model with that Tyra Skanks.
The bottom line is that success doesn't happen for everyone, and reality television isn't a stepping stone for people to move on from there.
Not everyone is meant to be famous. Unlike me, Victorgreywolf.
La la, skipping through the rest of this--
Try shooting for realistic goals, and not worry about fame or whatever. Whatever is meant to be will be,
>it takes hard work to become famous!
>whatever is meant to be will be
Okay, I was reading about a famous character in a video game named Donkey Kong. Well, they said less than 30 years ago. Kind of strange considering the game was around since the very late 70's (77-79) because that was when the first video game system the atari came out at that time, and Donkey kong was amongst the first, and from what I have heard, it was an addictive video game.
Actually it came out in the arcades first, Mr. Greywolf, and it was in 1981.
When did the first arcade craze truly start?
Arcades have been around since the early 1920s. They didn't have video games then but they had all the other shit one does at an arcade.
I believe it was 1976, when there were some games that came out.
Oh you're referring to video arcades, in which case the first arcade game was Galaxy Game in 1971, although Computer Space was the first one commercially sold, also in 1971.
Although the fad didn't catch on until Pong in 1972.
But the Golden Age of Arcades didn't really start until Taito's Space Invaders in 1978.
Anyway 1976 is pretty wrong.
I can't remember the names, but I was like 2 that year. I was like 4 or 5 when Pac-man and Donkey Kong hit the scene.
Pac-Man, Space Invaders, MOTHERFUCKIN' SINISTAR--
Fuck yeah, the game
insulted you for not playing.
Okay, so a pastor in Neptune, NJ (Hey, isn't there a plaet with that name?)
Don't know about "plaet" but there is a planet. And a god.
Ugh, who cares? Guy cheated on his wife with another guy and Victorgreywolf is very upset by this. What, upset he wasn't cheating with you?
If you could cast one type of magic spell, which would you choose, and why?
Power Word: Kill is the obvious choice.
type would imply school of magic in which case I pick black magic from Final Fantasy or Thaumaturgy from Daggerfall.
Why do I hate religion? Because of personally bad experiences I've had with believing in what it was, believing in God at one time. (man, what was I thinking believing in that shit, and allowing people to tell me how good it was?) and I felt, as a devoted atheist, I had to speak out against the garbage that is being shoved down people's throats everyday.
Yeah I threw down one fanaticism for another. Great move.
I say, tell the religions fuck you, and let reality take place. Reality is real. The afterlife is just a myth that can't be proven.
Can't be
disproven either by that logic. I mean likely you're right but fuck, don't need to get all zealous about it.
Okay, I was watching a video on youtube, where Fred Phelps was saying "You're telling all these bathouse loving, anal coppulating fags that God loves them? You have bats in the belfry." Well, I wonder what his reaction would be if someone said to him and I quote: "Do you think they would care about something as miniscule and shallow as that kind of fantasia?" I mean, come on. *skeptical look*
Getting a skeptical look from Victorgreywolf. Watch your shit now, son.
Number one, God doesn't exist, okay. I mean, there is no such thing as that, especially since we've come from monkeys and apes (although some people's mentalities haven't officially evolved from cave types) and second, who cares about something as friviolous as that?!
I love how devoted a lot of these atheists are and fuck up science, something they ostensibly believe in, so hard. We didn't evolve "from" apes. We are apes right now, you chucklefuck. Christ all mighty.
God, atheists are as bad as the deeply religious. They are so annoying.
I mean, so Eric and Dylan had the anger in them to commit the school shooting, but did they actually play violent video games? I don't know. I know there was a doom version that had something called the "Harris" levels, but that was online, not in the video game version.
Referring to the Columbine massacre, and like everything vidya and Victorgreywolf he has no idea what he was talking about. The "Harris" levels are actually for Quake, not Doom. Further, the "video game version" he's referring to is the version you could buy in the stores and the maps are something you acquire online and are not initially included with the game.
So opinionated about things you have little understanding of, Victorgreywolf.
If you wanted to have children and had trouble conceiving, would you be more likely to consider IVF, surrogacy, or adoption, and why?
I love this question so much.
Only if we would have our own kids that way, as in my sperm and her eggs, I would consider IVF. Hell, I wanted to donate my sperm. Why?
Oh, I can answer that: because it'd be a loss to our species of your genetics were gone forever!
Also: pretty sure most 9 year olds can't carry a pregnancy to term. At least not a healthy one.
Besides, I don't know if I want children, I mean, with the heavy financial burdens, emotional burdens, bullying, and all the other problems, and all that, is it worth having kids? THAT should be the REAL question
Well if we don't the species dies out, so--
Okay, it seems a Chancellor in Germany wants the immigrants to their country to learn German and speak it without an accent, and to have Christian Values.
Oh no, if you want to live in Germany you should speak German?
Well fuuuuuck me!
I mean, number one, unless the immigrant came to their country before the age of 15, or as a baby, they can't learn it fluently enough and speak it without an accent.
That is unreasonable but you have to say extreme shit like that because people will take whatever your demand is and reduce it three levels so saying "speaking with fluency and without an accent" translates to "speaking passably well" in reality.
I mean, have you ever known an atheist or agnostic or non religious person using religion as an excuse to kill someone? Have the aforementioned ever used it as a reason to molest or be a pedophile? Have they also ever used it to hate people?
Aren't you kind of doing just that when you say you hate the religious?
Personally speaking, I have never known an atheist who raped, or murdered or became a hypocrit because of those religious books.
Yeah but I can tell you atheists have and do rape people. It ain't the religious books. Rapers gonna rape, etc.
A styory about a guy who goes inot the mountainous desert and becomes a sex slave to a tribe of savage women. Sounds like every man's fantasy.
Hey whoa, that may be your fantasy, but uh--
What results is a tirade against people who don't "accept him for him" because that's his fantasy. I bet there are websites that will help you with this fantasy, friend.
Anyway this entry has dragged on long enough and I HAVE ANOTHER ONE TO DO TOMORROW (astute observers might notice I posted this at exactly 11:59 PM because I rolled the clock back to hit my deadline).