Also review crappy blogs.
I think this guy is a furry. I say "think" in the same way someone might say "I think the sun came up today".
What has been the most surprising cultural event of 2010?
I have a better writer's block question: what is the greatest sound chip of all time?
I'd have to think the SPC700 or the AY-3-9810.
The SPC700 was the sound chip used for the SNES and the AY-3-9810 was used in many home computers of its day.
*scratches a bald spot*
sure wasnt easy, even tried questioning sage google for hints.
Scratches bald spot-- great.
while growing up in the private school system; That I found out later to have set me back a bit from others who had at least heard of these ideas and stories.
Homer's Adventures of the Illidad, Odyessey, and more importantly things like
The Illidad (pronounced ill-eye-dad I guess) AND the Odyessey (Odd-yes-see)?
Also I like that: "I missed out on the Iliad and the Odyssey but more importantly for my literary education..." no, stop, what story is more important than that?
I guess some people could (and would) argue the Bible but whatever you are provably wrong.
1917'sThe Horus myth in its relation to Christianity
By William Ricketts Cooper
(who is hard to take is a believer himself when reading his findings.)
What a shocking discovery. Turns out the Bible isn't a history book but apparently based on several older myths. WOW!
Also the whole "Horus is the inspiration for the character of Jesus" is kind of iffy in terms of research.
I'm not saying you're an idiot but you can read these things now, you know. You have bald spots so I'm going to have to assume you're responsible for yourself at this point.
Do you keep in touch with any of your exes on LiveJournal or other social networking sites? When an ex friends you, do you usually friend them back? Why or why not?
>this guy
STOP THAT. "No you really need to know my physical reaction to this."
For us up in the northren hemasphere, tis a time for cuddling and sharing warmth with eachother.
As opposed to those in the South who have bad accents and hunt "varmints" on the range.
Also your spelling is atrocious but I figure it doesn't even bear mentioning anymore.
Unfortunetly the need for a market to profit from the gift giving is skewing the need for a giving nature thru out the rest of the year. On that note it reminds me how religion pushes its foot into the door, on a seasonal celebration stretching 10's of centuries prior to their invention.
I think he's trying to make some kind of point here but it went totally over my head.
Winter holiday's is nothing with out others to share these moments with...
Thanks for that.
A little rambling attempting with placing the words into what I'm trying to convey here.
Also known as "trying to say something so that other people can understand you."
Thinking along the lines of how one would transition from one facade to the next, depending on the tasks one faces, to being able to let down the guards left up from not becoming ostrichsized from society.
Would imagine these transitions to be along the lines of waking from a dream state. Most common trend is having a blank void that would wrap around the time spent asleep dream, as if that time never was spent.
Okay. I think I'm going to play some vidya while he's rambling on about nothing.
Other times you may vaguely have imagery and moments recalled, but if this was done to us while awake, I can only imagine needing to do some serious tweaking and construing whats remembered into the most rationalized ideal sequence.
Oh look, they delayed the PS3 version of FFXIV again.
Also they fired everyone involved in the production of the game and replaced them with these people whose names I don't recognize. Oh, people who worked on later Final Fantasies and also Front Mission 5. Fair enough.
And another free month. Glad I got this game when it came out because it's practically paying for itself in monthly fees.
That would leave you either claiming a fault of not recalling, or making yourself the untouchable in any accusations you may been part of.
Darkwing Devilet thinks he's going to cast his voodoo hexes he's got another thing coming.
Would only imagine the longer these transitions would wax an wane, the easier the transitions would be.
Yeah let's see you try to hop around now that you're sans a face.
I dunno I've been enjoying this game. I guess I'm easier to please than most people.
Look at all these fucking people, in fact. This guy's fat ass was right in my screen as I zoned into this camp. There are so many people their asses are filling my screen, literally.
Hence forth a departmentalization of one realm and another realm your interacting with.
Oh check it out, a character named after my cat:
Just kidding blogger is being a cunt.
Oh Christ these hit hard.
Most hold the dream state irrelevant to the waking moments, and when in a dream its fairly life like no questions asked with whats encountered till those that remember those moments, when awake can see how obscured it was. To shrug it off in what ways or adopt the themes as ideas/concepts/themes that are meaningful in a way.
Oh look at this swine. Swine in a robe.
A feller I knew on and off, for two decades swung. Doubtful, he'll ever mention this as truth being with how I only do happen to see him when he's either dog faced an hurt, or one tail wagging puppy wanting to show myself something that deserves praise.
Goddamn dude what the fuck are you talking about? Between your giant font, shitty grammar and nonsensical writing style I have no clue how to interpret this. Not to mention you subscribe very much to that "what I'm talking about and even the pronouns I use are none of your business" philosophy of blogging.
Holy shit look how hardcore the new armor you get from notorious monsters is going to be.
Templar's Haubergeon. Forget this gay pugilist. Time to level gladiator, the chosen class.
Well this visit was a bit of a continuation of seeing him still picking up the pieces of what took place at/and around the 10'th this month. Was asking me if I noticed him saying anything or acting a way that he may be unaware of, and I must say this has been a noticed trend with him doing both.
Although check out the pugilist armor.
Oh right, back to this man.
... Nah too much work to decode what he's on about.
Be seeing you, fags.
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