But we're not here to talk about that. I've instead decided to devise my own list of sins you twats commit daily in addition to the other shit you shouldn't be doing. Fuck yeah, piling on.
Besides if we go by the Greek orthodox list of sinnery (word I just made up) I'm guilty of one: acedia, or "not giving a fuck".
Anyway, boredom.
You may remember this blog originally from this entry as indeed all of these posts will be the year in review, how exciting.
I left this bint with the following sagely advice:
This one seems to have that whole literacy thing down. Now she has to focus on not being boring.
Such work, this writing.
Let's see if she managed.
If there is one thing i have learned outside of the classroom, essays, and projects during these past 2 weeks it is that finals weeks is the worst time to rekindle a relationship.
Oh yeah.
I've been really good about not thinking of Madden, but the fact is that I still want him back.
This is already getting a mighty "who gives a fuck?" from me so I'm guessing she has not managed to be less boring. The important thing, Josie, is not that you committed the sin it's repenting (turning away from).
He has said that we're still friends, but I wonder if we'll ever hang out again. If we do, I'm afraid to ask him if he could see me as more than a friend.
This is such great speculation on the author's part. HE SAID WE'RE FRIENDS SO I WONDER IF THAT MEANS WE'RE MORE THAN FRIENDS?
i have a feeling ginger tom won't be inviting me out to celebrate his birthday this friday. i think i need to just stop communicating with that boy.
But I thought you had a thing for Madden (not the video game)?
Man I could go for a double header: what the Catholics think of you what I think of you. Lust and boredom in the same breath.
Quite a piece of work, ye worker of iniquity.
on a higher note, i just learned that we are still allowed to have overnite guests until december 21st! :D
Tomorrow is the induction ceremony for Comm. Arts honors society at 6pm and refrshments are afterwards at 7pm. my parents are coming! I hate that this and the opening night of the one-acts are on my mom's birthday.
Oh. Remember when I said "she seems to have this whole literacy thing down"? Welcome. Welcome to my mistake.
Anyway, today this attractive friend added me on the FB. Naturally, I checked out his profile after adding him. Under religious views: I love Jesus. Some people might think that's a joke, but after reading that he's going to a Catholic (or Chrisitan...what's the difference?)
Not all Christians are Catholic but all Catholics are Christian?
so i've talking to this really great guy lately, except i don't want him to be MY really great guy as in a boyfriend. i know that i'm a flirt, but this time i did not initiate "this," whatever it is. we're friends, and he's amazing, but i don't want to be more than friends no matter how many times he compliments me.
Bro got friend zoned. Also glad to see the "semi-literate" theme is carrying out. So instead of repenting we've actually taken a step back in "Josie Is..." (great blog name, incidentally).
he asked me "if i weren't me, but still ur friend, how would you act around me?" or something to that effect. Um, first off, he is jon. Secondly, that made me feel kind of shitty. i get it! i know myself; I'm a flirt. But you did this first!
Someone care to diagram these sentences?
tonite, i want to get wild,
even though i halfway did that last night by drinking too much brandy in my sangria and therefore forgetting/not paying attention to half of what the guy i am talking to said when he brought me safely back to my dorm. yes, LJ users, I am talking to a guy. i'll leave it at that because as of this morning, it's complicated.
My "guys she's fucked" tally is already up to 4 or 5 (depending on whether or not this tool is a new one or no). I should have just entitled this post "lust" and said "fuck my own list".
i want brandon,
suitemate to my fellow 3rd floor RA, Mike.
BRANDON. Hold on, getting a scorecard.
So we've got Brandon, Madden--
I'm posting this from the office because I left my journal in my room, but don't want to forget what I have to write.
I've been having very surreal dreams lately (what dreams aren't surreal, right?). Last night, I dreamt that I was being super close and touchy with Michael in a fun way.
Cool font. So now we have Michael. Michael, Madden, Brandon and Tom.
So I really hate holding grudges unless I truly think you deserve it which is why I vow never to talk to Dave again.
Yeah Dave, fuck you. Humph.
Is my list expanding?
Who gives a shit?
Ugh, let me tell you why this is pointless to even keep track of. Who gives a fuck about Dave or Tom or Madden or Brandon or PROFESSOR AND MARY-ANN HERE ON GIIIIILLIGAAAAAN'S ISSSSSSSSSLE! if she's just going to passively talk about bad shit that happened to her? For a "student of film" (presumably she wants to be a director or script writer, I dunno) she sure has a big problem with showing instead of telling.
Why do you feel the way you do? Who are these people? No one cares unless you explain. As I'm sitting here reading this I get the vague impression you're upset or elated or whatever emotion rollercoaster you're on currently, but from what I can literally read the only thing I'm left saying is "do you feel or think anything at all?"
It's becoming a sort of habit (or ritual) that whenever his name is mentioned it must be followed by "Fuck Dave Tendler." This reminds me of "This Lullaby" by Sarah Dessen when Dexter's band would always say "Hate Spinnerbait" whenever the band was mentioned.
And then there's this. What the hell's this shit? Who the flying fuck is Sarah Dessen or Dexter's band? What the fuck is a Spinnerbait? What the fuck am I reading? Your explanations just warrant further explanations. Are you so hipster and cool that my mainstream consumer brain can't handle the sheer obscure references per second to read your otherwise untarnished blog?
I don't mean to sound selfish or conceited, but if my relations with anyone ever falter it's usually because the other party lacks communication with me.
Which explains why you're often saying you're going to stop speaking to someone. I get the impression you still think "the silent treatment" is a viable solution to a disagreement despite being in your 20s.
Goddamn I had almost totally forgotten about this blog (because it was 10 months ago) but reading it now, just as then, brings my piss to a boil. How can you write this much and say absolutely fuck all?
Why do I bring all this up? Like I said in an earlier entry, Kyle (check entries from last spring if you don't know him) is living in Linden.
Jesus Christ who has time to catalog every cock you've sucked? Just say what you mean and be done with it. Tired of decoding fucking Livejournal and tracing through the history of idiots like I'm solving the Enigma Code or some shit.
I went to grab some lunch at the PayCafe not too long ago and low and behold there he was sitting alone eating lunch with his earbuds in. I wanted to go over and say something to him, to be nice to him, but I couldn't get myself to do it when he tried to avoid eye contact. I don't want it to be this way. I'm not crazy about being his friend, but I want him to know that I don't hate him.
Maybe you could do with a little hate. Put some perspective on your otherwise meandering and nonsensical life and point of view.
I don't know if that makes the most sense, but I know what I mean.
Goddamn I'm angry.
With all that said, I think that I may be crushin' on my fellow 3rd floor RA. No bueno. He's only 19 and I made myself a new rule: no hook-ups this year, especially with anyone younger than 21.
Year's almost over and I'm over 21 so THINGS ARE LOOKIN' UP FOR ME!
Oh, me. Fuck it, I'm tired of this already. I keep looking at the clock and thinking "I just have to put up with it for about another hour" and I've been saying that for about five hours now.
Josie: die shittingly.
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