It's December 4th and in support of NSPCC there are a good many people on facebook who have joined in the message of showing their support by changing their facebook pictures to cartoon characters and altering their status to further pass on the message.
Yeah I'm not entirely sure what this accomplishes but all right if people feel good about themselves whatever (and that seems to be the only goal in life anymore-- as long as you feel good about yourself).
Some people apparently have a problem with this. Those sanctimonious self-serving preaching types, who admittedly often do do charitable work, seem to be under the impression that people who have supported this movement are doing so instead of actually contributing to charities.
That is a good point, though. That's a common problem I find with pussies-- they seem to think "being aware" is a legitimate replacement for actually doing something.
It's the same type of person who thinks praying is a legitimate replacement for actually doing something about their problem.
I mean I'm not saying you shouldn't do this thing (go ahead, who cares?) but don't act like you're actually achieving a great work or anything.
Those people know where to shove that opinion. I don't appreciate being read the riot act by anyone unless I deserve it, and to have someone imply that I'm doing this to ease my conscience instead of actually doing anything is both offensive and inflammatory.
To quote Coolio, one of the greatest poets of our time:
"But I ain't never crossed a man that didn't deserve it."
For Sadiq to suggest that I'm doing this and not contributing any money seems to just be part of his pretentious moral preaching.
What is he? Muslim?
Who the fuck cares what he thinks, anyway? Who is Sadiq? He is nothing.
I'd love to know how he feels about street charity workers with clipboards who everyone so studiously avoids, the adverts with harrowing scenes that we are slowly as a society becoming immune to simply because we are constantly bombarded with such images, or the fact that of the charity money collected, far less is actually used for those who need the help as opposed to the administrative costs and pats on the back that these workers give themselves.
"Perhaps when you die we'll hang your corpse on a cross and make an idol out of you as well."
Me: 2
Christianity: 0
I'd love to know how Sadiq feels about the volunteer work my sisters and I have done at charity shops, and the work that my sister continues to do.
So evidently you don't keep doing this work. That was then, this is now, rest not on laurels of the past, etc. etc. etc.
Forgive me for paraphrasing a somewhat Christian ideology, but those who are more concerned with drawing people's attention to their good deeds are missing the point.
Well I'm not doing something good for it to slip by unnoticed that's for sure.
It's soooo nice being at home. As much as I miss Tom, and that isn't so bad because we've talked on and off for most of the day, it's nice to be back home where I actually feel appreciated and people are happy to see me :)
Let's try something new, users of Livejournal: let's edit for clarity and conciseness of thought.
It's been a pretty eventful fortnight and while it's overall been an awesome two weeks, there have been some slight dips in the happy graph.
Combine thoughts, Jesus. It has been an awesome and eventful two weeks. I have no idea what a happy graph is or how you can put a quantitative attribute to an emotion but whatever. "I'm level 35 happy!"
I don't think it's been understood how hurt and upset I am about how the Know Your World screenings I've had to do have been - you wouldn't have thought there'd be much stress in just showing a film, and to be honest neither did I, but I'm hoping that when I track down Matt (the guild officer supposed to be looking after societies) , I might finally get some moral support and back up from somebody who doesn't just think I'm exaggerating things to complain.
Look how fucking long this sentence is, Jesus Christ. This is literally longer than most paragraphs I write. I mean I know most Livejournal users have this logorrhea problem where words just vomit forth but holy fuck me.
What the hell is "Know Your World" anyway? Ugh forget it.
I don't appreciate anyone or anything making me cry. Ever. And the general filmsoc business needs to be sorted out or I'm going to lose my temper.
I've got a mode change for Livejournal too: let's try not being butthurt at everything for a full-- fifteen minutes (I was about to say 24 hours but then caught myself).
Sanctimonious tool preaches at you? Tell him to get fucked.
Movie makes you cry? Stop watching it.
Am I a goddamn rocket scientist for thinking this shit? If you don't like something don't fucking do it, what's the problem here?
Will update when less giddy. Will also probably explain why giddy. And why grinning like a loon.
The update where she's not miserable never came. I guess that's not as interesting as whatever the fuck I just read.
Well, I know it's been a year and a day since I've updated this thing, but then I've been inhumanly busy and even still not quite working hard enough.
A year and a day, what were you banished from Livejournal by Captain Stern of the Grey Knights? (Grey Knights always seem to banish demons for an amount of years plus a day [I felt the need to explain this increasingly obscure reference]).
Well, it's been an awfully long time since I've updated, and I can honestly say that it's really down to laziness. I've barely been online I suppose - in a constructive sense anyway. I've read an obscene amount of fanfiction.
Somehow I'm not surprised.
Have you even had a moment, an hour, or a day that renewed your faith in the fundamental goodness of humankind?
Ha, ha, ha.
I've never seen this Writer's Block before.
Periodically, I see somebody perform some beautifully selfless deed on the tv (around sport relief etc times) and I feel like there are some redeeming features of humanity, but it's the little ordinary things that people do that really catch my attention.
Oh I just got a B+ in pussy sensitivity. Couldn't quite give me that A for obvious reasons (too fucking manly) but I guess that's appreciated.
This is shaping up to be a pretty B+ semester but that's fair enough I suppose because it has been a pretty F-- for me.
A friend who bought me flowers just because I offered him a lift for a while, seeing a guy help an old woman get something from the top shelf in the supermarket,
>Helping old women
Oh my God I can't believe people. "Helped a little old woman my deed for the day is done." Gee wow, you grabbed her raisin bran from the top shelf because you're 6 foot and she's doubled over with Osteoporosis. Thanks a ton!
You can measure the worth of a society by how it treats its old people and its young people and I see failing grades all around.
somebody who smiles when you pass them in the street...
Whenever someone does that to me I look at them and think "what the fuck is wrong with this invalid?
I am of course supposed to be revising for the exam I have on world history (gahhh!)
>World History
Oh, peasants.
Well that's literally the end of her Livejournal. So I have to give you some credit, Devonshire Lass (ugh): you created this Livejournal seven months ago and you only have 25 entries. That's so much better than these assholes who created it two months ago and already have five million entries about absolutely nothing.
25 entries about nothing > five million about nothing. The rare instance where less is preferable.
Also for those keeping score at home:
As you can see Edie has moved an entire level from last I updated as well as several (two?) ranks of leatherworker and five whole ranks of gladiating. Unlisted: the eight ranks of sentinel that will shortly replacing mining. I should bang out that last 2000 or so SP to get another achievement for mining, though.
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