What's the best new game of 2010?
Well let's see.
FFXIV came out in September and as much as I'm enjoying that it frequently tempers the fun bits with frustration or just slow grindy bullshit, so I think that's out of the running. Maybe next year it can win, but then it's not new.
Red Dead Redemption also came out this year but if you think that's GotY material you're 16.
I mean, have you chucklefucks ever seen a Western before?
Call of Duty: Black Ops came out in November but the campaign is all of five hours long and as good as it is the main draw of the game, the "deep" multiplayer experience boils down to getting called a faggot by a bunch of homophobic 13 year olds.
The most obvious choice for game of the year 2010 is Monster Hunter Tri.
No bullshit, no fucking around with nonsense, no idiot 13 year olds screaming at you, just you and a giant fire breathing dragon. A Wii game is the best of 2010. TRULY WE LIVE IN THE END TIMES.
Anyway today we have a girl gamer with a misinformed opinion.
Her top 5 2010 includes such award winners as:
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (what)
Final Fantasy XIII
The Sims 3
LEGO Harry Potter
The Sims 3: Ambitions (game and expansion in the same year. Class act, EA)
I'm between Final Fantasy 13 and Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep as my #1.
I've been playing Final Fantasy since 1995 and in my 15 years of playing Final Fantasy I've completed pretty much every entry in the series.
I still have yet to get more than 20 hours into XIII.
I beat arguably the worst entry in the series (before XIII), VIII, twice. So I'm pretty much a dedicated fan and when I call your game shit you're in trouble.
I actually haven't finished either one of them . ^///^;
That makes this even harder. I love Final Fantasy 13, and it was a much bigger game than Birth By Sleep, but... Kingdom Hearts is probably my superior gaming love.
>Final Fantasy XIII
Have you ever played a video game before? I guess by "bigger" you mean "takes a long time to finish" then sure but I can tell you right the fuck now that world is just a series of narrow passages leading you to the next melodramatic bit of whining.
In fact, here's a challenge to all both of you reading this: go back and find all the times I've mentioned Final Fantasy XIII (upward of 10 times now I'm sure) and see how many times the words "melodramatic" and "whining" appear. I bet it's 8+ times, if only because I'm sure I mentioned it before it came out in America.
It's a bad sign when the only character you relate to in your entire cast you relate to simply because she hates the idiots she's traveling with as much as you do.
And it really helped me get through my cold. I spent most days playing it at least a bit. Tea and Kingdom Hearts was my cold therapy.
It's pretty close, though. <3
Things are going pretty well. Finally. I got some writing done over the weekend. Nothing too major, but it was enough to feel I had broken out of the cold's grasp.
Wow a girl who plays Final Fantasy fancies herself a writer.
I bet she reads and writes fanfiction and is a furry. Also fat. She might also play World of Warcraft, I dunno.
Maybe watches anime. But nothing good like Fist of the North Star or Berserk, just some fuck like Inuyasha.
I'm feeling very inspired in preproduction, too. I'm so excited about a couple of ideas right now, but they are so far down the line of what I'm currently writing that it is kind of funny.
So I discovered a magic land in FFXIV filled with nothing but hippocerfs and wolves. Or, as I call the two enemies, "hippogryph sinew and buffalo hide factories". Yeah because when wolves kill buffalo they eat the hides. Thanks a lot, SE.
I don't think I'll ever run out of story ideas. If I ever got close, I guess I'd just throw some characters into The Sims 2 and see what happened!
And speaking of sims! (Well, honestly, that was an artificial segue. And you know, I had to look up how to spell that!
I'm a writer but I only learn how to write from video games so I've never actually seen many words in print because the only games I play were made when voice acting was common.
If you fall in love with a book or movie, do you tend to watch/read it again and again? If so, what's your upper limit on repeats?
This question always perplexes me. "Upper limit"? I REALLY ENJOY THE ODYSSEY BUT I ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT EXCEED 20 READS.
Incidentally I have massive swathes of both The Odyssey and Dante's Inferno memorized.
Also, though the question is just talking about books and movies, I've played Kingdom Hearts probably 4 full times, many other partial times. I've played Final Fantasy X twice.
I know it makes me a huge faggot but Final Fantasy X was pretty good. It gets a lot of bad press mostly because of two embarrassingly bad scenes, but the game was actually pretty decent. It tried something a little different and succeeded.
Still sick. *Sighs* It's certainly not the worst cold I've had in my life, but I still don't really feel like doing anything. I spent most of yesterday listening to podcasts and playing games on Neopets and Facebook.
Oh, Neopets.
Remember Neopets?
Man I feel so 2002 all of a sudden.
I will say that the Harry Potter fic I'd been reading helped a lot for last week's writing.
So we have fanfic references and anime references already, and Neopets pretty much seals the furry deal-- am I missing any of my AMAZING PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS?
World of Warcraft. Also she just had an Inuyasha avatar. I know it seems like I know so much about this bint I must have read ahead but I assure you these people aren't different enough from each other for me to not guess this accurately. It's like guessing how a day will go by saying "well the sun will rise and then it'll get high in the sky then it'll go down" and being amazed when you're right.
And yep, more games. I've been playing some Lego Harry Potter which is super fun! And I even started playing a bit of Final Fantasy V. Yes, five. It's actually pretty fun for such an old game.
I think I've reached the point of being tired of WoW.
Man I am awesome. I was kind of worried about that prediction, honestly, because with as much kawaii weeaboo bullshit she might think WoW is icky because it's American, but the alternative is she's playing FFXI or XIV and that shit ain't happening, let's face it.
I guess she could be one of ten people still playing Aion, but yeah, if she's playing an MMO at all it's WoW.
I'm purposefully leaving the bit where she says she only lasted a month out.
Anyways, I'll just get onto it. I hate Windows 7.
This is what I'll never understand about my nerd brethren: they want a gamer girl. Why? No, bro, you want a normal girl with normal interests who will put up with your nerd bullshit because the alternate is this.
Anyways, last night, Symphony was talking about Dissidia: Final Fantasy (a fighting game with Final Fantasy characters in it), and how it would be better with more characters in it.
Well it's the main character and the main villain from each game (except it's Kuja instead of Necron from IX OHHH SPOILERS) so I guess there are as many characters as there are games x 2, really.
Although for some reason they decided on Shantoto in XI. I guess that game has no main character since it's an MMO and Shantoto has the most interesting personality but I dunno.
She was saying there should at least be two playable protagonists and antagonists from each game.
Well in I you could have...
Uhh. Hero and another, slightly different hero then-- I guess Garland and one of the elemental fiends?
No, 1 each is pretty much all you'd want.
For instance, they have Tidus from Final Fantasy X , when she believed that Yuna was just as much of a main character.Actually she's pretty much the focus of the entire story even though it's supposedly Tidus' story.
And then, it hit me. Final Fantasy X really is Yuna's story. It's Yuna's story through Tidus' eyes.
I know I just said I liked FFX but Tidus and Yuna are pretty much the two worst characters they could have picked for the main characters. Auron and Lulu would have been the obvious main male and female duo in my opinion, but really fuck Tidus and Yuna.
I've been out of school for 5 years now. March 29th 2005 was the last day I went to school.
Oh we graduated the same year. Except I have become even more awesome in that time and what have you done? Languished in bullshit, I suspect.
Wait, you don't graduate in March--
I promise I won't go into any spoiler-y details, but I'm totally in love with FF13. I got it at midnight and played for about 5 hours.
Yeah I got it during midnight madness too and I was even silly enough to think "man I have class early tomorrow. I hope I'll be able to go to bed on time!" I found an excuse to go to bed early that day.
Everything is so beautiful, and I already love the characters.
Say again?
So, this was kind of crazy. Then I saw the first game's price. $90. $90 for a DS game! (Just checking now has shown me that it's now over $100...)
I got a fucking sweet new DS for Christmas, speaking of, and now I need to upgrade my Acekard because apparently Nintendo doesn't want me to enjoy Homebrew on my DS.
Of course I'd never do something illegal with an Acekard.
Okay, this is the second Final Fantasy 13 trailer to make me cry. At least, I can understand this one. Goodness, I'm excited.
>crying during a trailer for Final Fantasy
Oooooh, goodness.
anytime I think of playing Final Fantasy 8, I decide not to. It isn't because I didn't like what I played of it...
Yes it is. Be honest.
Pretty much if you know anything about me, it's that I'm a writer. Or it should be, anyways.
So, if you are interested in my writing
I think I hate Religion.
My Uncle thinks I'm defective. Since he's Religious, he was preaching to me. About all the things that are "wrong". And I held back.
Then my Uncle went on to say how American culture has turned away from God, which has lead to homosexuality and even INTER-RACIAL relationships... Okay, what the Hell!?
Hey, the Lord Jesus didn't die on a cross for you to marry someone who looks like you.
It even says that in the Bible. Straight out of Deuteronomy (Deuteronomy is out of the Old Testament).
And tomorrow, I take the GED.
What have you been doing for 5 years?
Or, no, excuse me: anywayS.
Yes, lazy people who aren't clicking the link. Final Fantasy 13, my only reason thus far for wanting a PS3, is now coming to the Xbox360.
Oh what's up, game of the year 2009?
Well I think that's it for this entry. So many questions I have yet remaining, like:
Why did she drop out of high school?
Why does she have such shit taste in video games and, well, everything?
Who in their right mind can enjoy FFXIII?
Why, how, why?
But knowing blogging like I do I'll never find the answer to these burning questions.
Particularly the first question I'd like to know. I mean fuck, aside from the "ANYWAYS" thing her grammar is better than 99% of the idiots I deal with, so what gives?
Well I bothered to go back that far to see and the short of it is her blog skips from 2002 to 2006, and she dropped out in 2005.
Anyway entry over. No closure here, assholes.
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