Monday, December 20, 2010


I feel like King Minos this week, coiling my great serpentine tail, each knot representing one further level of hell to which my victim sinks, then uncoiling it and throwing them deep into the Stygian abyss.
King Minos must be the only dude having fun in Hell because there is kind of a catharsis to it.
Today we have Embracable (not a word) Aberration (HERESY) from "Eris_Devotee" which if you didn't know Eris is the goddess of discord. If we take all Western mythology as a kind of continuous thing she has caused the following:
The Trojan War
The Founding of Italy
The Founding of England
The subsequent collapse of the Roman Empire
The Dark Ages
All from one event. Pretty damn impressive bit of trolling. In fact, it's probably the troll.
You might remember this douche from this entry entitled "Life's the same" where I astutely note:
Also as a supposed "devotee to Eris" shouldn't you be glad at the discord in your life? I mean that is what Eris does, you know.

But no it's incessant whining about bullshit most of these revolve around health issues which I'm almost positive are fictional.
Also I'd like to take this time to mention that yes, like Dante's Inferno each day is a progressively worse sin.

The weather is not cooperating with my attempts to switch over to yet another psychiatrist. bleh. I just need meds, I'm not interested in the head-shrinking right now.


I need a doc who finds pot a non-issue, or is at least familiar enough with its effects that there's no perceived potential conflict with the other meds I take.

I'm sure doctors take a similar agreement to teachers in this regard: legally they're not allowed to hear you talk about illegal activities without reporting it. Kid comes in telling me he's high? Whoa, gotta write it up. Sorry kid.
Personally feelings about pot aside I am legally required to do it. My personal thoughts have no bearing on this issue.
It's called being an adult, Eris_Devotee. Where real life is often disagreeable to sense.
It's a simple equation - without weed I can't eat. Or better phrased - I just don't eat. It's not merely an appetite thing. I have gut problems from auto-immune issues and pot eases the post-eating cramping.

You do realize pot helps with nausea, not muscle cramps, yeah? A muscle relaxant is what you need.
They'd give me muscle relaxers, and pot is MUCH easier on the system than daily use of flexeril/etc, so I don't see the problem and I can't trust a doc who lectures me for 20 minutes, at both visits, about WEED.

Because you're completely insane and pot does not help with muscle cramps.
He was probably just trying to convince you you need help which I'm sure was an uphill battle.

I've never even had a doc lecture me like that about cigarettes and those are actually bad for me.

Pot has a lot of bad shit in it too, you know. You just tend not to smoke it as much so the effects aren't (in theory) as bad. I mean most healthy people can stand it perfectly well but for someone with as many health problems as you claim to have I'd be a little careful.
I keep trying to write my annual year in review, but egads a lot happened this year... and most of it wasn't documented in this journal. For the first time since I started this thing, I stopped posting almost daily... I went to semi-monthly... EEP.


Sure, it took almost getting a divorce, dancing on the edge of dying and the removal of a piece of my body to get here, but here is where I landed.

This sounds almost interesting, so let's be sure to skip right over it.

Perhaps compared to the population at large, I can't consider what I have right now to be "good health" but compared to my own relative scale I'm 10 years healthier.

Called it.

I'm not delusional about still having lupus, though, and I'm not rushing back to my former non-stop productivity bullshit.

Oh, ho, ho what a turn of events. I called that fuck so hard.
I don't know why I'm proud of myself over this achievement because it's clear she's just mental but fuck it I'm awesome.
Bob is in therapy and taking meds and for the first time in his life he can recognize symptoms of anxiety and separate them from his circumstances (ie - not blame something going on around him for what is going on inside of him).

Your environment can cause anxiety, though. Anxiety isn't a bad thing that happens, only when it happens for no reason. It's like fear or anger, or your natural aversion to bitter things: there is an evolutionary purpose for it.

OMG Sharon, it was you? Fuck you, you goddamned drama queen.

So before I had her pegged at the seventh circle of hell (anger) but now I'm moving her to eight (fraud), specifically Bolgia 6: hypocrisy.
You didn't bother calling about my surgery... so why the fuck would you read my journal? You don't care about anyone but yourself, and that's SO obvious with everything that has happened with Bob.

Shit, calling her out. I guess. What's happening? Who is Sharon?
All you've ever offered him was someplace to sleep - but your "advice" has always made his life worse when he takes it.

That's only Bolgia 2, though: flatterers. I would say, by Dante's reckoning, you are the worse person.
Besides, it's not like you haven't had your share of bad things to say about me. Do you even know the meaning of the word "hypocrite"?

Apparently you don't, because you bitch that she's complaining about you where you can read it while complaining about her where she can read it.
My only conclusion is off with both your heads.
Susan - you are an asshole. Why do you read this journal? Oh, right - because your pathetic life doesn't leave you with much else to do. Or maybe you're obsessed?

I like this new turn where she's just calling all of her readers out. I'm waiting for "anonymous asshole who said mean things about me on the internet" because if anyone is self-obsessed enough to find my blog, it is her.
the nephew who is being socially promoted through high school... oh, he's in a band, and he spent better than an hour watching himself in his mother's mirror making his poses. Meanwhile, some other kid is playing till his fingers bleed and I wonder which one will go anywhere with their music.

Have you even heard modern music?

Adding Graves to lupus was proving to be potentially fatal for me,

Graves' in general is potentially fatal.
Actually so is Lupus, come to think of it.
Well fortunately you're just crazy the old-fashioned way.

I'm already busting out of my new bras.


My concerted effort to gain weight has been successful and I'm at 115. 5 more lbs to my goal, and by that time I'll be a 34-D. I'm a 32 C/D right now and I've got me some 37 inch hips!


WAH I wanna be out of limbo,

Good news, then: I have you pegged at layer 8, bolgia 6 in Hell. Congratulations! You almost cannot get much lower.
This morning I had a consultation with a thyroid specialist (which is a sub-specialty of endocrinology)

Oh, a thyroid specialist, dealing specifically with the thyroid, part of the endocrine system, is an endocrinologist. Thanks for that.

I'm in a holding pattern, waiting for the proper circumstances for thyroid surgery.

I've been revisiting Dawn of War 2 between leatherworking in FFXIV.
Which, speaking of:

Even though this is wildly inaccurate, even at the time of writing.
Leatherworking (that would be the middle one, currently) has moved up an entire three, three, three (!) ranks in two days. Also good ol' Edie is approaching level 41. Nine more to go before I can bitch about no longer gaining experience as indeed 50 is the cap. I add SP and EXP gains together to determine whether an action is worth performing and with no EXP gain at all I'll have to restructure my entire system.
Health = same/waiting.

Oh yes, back to this insanity.
I know you cannot physically measure no change over time because entropy is, by definition, change/time.
Oh we're actually treading old territory now. I mean, older territory. Territory I've already covered.
So read that old entry if you care so much.

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