Today's writer's block really kind of confuses me. It's entitled "eye for an eye?" but then the question is this:
If you bumped into someone who regularly picked on you as a child, what would you say to them?
Say? I'd punch the fucker. That's for old times, cocksucker.
Of course no one picked on this paragon of manliness so I don't know.
Reprisal's a bitch.
Nothing, I'd just walk right on by.
Oh what's up, beta?
Fishwithwindows (what) had this to say in response:
yes this is the best answer
I don't even know that these are men. Likely they're women.
In the spirit of being home early for the holidays due to my mother's declining health, I am going to try to catalogue the more ridiculous/bigoted things she says while I'm here.
Cut the woman some slack, Jesus. She has declining health.
I'd be cursing anyone healthier than me.
Now, my mother is extremely progressive as far as most people go. She's not an LGBT activist but considering she's first-in-family to get a post-secondary education, she has come a long way.
I dunno the supposedly liberal-leaning people in my pussy sensitivity class were pretty goddamn bigoted. Just because you have a degree in some fuck doesn't make you worldly or intelligent or even educated. All that shit has to kinda come from within first.
... Education isn't something that's done to you, you people do realize that, right?
That said, she's never really dealt with gay people, let alone trans people...
Oh God, can't I for once deal with normal gender and sexuality issues on Livejournal? Can't I just for once have a guy say "I really love my girlfriend!" and that be the end of it? Or fuck, a guy could say "I really love my boyfriend!" and have that be the end of it? No it always has to be this confusing shit where I need a goddamn scorecard.
and now she has what she thinks is a lesbian daughter who dresses in boy clothes. Fun times!
She thinks? Are you are aren't you?
Upon seeing me on Thursday after I rushed over after my exam, her first words are "ugh I hate your pants". I dress in full men's clothes now and have for a month, it makes me so much more comfortable about myself and I've told her that I wear it because it's comfortable.
I have heard from three women that they're jealous of men's jeans because the pockets are really deep. Shit is pretty cash. I always reckoned that's why you ladies carried purses so you wouldn't need deep pockets but I guess having it on you instead of near you is better.
I didn't even realize that I was binding that day until she later made some comment about "giving up on being female" and "chopping off [my] breasts and getting rid of [my] uterus".
Likely she means binding her breasts which is a practice I'm somewhat familiar with because I'm a weeaboo faggot and happen to know women in Japan many years ago used to bind their busts if they had larger chests because contrary to everything Western smaller breasts were deemed more attractive than larger ones.
Personally I say it depends on the woman but likely anything more than a handful is a waste.
Note that I am not out to her, she just came up with this because I explained I was wearing a light compression shirt as she was perplexed by my flatter chest. She also told me she cries herself to sleep at night because I wear male pants.
Called that shit.
Thank you Lone Wolf and Cub for helping me read bullshit later in life.
Granted, my sister (15) took one look at me and said "are you like transgender or something?" in this borderline scathing tone.
She's 15. I spent two days a week surrounded by the assholes so I know from experience they only have two tones: off and scathing.
Or "off and derp" if you're a football player. Some stereotypes are true.
I'm not sure if she meant it to be an insult but it certainly came across as something not-positive. Meanwhile, my brother (17) asked for me to give him my shirt "once [you] get tired of it". I thought that was kind of awesome. I am one well-dressed dude, no doubt about it.
Except you're a chick.
Anyway, mother ended up asking me to dress more female around her family, especially her father as he'll be confused about it and ask repetitive questions.
Old people are always confused by confusing things.
Fuck I'm 23 and I get confused with Livejournal users.
I'm a simple man with simple wisdom.
Or I'm stupid, whatever. All I know is I have no idea what the fuck you people are on about usually.
I only brought male clothes with me so far but I have an exam on Thursday evening so I'll be spending the night at home. I guess I'll be bringing more girl-side-of-androgynous clothing back with me on Friday.
See this is exactly what I mean. "Andro" in "androgynous" means "man" and "gyno" means "woman" so it's literally being a man-woman. You can't have a "girl-side" to "androgynous" because it is by definition both things. That's like saying "the head-side of my coin" as if the head side of a coin is a separate entity from the coin itself and see what I mean when these Livejournal users sound like they're fucking crazy?
Honestly, considering the state of my mother's health, I'm surprised this is an issue at all. My mom explained that she doesn't have the energy to explain me and that's why I should dress girl-mode as a Christmas present to her. If she wasn't so ill, I'd call her out on her behaviour, but alas... it's all about priorities.
Her face when I make subtle gay jokes around her family is rather priceless though.
All right we get it you're gay, Christ all mighty. There's about to be a death in the family on Christmas must you make this more complicated?
I find myself spend more and more time reflecting on the future of late.
Reflecting on the future?
... How? How can you reflect on something that hasn't happened yet?
On the school side, I plan to be done my Bachelor's degree next spring (not 2011, but 2012). After this, I'd like to go on to veterinary college. Being a vet is a career I can envision myself in for the day to day grind without coming out the other side as a mentally emaciated and distraught individual.
>Mentally distraught
>watch animals die all day
Yeah you're not saving them all.
These are all things that I can control to a high degree. It's my marks (therefore my scholarly effort) that will determine whether or not I make it into veterinary college or not.
Not always.
In fact, not usually. It's not what you know, it's who you know.
I'd also be presenting male fulltime, have my name legally changed and have my gender markers changed on some paperwork if not all. I would ideally have undergone top surgery as well as a hysterectomy (especially if I will have been on T for 5 years).
How are you affording all this?
It's none of my business but I suspect it's tax dollars at work, yo.
I can't really explain why my education is so paramount,
I can in one word: money.
I find that these posts are both awesomely introspective and handy for people to decide whether they want to get to know me better.
Oh here we go with a handy primer. Just what I needed.
While I usually go for the full 100, I think a more detailed 15 will suffice for now.
I'd seriously struggle to come up with 100 facts related to me and not something stupid I happen to enjoy. Man, people really think about themselves too much. I'd go five and then start talking about Warhammer or Pokemon or something.
Let's start off with some basic info!
Yes, some basic info.
My name is Logan Alex*, I'm 21 at the time of this writing (December 2010) and I am a pre-everything transguy living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I'm in my fourth (of five) years at Carleton University working on a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Neuroscience.
That's really interesting.
I live with a neutered orange tabby of just over a year (Remi), a female bearded dragon of about three years (Pog) and my awesome roomie who expected a female roommate but is ending up with a dude... and is luckily cool with that (J).
Isn't this three or possibly four, five or six facts, depending on what we deem to be the smallest amount of useful information that constitutes a fact (I can't put enough sarcasm quotes around "useful" so I won't even try).
*I'm undecided as to whether I want to go with "Alexandre", as a tribute to my francophone heritage, or go with the more linguistically neutral "Alexis".
So here's a deep question for everyone: would you rather have sex with a transguy or a transgirl?
Suicide or "I choose not to have sex" or something like that is not an option. You must pick.
Likewise, I will be making an effort to write only public posts on this journal. I think it's beneficial for other people to indulge in their creepy stalking behaviour, so I may as well expose my thoughts to the whole of the internet.
She's probably aiming that at me and people like me but I'm not stalking you, whatever you are. I just happened on it.
That doesn't make a lick of sense, I know. I guess what I mean by this is that I want to put my thoughts out there and have people call me on them while I'm still in this flexible stage of establishing what kind of dude I am/want to be instead of after my self-image has solidifed into something potentially disastrous or insulting.
What the fuck am I reading?
I will refer to my childhood as "when I was a little girl" both in gest and in seriousness.
It's a joke but a SERIOUS FUCKING JOKE.
Also "jest" is spelled with a 'j'.
I do apologize if this journal becomes very transition-focused. I do have a life beyond my transition and I don't spend every minute of every day hating my body and wallowing in trangst or dysphoria.
That's up there with "fursecution", honest to God.
My goal in life is to become a veterinarian. That said, I am not a PETA-supporting kind of guy. I eat meat, it's pretty awesome, and I think artificial selection is really fascinating so long as it doesn't become harmful to the animal (ie. jaw deformities in lap dogs).
Artificial selection is the best kind of selection.
This is somehow really hard for people to grasp and I have gotten quite a bit of flack from it. I am not going to get all in your face about animal rights, but I do have my limits. Don't be a moron. Spay/neuter your pet if you're going to let it run amok outside, please. (And if your response to that is "that's the owner of the female's job!", I may want to punch you in the face. Just saying.)
So I have another deep philosophical issue: what say I follow the code of chivalry, which doesn't let me hurt women, but this person has insulted my honor. Am I implicitly allowed to punch them when issuing the challenge?
I guess you could classify me as a feminist ally. It's the same as being a straight dude who support LGB rights, right?
I'm only for one kind of right: my rights.
That's how real men operate, lady.
I still qualify myself as queer despite not having a damn clue where I fall on the Kinsey scale anymore. When I was 15 and became aware of sexuality in general, I identified as bisexual (starting at a 2).
I'd like to meet the person who can define and explain "bisexual" at the age of 2.
Fuck me, I'd like to meet someone who is 21 with memories from when they were 2.
For the 5 years after that, I basically slid my way happily across the scale to a 5 due to my history but effectively a 6. Now that I have embraced my gender identity, that should make me a 2 but effectively a 1.
I always considered myself a 7. I have no idea what we're talking about but if I were a number, it'd be 7.
However, since I have grown more comfortable with my identity I find myself firmly entrenched near 2 for all points and purposes.
Although my favorite number is 5 because it's V in Roman numerals and V is the coolest letter.
I guess you could say I'm a straight guy with a tendency to want to form bromances but little interest in fucking other dudes.
Man I've heard some terms today.
This may change once I begin taking Testosterone, though I hope it won't turn me completely gay, that would be confusing as hell.
Also gay which way? If you're a dude with a cunt then I guess you're--
fuck it I'm not even getting involved.
I react really poorly to cancer jokes, suicide jokes, self-harm jokes and family-based jokes.
So do most people.
Also I've heard a lot of jokes in my time but I can't think of a single cancer joke.
Or a family-based joke, for that matter.
I could go into my history about that here but I assume it can be inferred from the above.
Not true, I just thought of a cancer joke:
What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?
I'm a nerd and a dork. I wouldn't quite say I'm a geek as I'm not very technologically savvy.
Oh well we have a very binary definition of geek, don't we? I'm offended.
No I'm just fucking with you. I'm not you, after all. I don't really get offended.
I do, however, enjoy learning for learning's sake.
I do hate it when people do this, though. I'M A HUGE NERD I LIKE NOT BEING A COMPLETE DUMBASS! Wow.
If you ever go to the dinosaur museum and you see this short guy trying very very hard not to squeal with glee (and failing), it's quite likely to be me. I like to think it's endearing and some of my friends think so as well.
Squealing is never endearing. It's a pig noise.
If I had my way, I'd just snuggle up to someone and interject smartass comments into the group conversation every now and then.
Snuggle up. Yes, men are well known for "snuggling up".
Oh yes, I am one cuddly motherfucker. I don't know how much of this is based on my dysphoria or what but I will gladly forego sex in favour of cuddles.
This is really interesting.
I really liked the word "dyke" (in a positive context, mind you).
Oh that's a neat trick. Whenever I use the term "faggot", "idiot", or "I hope you die" I only mean it in a positive context, mind you.
Oh and we've reached the end of the blog, how convenient.
Anyway tomorrow begins the CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR so stay listening.
1 comment:
What kind of transguy and what kind of transgirl? If they're both at the same stage of transition then it's different depending on the stage.
1) Clothes-only
At this stage you have a crossdressing boy and a crossdressing girl. These can be equally cute/sexy and it depends on how well they pull it off--a well-crossdressing boy is sexy while a girl crossdressing well is not. Conversely, a boy who doesn't crossdress well is ugly while the girl is cute.
2) Hormones
At this stage the girl is turning into a guy with a cunt, and the boy is turning into a lady with a penis. Again this depends on their respective appearances, but the boy with a penis has the initial advantage, as cuntboys are less attractive the more masculine they get.
3) Post-surgery
At this stage you have a possibly masculine-looking woman who cannot reproduce, and a man with a cunt who can possibly reproduce (I don't have much knowledge of this but there was that one guy in the news awhile back). Men with cunts are inherently not attractive, while the woman still has a chance of being attractive, and her inability to reproduce can be either a detriment or a strategic advantage.
Also you failed at reading comprehension with that whole Kinsey scale thing, and basically called yourself gayer than can possibly be classified.
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