Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Requiescat in pace

Don't you just love Japanese? It's a great language. If I had to pick my three favorite languages they would be, in no particular order, English, Japanese and Latin. All three of them, I think, can sound poetic yet have a certain concrete sound and to the point attitude. Something sadly missing, I feel, from a lot of languages.
However, there's something English and Latin have over Japanese, and that is the fan base for Japanese is pretty much shit.
Let's go over this title, shall we?


Maybe my grammar isn't as pro as I thought but I'm not honestly sure what she's trying to say here. While there's nothing technically incorrect about "de iku" it's kind of an odd turn of phrase. The verb is "to come" (not sexual in this case, presumably) but you're doing the coming in something (or maybe it is, yeah).
It was almost torturous to wake up this morning! Bahhhh. 9am lessons should be banned! LOL.

Was looking through cosplay pics and came acrosss Bou's picture. Not a cosplay, its the man himself. Xuanny couldnt believe that he is a guy! LOL.

... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG MOET WAS WONDERFUL. First initial taste was UGH but after the first mouthful, the after effect was AWESOME. Warm and fuzzy feeling! "We sound like we are in love" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA OMG LOL. Really very nice leh! Omggggggggggggg I can totally understand why Uruha loves Moet COS I LOVE IT TOO! LOL. Uwaaaaa <33333>
Fist of the North Star is a documentary based on real life events, by the way. Remember in 199X when the entire world was engulfed in nuclear fire? I do.
Now here's a "beautiful song" which I'm going to listen to. Better be worth interrupting Queen for (it won't be and I fully acknowledge this before I do it).
Ha, ha oh I was expecting a woman singer, based off the thumbnail of the video.
Huh, you Japanese guys.

I can match you 1:1 with Fist of the North Star screen shots to your douchey lines, bitch.
And so, I PANICKED LA DUH. "OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"-ed frantically and then i seriously thought chibi reirei has died. And then ruha-chan came to my rescue again! She revived the code for me

Woaaaaaaaaaah. Gosh. Gosh! Yokatta~~~~

"Yokatta" is an irregular adverb (they conjugate adjectives in Japanese, go figure). Present tense would be "ii", dictionary form is "yoi". It means "good". You'd translate that to English as "I'm so glad."
You know the stove? The part where the fire comes out? I TOUCHED THE METAL PART and went "ow. fuck." and i thought i was almost fine even though i touched that damn hot part. Until the pain came gushing out LOL. AND I STARTED WHINING~~~~ UWAAAAAAAA T.T

Maybe I'm making fun of a three year old. YOU KNOW THE HOT PART OF THE STOVE?
No, this is news to me.

Eto... i kept procastinating about psycho COS ITS SO BORING.

>using "eto..." instead of "umm..."

I cant believe i actually teared a little. Wifey patted me on the head! HAHAHA AISHITERU YO!

You know they always say money is the root of all evil?

So then, man created money right?

And a certain group of them say ____ is the creator of all including man right?

So does that mean _____ is the root of all evil?

Also: shut up.

I don't get how some people can be so superficial.

Judging a DVD by its jacket is just like judging a book by its cover. S-U-P-E-R-F-I-C-I-A-L.

A cover is just a cover isnt it. What matters is the content. Bah.

Well you certainly would know about being superficial, wouldn't you, Mrs. "It's Japan so it's automatically good"?
Whoa sorry, started doing everything else for about two hours before coming back to this.
Uhh-- where was I?
Oh yeah: entry over.

Monday, December 28, 2009

The Reflex

Gag reflex, more like.
So I was just basking in the glory of the vidya (perfect IV Rotom and perfect IV Gengar joined the fray) and I was listening to Omen, one of the greatest video game, nay, one of the greatest songs ever, off the Final Fantasy VI soundtrack.
So right off the bat the opening entry to this blog appeals to me.
Hi folkies! Well, I was totally trashed last night, so went to bed before nine. I slept like a rock, and woke up at about five this morning.

>9 until 5
Yeah last time I did that was... Never, come to think of it.
Man, it was colder than a witch's titty, but I came in here to see if anyone was around, which not many people were, but I had some nice talk on Twitter. I also played a game of Q9. the cool thing about that game is, you can save your game,

That is indeed impressive by 1987 standards.
You kids and casualfags might not remember it, but back in my day we often had to enter what are called passwords to resume your progress. Typically we were just thankful of having a way to resume our progress at any given point but in retrospect the entire system was very messy and frustrating, not to mention slow. the number 1 and lowercase l and uppercase I frequently looked like the same shit, etc.
in fact it saves automatically once you begin a new level, so you can just say ok, had enough for now.

Automatic saving? This is impressive by... What, 1994 standards?
Anyway, I got to the mountain world before I stopped.

This is your gaming glory? I am disappointed.
I clicked on this with the promise of hard fought battles and instead I get casual stories about flash games and saving.

By this time I was beginning to feel Migrainey, and it was freezing cold still, so I snuggled back into bed, ready for the monster to hit, which it duly did.

She gets migraines a lot, and while I can sympathize, I'd like everyone to think back to the opening of this post:

Well, I was totally trashed last night,

Hmm. That is, as we say in the field of law, "an inconsistency in her alibi". Usually if it's a real migraine you can kind of feel it coming on, sometimes days in advance, so the last thing you'd want to do is AGITATE IT BY DRINKING, CHRIST.

I settled down to go on with my game of Q9, and I'm proud to write that I have now reached level 2 of the death world, the hardest world there is!

I'm going to play it real quick and see what all the fuss is abo--
>game costs $24.99
O, talking of the U S of A, I heard something that worried me considerably this morning. It's being rumored that, after the last bomb attempt, any electronic devices on planes flying into the U S are going to be outlawed! And what are people supposed to do on those long transatlantic flights?

Awww, poor Americunts can't live without their technowomb for fifteen hours?
And what are we supposed to do with the electronics we all live by, our i-pods, our cell phones, cd players, kindles, streams, laptops? Pack them? I've heard you're not allowed to pack electronics, and don't tell me anyone's going to travel without a cell phone! I'm just hoping this is extra hype, and will never happen, but it's worrying me!

I hope it does. People need more adversity in their lives. It's what makes you slightly less of a cunt.
Anyway, when Charles came back he brought me doughnuts, so I had them and a cup of tea, which was yumpsk!

I'm going to pretend you're Polish and that's a Polish word.
I'm feeling unusually generous this evening.
Oh, I have to tell you, last night's dinner was just too yumpskelicious for words, I don't think I ever made a better meal!

>yumpskeliciousHoly shit.
Also: this is blogging in a nutshell. People talking about such frivolous nonsense that it doesn't even warrant writing about in your own personal diary, and yet here it is on the internet like it's some kind of accomplishment.
Some "devil's advocates" (I'd call them assholes) might argue that it's for the author's own entertainment, but there are multiple things wrong with this thinking, and I'll cover the big ones:
1. Usually these events were boring (often by the author's own admission) at the time, so you definitely wouldn't want to relive them,

2. If they are just for the author's personal recreation, why can anyone access them at any given time?

and finally,

3. Assuming they aren't just for the author's recreation, who else is the intended audience? Who gets a kick out of this bullshit?

So, that's the end of a very yayelicious kind of day. Aw man, Avril Lavine is shrieking at me, I wish she wouldn't. I'm off for now, see y'all laters, and huge huggies!

All right, take it easy. You just checked off my entire "douche bag vocabulary list" in two sentences.
Anyway, so, in the morning I was playing this Q9, which is an awesome action adventure, but unlike most of these, easy to play key wise, I mean just a few simple strokes to remember, and no 3 d sound.

Oh viral marketing.
Also obligatory:
>side scroller

Well, we had two platefuls of this awesome Southern home cooking

>two platefuls
I'm guessing you're several pounds on the side of morbidly obese. Actually I know this to be true, based off your avatar.
Now here's a post about her new wheelchair, and I'm guessing the aforementioned Southern cooking had something to do with this development.
Here's a post with the "word" "crapasticated", which isn't a word in case you have a nail in your head or don't speak English (or both), now here's a post where she has what sounds like a serious psychotic episode (which she somehow makes really boring)-- hmm.
Yeah I think I'm done mucking about in this stall.
Be seeing you, AIDS patients.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Fucking Christmas

I don't even know why I'm bothering today. Don't you people have anything better to do?
I know I sure don't, so let's rumble.
So first thing we have is a post about what she's thankful for, which is unfortunate, but like all holidays (even ones with dubious claim to fame, like St. Patrick's Day) that's all anyone can fucking post about.

Today I am thankful for being artistic and creative.

Fuck me. Also you'll have to forgive the lack of hilariousreactionimage.jpgs, because I'm posting this from my new netbook :3
It is, as they say in the hood, "very kawaii ^.^" (translator's note: kawaii means cute in Japanese)
I feel pretty blessed in this department. I may not have the exquisite vision of a Monet or a Picasso

Ha, ha, no, that's an understatement. I MAY NOT BE AS GOOD AS MONET... I mean I haven't seen your shit, but I'm sure it's just that: shit.
I guess this is also a "I am thankful for My Sweetie being such a sweet and thoughtful man" post, but then I am grateful for that every day.

This post was made on the 23rd, incidentally. I get the feeling we may be in this for the long haul.

A number of members and friends have been asking me what I am doing differently. If you don't care, just skip the rest...

That is mighty tempting, but if "not caring" was the only criteria I had for skipping posts I'd never update again so you better fucking show me, I guess.

Today I am thankful for my computer and the internet in general.

THANK YOU INTERNET FOR LETTING ME POST HOW THANKFUL I AM FOR YOU-- this is really starting to get clusterfucky, isn't it?

Today I am thankful for being able to sleep, and sleep well.

Also why are you posting what you're thankful for on Christmas? Isn't this a Thanksgiving thing? Hence the name, THANKSGIVING?

Whoever said that brevity was the soul of wit was not talking about me.

Who said that? Some hack named Shakespeare or something, I think. No big deal.
Also he'd fucking know about brevity, captain "I have this story and I better tell it over a five act play when two would have sufficed, thanks"
Also there is no easier way to get me to skip an entry than to say something like "I have a bunch of shit I could say in a sentence, but instead I'm going to stretch it out over fifteen".

It is 31 degrees in Jamaica today. We are thinking of skipping Italy this Spring in favour of spending my birthday in a tropical setting instead. We found a really nice Tuscan-themed resort in Ochos Rios. It bills itself as having "The romance of Italy, the passion of the Caribbean"

Wow it must be nice having those problems. DO I SPEND MY HOLIDAY IN JAMAICA OR ITALY?
I mean I understand what it's like to be fairly well off, but you know people with some class tend not to flaunt it like this.
I lack food faith.

Maybe I can distract the angel of food failure from my stew by attempting to make biscuits to go with it.

Goddamn you are a douche.
Maybe if they are both bad, I will distract My Sweetie by serving the whole mess in a French Maid outfit.

Great now that image is ruined for me, thanks.
What is it with you people, honest to God? Is there some sort of daily douchebaggery quota you have to meet? Is it like a nine to five job for you?
No idea.
Now she took a "which Shakespeare play are you?" And I was secretly hoping she'd get Macbeth because of the totally awesome ending where she'd fucking die, but it called her 54% comical.
I have no idea what that means, but goddamn that seems really high to me. I'm not really sure how you can quantify comedy, but if you can, she is not 54% comedic. Is there some sort of comedy deficit where someone, like me, has to be extra funny to make up the difference?
It was a women's only gym, but frankly I don't see men doing this class anyway. Lots of calls to "squeeze your balls". It might make some of them nervous.

On the contrary, I squeeze my balls all the time.
I am RIGHT NOW, in fact.

I am just juvenile enough to find that amusing!

Huh, huh, huh lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Now here's a poll about whether or not she should send the people who read her blog (presumably family) Christmas photos. Now if you haven't seen the poll, you might assume this is a choice of two (perhaps 3 if "I don't give a fuck" is a choice) potential answers, but you will then be amazed to learn this poll has seventeen possible answers. Who knew Christmas pictures were such a complex affair?
Now here are some photos she took on her cruise and she really thinks I give a fuck, doesn't she?
Well I clicked because I wanted to see what variety of bovine I was dealing with, and now I know.
But I still don't care.

My Sweetie has a Masonic function tonight and I have a staff meeting.

Enjoy your super cool secret club, bro. "No girls allowed", even. What are you, nine?
Ohh better stop making fun of you now, though, or your husband will bust out some crazy Masonic powers, huh?
I guess that's it, then. Enjoy your silly Pagan holidays, heretics.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ah Nostalgia~

Remember back to the dim dark age of summer 2008? Remember all those anorexia blogs?
Hell yeah, you do.
Well let's revisit fond memories~

To be perfectly honest I don't really remember too much about those, but from what I recall this one seems more mean spirited than the previous ones. Look at that fucking logo. OH YEAH, HAVEN'T EATEN IN THREE DAYS, HAVE YOU? WELL LOOK, SOME DELICIOUS ICE CREAM. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO EAT ALL OF IT, YOU FATFUCK.
Or maybe that's just me reading too far into it.
I'm not really sure what I mean by "reading too far into it" because no one can over think themselves more than these bitches, so no, I didn't put too much thought into it, at least not compared to them.
I’m such a loser. Today was supposed to be fasting day 5, but I caved and ate. I ate soo much I shocked everyone in the restaurant. To make matters worse, I’m not 139lbs like I was this morning. I’m a whopping 143.5.

>weighs more than I do
I’ll do a hard workout until I wanna pass out. I hate myself. Everytime I get control and start doing good, I always screw up. YOU SUCK CARRIE!

Maybe it's because I'm an OCD nerd but I actually have thoughts not revolving around me. Admittedly they are usually towards something in my little world, but still, they are not *directly* about me. In fact, today most of my thoughts were "holy shit my perfect IV Azelf is so fucking awesome holy shit he has 252 special attack and speed EVs this guy is going to be a motherfucker when I get him to 100". Just working on flamethrower so I can torch any potential Metagrosses.
Oh right, this.
I weighed in. 147.5 at the end of the day. I haven't really gone to the bathroom in a while if you know what I mean lol.


But that's no excuse. I was 138. Fuck.
Definately restricting til I get back down. I'm a fuckin whale.
I jus got an itouch so I'll be able to check as much as I want which I am super excited about : )

Most people would be happy about, you know, having an iPod Touch, but I guess being able to obsessively check your weight is something. I guess.

I'm glad I'm in florida with warm weather but I don't really fit into my shorts!!! Help!

Again, someone who weighs more than me. Are we, as a society, so morbidly obese any weight loss is immediately branded "anorexic"? I've seen the tendency, to be honest.
i hope the hoildays are going as well as they are going for me.

Way to avoid the pronoun "you" in that sentence. I suppose it wouldn't truly be an anorexic group if it wasn't 100% about the poster.

My dad has decide to cut back on the juck food this year because he wants to lose weight.

Doesn't "juck" sound like some kind of racial epithet? Fucking jucks moving into my goddamn neighborhood and driving the real estate down. They also smell bad.

Oh hi.

purged once today:\ I was rly high and had insaane munchies so I binged.
Sugoi monogatari, aniki. (translator's note: "sugoi mongatari, aniki" means "cool story, bro" in Japanese)
blaa recovery is annoying at times like this. It's weird because I'm more happy when I allow myself to purge, not like once a day though more like what I was doing the past year. 5-8 times a day.

Is vomiting 5-8 times a day for a year bad for the heart? Seems like it might be, I don't know. At the very least, it doesn't seem advisable.

I know I need to stop though. I'm just always stressed out now because the only way i know to relieve stress is purging. fuckit.

Bitch: get a DS. Now.
On second thought, don't. I'd just obliterate your shitty team with my perfect IV Azelf and then you'd stick a dick down your throat and puke or however that works.

I've been b/ping like a mad person, and my scale got moved when my mom was cleaning, so I've no clue where I am from the 121 that I got down to (Lost two pounds, yay.)

b/ping? Oh, binging and purging.
I get it.

So today I didnt even weigh myself today- i really dont think i can. I binged last night and couldnt even purge. I ate a mozzarella stick,a recess cup and a tiny piece of bagel

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve !

Is it?
Oh shit, it is. Huh.

i wish plastic surgery was cheap. i would have so many :( even though ppl say am pretty i rlly cant help but see my big nose, ugly teeth, huge muffin tops etc etc ...

Sounds like you're ugly. I hate to draw yet another comparison to Audrey Hepburn, so I won't.
No, instead let's make a comparison to her:

You can vomit your central nervous system out and you will never look like that. Give up.
Man I'd make an awesome anorexia counselor. I'd alternate between this brilliant tactic and saying "YOUR (sic) SO SKINNY U NEED TO EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!" followed by "WHOA SLOW DOWN ON THE CUPCAKES, FATTY!"
Anorexics need a constantly conflicting body image, right? Isn't that the problem?
i am rlly considering surgery i just want to feel better!! am sick of everything..and everyone! the more i cant stand myself, the more i cant stand people around me.

You know some people with that attitude become Batman or Kenshiro or something. Just saying.
Or no, I know who sounds exactly like that: Black Jack. Eccentric and brilliant surgeon without a license who performs all sorts of illegal but miraculous surgeries on those without a chance.
He has like half a zombie face or some shit.
Basically imagine House but 5000x more hardcore.
Remember all those episodes where House was being an emo fuck about his leg or whatever?
Black Jack was boxing people.
Two members have made fun and being ironic of ana mia's members.

Someone also posted a pic of chocolates in one of my post.

why are u so stupid bithces.....??!!ok u made ur point u say "styupid anorexic bitches askin for advice....bla bla bla " well i have on word to say to you

The fucking title image is ice cream. There's pictures of food all over the fucking place, so let's not go crazy, all right.
Also I'm enjoying some delicious Oreos at the moment.
Cause I rele want to be strong, but I'm a bit scared of passing out,
electoytle imbalance and death.....

>she means 'really'
Well, on another note: it's christmas tomorow. Excited. :)

>posted December 23rd
soooooooo I think that's it.
I mean there's more, of course, but there's only so much one person can say about all this.
I even recycled the "constantly conflicting body image" joke (shouldn't have said anything no one would have noticed~)

Monday, December 21, 2009


I wish you cows would shut up about that piece of fuck "Avatar" movie for three goddamn seconds so I can get my Friday review out of the way.
Which is rapidly how this entry is turning, by the way. It's something to "get out of the way".
I haven't even seen it (and I never will, thanks) but I can pretty much summarize that three hour bowel movement anyway: remember that other three hour bowel movement, Dances with Wolves?
It's that, minus Kevin Costner, plus about a hundred trillion dollars in budget and with a ton more blue furries. I just saved you almost three hours.
Hey, you're welcome.
Fortunately, lov_rev_21 didn't get the fucking memo and hasn't yet posted about Avatar, so thanks.

Yay! I got my PSATs back- I scored in the 99th percentile on reading, the 67th on math, and the 98th for writing/grammar. In all, that evened out to me ranking in the 97th percentile. Yay!

And? I got a near perfect on the language part on the actual SAT and yet somehow I managed to contain myself enough to not tell the internet.
Of course I did far, far worse than 67th percentile on math but even if I got a perfect score all the way around I'm sure I would have somehow avoided posting on my blog about it.
Here's another cute lolita meme, stolen again from the adorable Julie!

When did you first see lolita fashion?
Online. Back in maybe 6th grade, I used to surf photobucket for anime pictures, and I always liked the ones with elements of lolita fashion. Then, when I started reading manga, I started to find out more about it (There was no real one moment of discovery... it was process!)

That term sounded awfully familiar to me, and while you fags probably forgot, I never forget that I already reviewed a similar blog in the distant, misty past.
Ah nostalgia~
I lovelovelove the Bunny Milk and Strawberry Snow JSK from Baby the Stars Shine Bright! It's so cute. I want it in brown.


I do not want to be your girlfriend. Maybe. I don't know. I like you so much as a friend. I don't want to jeopardize that by dating you.

Bro you just got friend zoned. Time to pack it up.

Besides that, you're a guy. I've never dated a guy. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Men are different creatures entirely. They're demanding and strange.

>demanding and strange
>buys incredibly (and I do mean incredibly) expensive dresses in a faux-Victorian style and wears them around seriously
Well you certainly would know demanding and strange, wouldn't you?

Besides that, you're quite a bit older than me. Like... six years older than me.

So PSATs are, what, 11th grade?
So I guess you'd be about 16, so 16+6 = THAT'S ILLEGAL, DUDE.

I was selected to go on the Greece trip! I'm happy but not excited about it.

>going to Greece
>not excitedOh there's a picture of you.
You're a lot skinnier than expected.
I'm impressed?
I'm not sure what I mean by "impressed", to be honest.
I've a new Ipod-chan!

S/he's a handsome dark purple gen. 3 nano, 8 gigabytes. Very interesting! S/he was a birthday gift from my grandparents.

>gender assigned to inanimate objects
This might be the first time I've a male ipod. My first one was a green mischievous girl named Momo (who died mysteriously one night), my second is a passive-aggressive but loveable pink lady named Amandine. I need to get a feel for its personality before I go ahead and name it (or choose a gender)!

The new freshmen are so cute! I was in the cafeteria and saw a group of them walk up to the doorway and peeeeeek their heads around, as if unsure that they were allowed in . You're allowed, guys!

I always hated this shit LOOK HOW TINY THE FRESHMAN ARE-- yeah you were that small too, you yo-yo. Don't act all old now that you turned, what, 17?
Oh another picture of you.
How delightfully indulgent.
You're cute, I suppose (for being horribly misshapen)
yet I somehow can't shake the feeling that you're just not cute enough to be this obviously high maintenance. I hate to draw comparisons to people of far better stock, but if she:

Somehow avoided being high maintenance, you know. Let's cool it a little.
Now here's a post in French, which, no, isn't happening for several reasons--

Thank you for reading (if you did, which I assume you did, since I'm writing this... and you're reading it. Unless of course you're not, in which case you ought to, because I'm saying some rather nice things about you! What kinds of things, you wonder? Well... you're beautiful.

Well thanks for that, girl I've never met and indeed never will, but unfortunately flattery will not get me to delete those mean things I said.
And that's it. That's her very first post, awww. It's like watching a child grow.

Friday, December 18, 2009


I find today's blog a lot of fun to say aloud: Kaizokukingvj.
Just rolls right off the tongue.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid, maybe its cause this is what I feared.

I fell for her, I knew I shouldn't have.

Whatever, shit we've all heard before. The only reason I quote this, and indeed the only reason anyone might care is because soon we will be playing "guess the gender" and I feel this is an important entry into answering (or confusing, as is the case) the question.
I just...I have alot of things worrying me I guess.

Like will I pass any of my damn classes? was all that effort worth nothing? It doesn't help that I just found out theirs a new law in place that will extend the age of free insurance to non students from 18 to 26. SO FUCK ME RIGHT?

!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!??!!??!?! Not really sure why I quoted this, come to think of it.
Oh yeah and how about the constant worry that I might fuck up just enough that my dearest mother will finally just tell me to pack up my shit and get out? thats not concerning at all. Noooo.

Ughhh side note, Adam's breath smells like utter shit ( I'm stuck in a bed next to him draining the last remaining power on my laptop cause I can't turn on the light to find a plug) he just turned his head to me in his sleep and is breathing heavily, the stink pouring out my way (UGGGHHH BRUSH YOUR TEETH YOUR FUCKING DISGUSTING)

That's charming.
I guess this is a guy and that's his brother?

Like I sat in this bed for an hour and thought " what if I will never be able to get my license? What if my sensory integration disorder holds me back at that too?

Whoa that somehow turned me into an Ork. That's pretty douchey, bro.
Let's consult Wikipedia:
Sensory integration dysfunction is a term used to describe difficulty with sensory integration.[citation needed]

Great so that's cleared that one right up.

and fuck if I can't get my license how am I supposed to get a job?

Asshole: bus schedule.
and then there is this the impossible situation with the girl I like. Shes wonderful and damn near everything I have been looking for and heck the girl even likes me back too. Sounds great right? we can talk for hours and hours and all she does is make me smile profusely I can't get her out of my head.

Asshole: sitting outside of the girl's lavatory masturbating furiously when she steps out of the shower does not, in civilized society, equal a conversation.
Believe me, I have the restraining orders to prove it.
Also: what the fuck is the goddamn problem? She "like likes" you, and you "like like" her, so what the shit?
But par the usual course she lives 8 hours a way and if I want to go into slightly more privy details has a boyfriend ( at least as far as I know at this moment) she usually makes a point to talk to me as much as pos

Shut up, listen to me. Bitch is playing you. Or, she won't break up with her boyfriend because you're a "nice guy" and he's more the "asshole she'll stay with" type, which frankly dude, you're pretty much a goddamn pussy so that seems the most likely case.
You can either man the fuck up and steal her out from under that asshole or move on. Shit or get off the pot, as they say.
and she has been having problems with her boyfriend ( who even worse I know and respect, but ack you can't help who you fall for right?) but right now she is probably still with him and who knows maybe they worked things out, in one sense I'll be happy.

Can I call this shit or what?
You're probably the type who then goes on to internet forums I peruse bitching about how you're "so lonely" when we're ostensibly talking about video games.
Also: the cute girl at Gamestop is hired specifically for the reason to sell video games to cave-dwelling ogres such as yourself, so no, she isn't really hitting on you. Dope.
I hate this situation hate might be too strong I'm just frustated. I like a girl who is having boyfriend troubles, she likes me, alot it seems.

Honest to God. "Talk to me when you get a fucking clue" would be my response.
There's, what, nine billion people on the planet and 4.5 billion are women? Just saying, dude. You could probably find someone else.
I have known for quite sometime that my happiness is going to be hard to achieve, I want fame and recognition for creativity

its something you need luck to get.

Also you need, you know, talent.

I wrote one story not to long ago, that quite alot of people liked, I'd like to flush that out a bit.

Flesh*, although "flush" is probably accurate to what should really happen.
Now there's a post about how he "envies Team Rocket" from Pokemon, and after sitting here for about five minutes searching the deep recesses of my brain for something witty to say, then consulting my (now diminished) reaction image folder, I don't really have anything to say about it.
So moving on--
Now there's some more bullshit where he "feels used" and here's a drawing he did which, bro, if that's your talent, good luck getting acknowledgment for it. I doodle better shit when I'm bored.
I'm not even trying to be all pro, either. I fucking suck at drawing.

I'm all talk aren't I? I'm supposed to be strong. People look up to me don't they?

No to the last part, that is. I don't know what you mean by "I'm all talk" because your "talk" basically amounts to "I'm a goddamn pussy" and yeah, you are that, so-- no, I guess you aren't all talk. So, "no" to both parts, then.
I want to be held.

Ugh, this doesn't end, does it?
I feel like emotionally I'm trapped in a gray room, rocking back and forth in the fetal position crying out for salvation, waiting ever so patiently for the cavalry to arrive and remove me from my colorless prison to colorful freedom.

Blanket statement to all blogs, incidentally.

I'm reminded of Persona 3's nod to Revelations in the description of the hospital I'm in it seems like no one is here but my attendant her names cindy but I will call her Maya.

Okay whoa, whoa. Let's take this easy.
Okay obviously he means "Revelations: Persona" the first Persona game, and not-- the Bible.
Is there a hospital in Persona 3? I know the main character winds up there at the start and he returns later to visit-- all right, there's no getting around it. I fucking love SMT. I'm an SMT expert, and even this is way over my head.

Waiting for Maya to come back take my lunch order and put me to sleep.

Maya was the reporter from Persona 2 though, wasn't she? I don't really--
Of feeling like I am not good enough for anyone. Like seriously do I have to get fucking lipo suction to be accepted by a girl?

Ah yes, the ever-separating asshole that is the live triangle between being a cave troll forever and your desire for human contact.
So tomorrow I'm going to a party filled with models. Amy says shes going to try to set me up with one too lol.

Models, known for their depth of character, will assuredly be attracted to our fat friend here, our fat friend who can't drive, doesn't have a job and can't stop whining.
All right this is starting to give me a goddamn headache. I've experienced similar whining from girls but at least that had the added bonus of breasts, but this-- this.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I have always felt that the semicolon should be filed under the "with restraint" category. Alongside the exclamation point and the ellipsis, the semicolon should only be used when there is absolutely no other way to properly express your meaning. However, unlike the exclamation point and the ellipsis, the semicolon doesn't exactly imply a certain tone. I think if you went through my blog you would find (outside of other people using it [likely improperly, of course]) maybe twice that I've used the semicolon. That's probably being generous. I wouldn't be surprised that I haven't used it at all in the past year and a half.
Actually, no, I tell a lie. I do recall using it once to make fun of someone else using it improperly.
So I'd be honestly surprised if I've used it more than once.
So imagine my surprise when I come across this blog, a blog that manages to use the semicolon a staggering 42 times on the front page alone.
And you'll never guess what: amazingly, not all of them are properly used.
I know, I know.

Kristen's fiery passion, indeed, makes very nations fearful.
I don't know. It's grammatically correct but it lacks the nuances of someone who actually knows how to write (or speak English). Usually when you say "indeed" it's to expound on something, not the OPENING FUCKING SENTENCE. Sometimes you can do shit like that to emulate picking up a conversation at the midpoint but no, this just sucks. Also: "very nations"? Shouldn't that be "the" very nations? Even with a definite article it still doesn't make much sense. The very nations of what? Who the fuck is Kristen?

I terrified and angered several people over a blog I posted on Facebook the other day.

Oh no, you've invoked the wrath of FACEBOOK? What are you going to do with yourself?
Does the fact that I am so passionate about these selected people really scare everyone? Or is it that I wasn't passionate about them, and they desperately needed to feel like it was? Is passion so forgotten and disliked that it's now a complete social taboo?
Passionate FOR FUCKING PEOPLE ON FACEBOOK, sweetheart. Don't act like you're fucking Passion of the Christ (different meaning of passion but whatever) on this shit, please.

I dreamt that I had become relatively successful; lived upper-middle-class; payed my debts.

I don't know why people have such problems with this. Just look at a semicolon. It's a period on top of a comma. THAT EXPLAINS THE MEANING.
Also she calls this dream "a nightmare" which if those are nightmares I'd like to see your good dreams.
So skipping through some nonsense I come to this:

I have always believed that YHWH misplaced my eyes when he put me together.

Oooookay. "YHWH" also known as the "Tetragrammaton" (not a Transformer, honest) is some sort of fancy-pants Hebrew bullshit for the TRUE NAME OF GOD because his name isn't "GOD" or even "JESUS" it's something so HORRIFIC AND TERRIFYING if you knew it'd blow your mind up like Kenshiro just punched you square in your stupid face.
Which in terms of Biblical bullshit is actually pretty awesome, but I've never actually seen anyone outside of, say, the yo-yos that wrote Xenogears seriously use it.

My mother has beautiful, clear, grey-green eyes. My dad has equally lovely deep brown eyes.
Megan and myself got brown eyes and my younger sister has lovely hazel eyes.

So we can trust God "misplaced your eyes" (God, as WE ALL KNOW, is perfect as his creation, so you're a FILTHY HERETIC for suggesting otherwise) or we can do some high school science to figure it out. I made a chart demonstrating how such a MYSTERIOUS EVENT could occur but I'll spare anyone reading this the details and just call you an idiot.
I wore hazel contacts today, and very little makeup. and people still told me I was pretty.
I believe that there is a certain honesty that lighter colors bring out in me. A certain vulnerability... a realistic me.

Oh please, do continue.
The one I dont want people to know.
This is the part of me that deeply desires to be held by someone they love. This is the one who dreams of her broken past becoming an equally broken future.
When I dont look like myself, i feel more like myself than when I dress normally. There's something wrong with me, I know.

Oh I was just kidding about that "do continue" thing. It was sarcastic, see.
Now she has an "lolxD" post about various philosophers answering the ol' classic "why did the chicken cross the road?" and they're all very douchey except for one from my personal hero, Tomás de Torquemada, first Inquisitor General of Spain:

Thomas de Torquemada: Give me ten minutes with the chicken and I'll find out.

Nobody fucks with Torquemada.
He's pretty much the only person directly imported into Warhammer 40,000 with absolutely no changes made to his character and yet he fits perfectly.
I've also, for the first time since I have begun considering at the age of 13, I have decided that it is my sincere desire to be Jewish. A local Rabbi was gracious enough to make an appointment with me so I may ask what I must do to make the conversion.

You know you have to learn Hebrew, right?
Or maybe you don't anymore, shit. The Catholic church softened and doesn't require Latin.
Reflection can be a dangerous thing.

I've had too much time on my hands lately; and too much of it alone.

I'm afraid I've been thinking.
A dangerous pastime, I know.

(kudos if you sang along)

I'm trying to imagine the tune you would play behind those lines and nothing that makes sense is really coming to mind.

despite my low GPA from Otis screwing me over.

Oh look at that handy excuse "MY GPA IS SCREWING ME OVER". Well who got that low GPA?
Listen, I just survived the douchiest semester of college in history and I still came out with like a 3.6 or something. Not my personal best, but I'm not all "passionate" and shit like you are, so you should be able to do much better than me.

But if things have to be this way, I'm not gonna try to fight it anymore.

I've tried so hard,

OH FUCK. Of all the songs to be reminded of, this reminds me of a... Linkin Park(?) song.
I have to hand it to you. Even the douchebaggiest of the douches at least remind me of something like Al Green or Aerosmith. You remind me of Linkin Park.
That's-- that's something to be proud of, I guess.
Now she's quoting the blog of someone else and I can only summarize it as "the ramblings of a fucking mental patient," but it does contain this line:

Yeah that'd be called a parry, bro. Parry and riposte. Basics of fencing, now. Of course only the French can do something queer like add a point-based rule system to sword fighting but okay I'll roll with it. (look up fencing terms for added hilarity. Suddenly fencing sounds like a mix of ballet and gay porn)

I decided to get away this weekend; go to yuma.

So you know what's way fucking better than anything I'll ever read in this blog? 3:10 to Yuma.
In fact, yeah fuck this noise. Going to go watch a movie or something.

Monday, December 14, 2009

This isn't happening

Sometimes I come across an entry so incredibly douchey I like to imagine it's some kind of "ironic joke" that I just don't get so I can get some kind of distance on it, but there's always the sneaking truth that whoever posted this is dead fucking serious and I have what I can only describe as a "holy fuck what am I doing?" moment. It's sort of like Pandora's box. I know what's in it, so why the fuck am I opening it?
Me (posts a video of Gackt naked in Takano Yuri CM) : you've seen that right?
My Friend: *_*.....................................
Me: No?
after a while
Me: where are you disappearing always?
after a couple of minutes
My Friend : *breaths *my bro caught me watching that and went out screaming I'm watching chinese porno!!! I had to catch him!!!!!
Me (totally cracks up): xDDDDDDDDDDDDD OMG I think I'll die laughing now xDDDDDDD
chinesss porno xDDDDDDD

Oh boy.
Here's a picture of some lady dressed up like a man I think, and she's off to draw "T_T" now. Eat a dick, goddamn.
Now there's like 10,000 posts about Gackt, one of which contains an avatar with the words "samurai spirit" below it. Let's think about this for a moment, shall we?

Pretty much what I think of when the word "samurai" comes up.
Here's Gackt:Maybe I don't know what a samurai is (highly unlikely upon introspection. Level 42 samurai in FFXI. I think I know, okay), but Gackt doesn't exactly strike me as the type. Something about the makeup and the girlish figure and him being undoubtedly adverse to sword fights at dawn.
Now here's a poem entitled "Sweet Dreams". I immediately turned on the Eurythmics because, uhhh, but let's see how this goes:
So beautiful
I've never seen that place
When the trip is over
I want to go with you

I go on ahead to the next city, until, before I know it, you're far away.
Continually filling the hole in my heart with violent noise, I fell asleep

Hmmm the lyrics are suddenly reminding me of that song "Back to Paradise" from Gundam 0083 in that, like everything from that show, it was awesome and this sucks, so-- wait.
You know, many days like this have come and gone; even though we are apart, I'm still feeling it.
Whenever I am alone, in my thoughts I talk to you...

I wonder if you've already gone to sleep?

Holy shit why did I pick this blog? I should have checked more carefully. It's just image upon image now.
Which is great, I might add. I sure can look at Gackt forever and think "wow what a super faggot".
that practice will end me.... I don't want the new week to start...*sobs* T_T

geez... Gackt is taking over my fanatism world! I totally forgot my other favorites! Totally abandoned Nishikido and Alex Band.... Sorry guys! The weird thing is that I used to like only female artists, now it's opposite o_O well if we won't include Zhang Ziyi....

Being an expert in all things kung fu I actually know who Ziyi Zhang is but I'm assuming the other people are singers and she's an actress, so I don't really know what's going on, here. Which would be par for the course, honestly, but I don't really--
Do we Dears have to do the same as that psycho Miley Cyrus fan and threat to make a meal from our cats to make that man sleep more?!

I guess my main problem with this blog is I can pretty much just point to any given entry and just say "LOOK AT THIS SHIT."
Um... I have a weird love for criminal stories....... I wanna share one with you....... Involving cannibalism....I'm really dumb for writting this here while I'm all alone in the "flat"..but i'll do it... Yeah.. Let me introduce you a man named Issei Sagawa......

All right let me spare your period key, honey, and spoil the story: he ate some Australian hostesses.
Yes I, too, watch the True Crime channel.
Anyone has a HQ full lenght picture of Gackt's Diabolos "Lust fro blood" coat? I need it badly! T_T
WORDS. I hear tell of something called a "spelling and grammar checker" but I don't know, I think it's a dark and forbidden magic.
Also I like how she accuses everyone of ripping off this Gackt dude when I seem to recall a guy named, what was it? Alice Cooper or something? Doing similar shit in the 70s. Just saying.
He had the added bonus of releasing good songs as well, so something to think about.
Now she claims to be a fan of Britney Spears and I officially want to apologize for making fun of your music taste. It's really brave of you to be a music fan and deaf at the same time.
Okay this Gackt thing has to stop, seriously. This is getting ridiculous. I understand you're a fan, but it's time to post about something unrelated. Perhaps, and this is probably asking for too much, something unrelated to Japan?
Nope, no end in sight-- time to do something else.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Here today we have some kind of bullshit. Something I would have hoped I escaped at the end of this semester, but I guess it's rearing its ugly head for one final "hey fuck you bro"
Since, like all people like this, the concept of editing for conciseness or clarity is far beyond their weak kung fu, so I'll take the liberty of fixing that.
So here's a story about murder but she made it boring somehow, I don't know. Her conclusion is that it's "probably for the best" that a guy who killed three people doesn't get out of jail. Taking a controversial stance, I see.
One day my son is going to ask me about the ugliness in the world and he'll ask me how it is one person's actions can destroy so many lives, and why there isn't more done to stop it.

"Read the short story (or watch the movie, whichever) 'Minority Report' and check back with me."
Actually read the story. I won't do anything pretentious like say "it's better than the movie" but it does feature 100% less Tom Cruise.
I think a teenager kinda sorta flirted with me in Wal-Mart today. If he was a day over 18, I'll eat my hat.

The really sad part is I saw him later with his mother, and then I realized why he looked so damn familiar. I know his older brother from high school, and I even went to his house once. His older brother was two years younger than me.

I feel like a dirty old woman. Seriously, wtf?

Way to go, grandma!
We're so completely incapable of respecting women that we don't realize the heroic odds against which women labor to lead full lives.

Maybe it's because I'm a huge mythologfag but I kind of resent the term "heroic odds" in application to average existence.
Even if you hit fifteen royal flushes in a row in poker it's-- actually that'd be pretty awesome, come to think of it. Yeah, when that happens you can call yourself a hero.
And, God, I'm so damned sick of idiots who whine, "But don't you believe women should take basic precautions?! All it is is locking a door....or wearing pants....or not drinking....or not having a life......:"

Having played with a woman character in FFXI for going on a year now, I'm convinced you're fully capable of defending yourself. Just make sure your pants are Byakko's Haidate and you're toting a blau doch (German grammar ahoy! [brotip, SE: it should be baluer doch]) or something.
Remember: someone always has the upper hand, so make sure it's you!
Here's the precautions that people think women should take: don't wear mini skirts, high heels, walk at night, keep your keys poked out between your fingers, don't park in ramps, don't wear overalls, long hair, ponytails, drink with guys, go to parties, and in short, don't have fun.

It's probably my unique advantage of being a white man (and am therefore more likely to do the raping than be raped) but all of these sound like perfectly reasonable conclusions. I mean look at Shaolin monks: no one is raped less than Shaolin monks, and it's because they're bald and masters of kung fu.

Live in fear, ladies, is the message, and then people will gloat because, hey, somebody's got to suffer, and isn't that women are supposed to do?

Live in fear is sound advice, actually. People are far too trusting of other people. This applies to men as much as women, but women are more likely to be raped, so it's probably safe to take some precautions.
Never once have I heard my male friends warned to look over their shoulder, to walk with their keys ready to fend off an attacker, to keep an eye on a drink at a party lest someone slip something into it, etc.

I do all of this shit just because it pays to be alert. I also watch the drinks of others. Nothing gets through on my watch.
Haven't caught anyone slipping anyone a roofie but I have caught someone SNEEZING ON SOMEONE'S DRINK GROSS.
Also the CIA keeps emailing me about a job fair. Coincidence? Hell no, they know about my super spy powers.
On the one hand, I really dislike religion and its trappings. I'm nowhere near an atheist, but I tend to be far more spiritual than anything else,

No not reading this.
It's frustrating. For a long time I felt nothing, then a few months ago I mentioned wanting to get back into the whole pagan deal, but nothing ever came of it.

Ha, ha, ha, ha llllllllllllllllll.
You know, there's many a night when I lie in bed and ask myself questions. The questions range from the mundane (Did I turn off all the lights? Did I put the kiddo's folder in his backpack for shool?) to the spiritual (Is there really an afterlife?) and the philosophical (Is this the real life, or just fantasy? Am I caught in a landslide with no escape from reality?*). But in all honesty** there is no question I ask myself more than this: "What's the precise percentage of skin a woman should expose in order to attract a male partner*** and not look like a cheating whore?"

I don't usually ask myself questions so much as wonder what life would be like if sleep worked like the Elder Scrolls games. You know, a bar just pops up and empties and suddenly 9 hours have passed?
A local dentist, someone I went to when I was the kiddo's age, shot and killed himself the day before yesterday.

True story: dentists are three times more likely to kill themselves than any other occupation.
Now here's the world's longest post that is way too much fucking personal information, but it's totally awesome.
Guess how many mental breakdowns she's had? At least one!

I...I think I'm starting to like Lady Gaga, guys. I might even purchase her albums...


Now there's a series of Tweets that she seriously overestimates herself if she thinks I'm reading.
Good day, all.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Just rolled past the 1,000,000 gil mark in FFXI, got samurai to level 38 and all in all life was feeling good, another hour wasted to Mee Deggi (got yet another pair of impact knuckles and all I lost was my dignity) notwithstanding, it put me in a pretty good mood. Winter break is about to get into swing with only one more final (Japanese final, I have this in the bag) remaining, life is pretty good. The past two days have treated me well.
I'm not sure where to start, really. I guess it's hard to open properly without first addressing that image she linked, but it's so clearly trollbait (something she even admits to, yet she falls for it hook, line and sinker so I'm not really sure what her point was in pointing out its obvious status as a trolling attempt when it so clearly succeeded). I guess some people can't help themselves?

Do I realize that shipping is not like being in a relationship? Yes.

Have I ever been in a relationship with a real live person? Yes, thank you for assuming I haven't.

"Shipping", as I understand it, is writing fanfiction about relationships. You know that part in Gundam where Amuro acts like a fucking spastic and gets thrown in the brig for two weeks for being a tool factory and Fraw Bow comes to visit him and all you're thinking is "please God let the next scene have Char in it," well some people were watching that shit with bated breath.
I don't get it, mang.
Also I crossed out your last line because "internet relationships" don't fucking count.
Have I ever been in love with someone? Yes.

Have I ever loved someone "enough to respond to their 'Jump' with nothing but 'How high?'" No.

Because I am not a fucking dog.


Just. WAT.

... Sad thing is, I'm tempted to do it. For the lulz.


This annoyed me so much I decided I would share with you all.

In 2010,

Doesn't matter. World is ending.
Oh wait that's 2012. Sorry, proceed.

a Spiderman musical is coming out on Broadway. It's called "Spider-man: Turn Off the Dark." If you thought to yourself "man that's a shit title," then you thought the same thing I did.

Actually the first thing I thought to myself was "I really care about whatever the fuck it is I'm reading."
The worst two minutes I've spent this month were listening to Julie Taymor justify that subtitle by relating some ridiculous story Bono apparently told her about a little kid who once asked his dad to "turn off the dark" rather then "turn on the light."

Really? Good month, then.
I mean yeah it features Bono, which in terms of shittiness probably ranks up there, but hey.
Oh, did I forget to mention? Bono and The Edge wrote the score. Excellent.

This does sound pretty dire. Spider-man is pretty much a fagort anyway, so adding a score by U2 doesn't help.
The Smut Writer's Meme: Name any pairing from past or current fandoms and ask me a question. I'll tell you anything you want to know about their sex lives from my own personal fanon.

Wow that is a Thanksgiving treat! Also: "fanon"? Really? You know if you had your own creative talent you could invent your own canon of whatever the fuck it is you wanted, but of course that won't happen because you're too busy pondering how "kawaii" Amuro and Char would be together.
Guys. Guys. The crossover fic is writing itself in my head and I want it OUT.

When I saw "With my bb Keanu portraying Spike this is an overload of goodness" in the comments I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.



Someone suggested Dakota Fanning = Mello and I'll admit, I lol'd.

I'm. About 85% certain they were kidding :|

Here was my face when I read this:

You know what's weird about reading this manga?

The protagonist is a horrible, horrible human being. And I have no sympathy for vigilantism. But... I like him!

This must be what they call "good writing", something you will surely never experience first hand.

He's got "death by hubris" written all over him.

That's right, bitch. Nemesis doesn't fuck around.
So I was reading Dan Brown's new book. Yes I know. Shut up. I know they're terrible and they're factually questionable and deliberately controversial, yadda yadda, but they're kind of fun.

Actually they're not factually questionable. It's undeniably fiction.

I think I should learn how to swear at people in Yiddish. Because all insults in Yiddish are hilarious.

Like so: Ale tseyn zoln bay im aroysfaln, not eyner zol im blaybn oyf tsonveytung.

Which means "All his teeth should fall out except one to make him suffer."

Get your fucking act together, Yiddish. This is why you're a dying language.
Pick a paragraph (or any passage less than 500 words) from any fanfic I've written, and comment to this post with that selection. I will then give you a DVD commentary on that snippet:

It's kind of funny that you think anyone gives a shit.

Inarticulate rant is inarticulate and ranty, but I am just so.
SO fucking pissed about this healthcare debate right now. Pissed at Obama, too, for even considering dropping the public option. How is that healthcare reform, if you drop that? I don't even think that having a public option is enough.

Heh, armchair politicians.

There's my reaction to this kind of bullshit.
Obama should push this bill through the way he wants it, and say "fuck you" to anyone who complains.

Okay I feel equipped to respond to this. Obama is a fucking pussy. He's a weak motherfucker. He wouldn't say "fuck you" if you shit on his breakfast table. He's a goddamn weak-willed, do nothing wimp.
Gone are the days where there were strong and dynamic leaders.




I'm bi, if you don't like it deal w/it.
Also: lol high school girls thinking they're bi and admitting to it on the internet so they think guys will find them hot.
Didn't work then, doesn't work now.
Fair warning: do NOT click that link if you're not in the mood to get angry. Not just "some asshole cut me off in traffic" angry, either. I'm actually shaking with rage right now, that is how bad this is.

This is apparently about a blog where women post creepy letters their (presumably ex) boyfriends wrote them. I'll read this, because I'm always in the mood for some FUCKING FURY.
Yeah I read it. Here's my official blanket reaction to your blanket reaction:
Well I have shit to do. Be seeing you, AIDS patients.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Holy Fuck

hey guys what would you do if i typed every entry like this with no punctuation or mechanics or grammar what would you do youd probably stop reading right i mean no one wants to read stream of consciousness horseshit people like their thoughts edited with some clear and overriding purpose instead of just verbal diarrhea splattered onto a page
dude so ive been dating this kid for a while omg i really like him and its crazy im tired of looking for qualities other people had in him omg i just like the way he is and hes driving me crazy. i didnt go to jail which is awesome and idk rene got whjat he deserved i guess.

See what I mean?
my lil sister is super jealous of my bf shes scared hes gonna take me away from her i hate that no one can take me away from her i love her more than anything that lil tard muffin. she just crazy but i cant let her get in my head and ruine this relationship.

Aw man I wish my old hard drive hadn't exploded and I still had that picture of Burt from Sesame Street and it says "that's real fuckin' neato" on it.
I would reeact the ending scean from pinapple express at the end whe the three guys are sitting eating breakfast and talking lol id be the dude james franco plays and whitt would be the seth roga character and virginia would be the other dude whos dying lol...or the fight scene from the same movie would be cool...

So on a totally unrelated note I came into some wealth in FFXI thanks to a bro who is quitting "FOREVER". I don't know, do I keep the utsusemi: ni scroll, woodsman rings and haubergeon and unload the other shit for Ochiudo's Kote or do I unload everything for a peacock charm?
Decisions, decisions.
I'm not sure if I'd have enough for a peacock charm, actually. Better start cashing out to see how much I can actually get before I start doing this.
Omg im so bord i really usually like this class but today i wish someone would shoot me in my dome haha i wish testing was abolished and they just knew what you knew by reviewing your work and if you cheat then thats yo problem....

So here's a little setup. Here's her "writer's block" question for the day. Usually I avoid this type of post like the plague because frankly who gives a shit, but her answers are just so delightful I decided I'd share. Here's the question:
Has your idea of the perfect romantic partner changed with age? Do you think we can teach ourselves to desire partners who are better for us or are we constrained by the laws of attraction?

Okay, then, here's her answer:
I never really had anything in mind other than prince charming from like every fairy tale...but then i fuigured out that he was like in every fairy tale story...sooo i dont want no tryflin man lol he played all the princesses so the i just gave up....i guess it changed by from men to women hahaha in like 6th grade

So if I were to grade this for clarity, content, grammar, and whether it stuck TO THE FUCKING QUESTION NOT THREE INCHES ABOVE THE POST, I'd have to give this a 0/100.
Of course because this is a public school and I'm interested in keeping my job and not having a parental/administrative/student shitfit I'll pass her with a 95/100.
What (if any) books would you ban from a high school library? Are there certain subjects that you feel are inappropriate for teenagers regardless of literary merit?

Wtfork kinda question is this? they should just not have a library in school cuz then we have to do stuff in school i hate doing projects in school i rahter go to a regular library or a book store if i need a book. oh and yeah do you guys always ask smart questions on her what happened to the life and death questions they were waaaaaaaayyyyy funner!

Are you ready?

Ya think you can tell us what to do
Ya think you can tell us what to wear
You think you're better
Well you better get ready
Bow to the masters

Break it down!

Ha, ha whoa easy there, Beastie Boys.

Degenerate into something fool
We just got tired of doin' what ya told us to do
That's a breaks boy, Yeahhhh
Ah, That's a breaks little man, Break it down

Degeneration X, Degeneration

Say you can tell me what to do
Ya know who your talkin' to

All right, honest to God. The huge fluorescent green font on a white background is too much, stop it.
Oh another one.
And another one, good grief.
Dude fork my done trying with people like really im super nice and caring and no one gives a fork about me! From now on its my family my job and drink!

Fork my life? I'm pretty sure you can say "fuck" on the internet unless there's some new law I was unaware of, or you live in a police state where they monitor your internet.
I developed insomnia for one. I cant get any medication for it because id eat em like candy. I can be creatice anymore and sometimes i see things that arent there...thank you drugs.

THANK YOU DRUGS WOOOOOOOO. Incidentally I wish I had drugs right now because it would make reading this tripe that much easier. Also "drugs" rapidly becomes "drungs" in this post, but I don't feel like quoting the rest of it.
Good grief. I cannot believe this shit. If you're just going to do the fucking writer's block every day instead of posting don't fucking bother. Tool.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Good news, everyone

I think I might have fixed Windower and APradar for FFXI. I think it might have been the UAC on Windows 7 being mighty anal, so I turned it off. I know most people have it off anyway because it's an annoying cunt but whatever, I didn't.
Also got the new version of APradar. It's pretty fucking nice.
Not that I use these things at all when I play, because that would be against the rules and unethical to the extreme. I just install them as a technological challenge. Whew, that was a close one.
So here we have something-or-other, I don't really know~
YOU GUYS HOW AM I SO IN LOVE WITH NICK JONAS? Actually, more like, how am I him on the inside so much??? WHO I AM, possible one of the most relevant songs to my life right now. I know a lot of people were like "it's okay" but like, you don't get it, I FUCKING LOVE IT and I kinda wanna cry when I hear it cause that's the kind of insane person I am.

Whoa, okay.
AND JOE AND KEVIN WERE THERE TO SUPPORT HIM (and poor Joe, panning to him after the Taylor Swift nom, I was like, poor baby boy). Also, lol WHOIAM was a trending topic on Twitter *warm and fuzzy feelings*.

Okay. I get to be so above this shit because you know what I'm listening to --right now--?Motherfucker.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, ShinPoT, ILU. So, Yuuta and Shishido need to be BFFs right?

What the fuck am I reading?
Also, lol when I saw Hiyoshi I was pleased. The drunk coach confuses me, but that's okay. I don't know I feel about him. SANADA, NEVER CHANGE. Never back down. Haha. Was it just me or was Ryoma's face drawn kinda weird in that one panel with him being all snooty? Also, Ryoma, never good at doubles (only with Momo), so cute.

Now there's some pictures of her. Pretty much as expected. Greasy hair, heavy set, etc.
BUT LIKE, MERLIN, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. And I'm not gonna lie, I half expected Merlin to be all sad b/c like, idk he isn't Arthur's ~true love~. OMG MERLIN IS SO IN LOVE WITH ARTHUR, really I can't unsee/unthink it. It's totally canon. It's totally what the writers are doing. It's totally Colin making Merlin all gay for Arthur.

So remember when King Arthur was about knightly shit and romancing ladies and court intrigue?
I kind if miss that, actually. Just like how I miss Gundam being about giant robots instead of YET ANOTHER ANIMU TEEN DRAMA.
I use 'gay' and 'fag' all the time, jfc. It's like perfectly fine. I hate when gays get so offended. Okay I really hate it when ANYONE gets offended over shit like this. IDK I'm so laid back, it's like, how can this shit really affect you?

I learned in class that's a coping mechanism for RACISM AND INTOLERANCE. "I didn't really mean it so it's okay~" you're a horrible person.
Meanwhile in me world I don't actually give a shit but it seems like you might kind of feel bad about it so if I pick at it you'll get butthurt. :3
So I read a post so incredibly douchey I literally got dizzy. I think I might have a bit of a cold but whatever, it's totally this post.

So guise, I GOT SIMS 3 right? OMG, I can make sexy blue people! FUCK I JUST WANNA MAKE A MILLION SEXY BLUE PEOPLE. !!!!! I love that you can change their hair for each outfit, love love love it.

Heh, girls playing video games. I know I might have made comments about wanting gloves in FFXI "because they match" but that's different because-- uhh--

Also, for the first time I'm like making a straight couple! I AM CONFUSED TOO.

First and only time I played Sims was the first one and I made myself. I was a jewel thief and had four girlfriends. Sort of like real life~
ALSO, NO HOT TUB?!?!?!? Or did I just not see it? aklsdjf;ksdl;kjf The skills are different, the only thing that is weird is you have to like... "find" the skills first. Also, to get more social interactions, you have to level up your charisma. WUT.

Wow, leveling charisma makes you more sociable? This game sounds completely bonkers!
Anyways, ZOMG the Inside the Obama White House special? SO. MANY. FANGIRLING. MOMENTS. I was like giggling and shrieking every five seconds. Raaaaahhhhhm!


Also, like 5 million people called the house today! SRSLY. WTF PPL.

WARNING: THIS POST IS MOSTLY RAMBLES. SORRY. And some cussing. Rahm approved! ;D

So I think I'm going to end this shit here and play FFXI with windower and APradar open (even though I'll just be tooling around town. Who gives a shit? Bozz can't hide from me now, that hamslapping pussy) but before I do let me give a blanket reaction to this blog:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Gib Ochimusha Kote

I didn't get a chance to kill Mee Deggi yesterday because some tool factory took it out from under me by about half a second. That's only cool when I do it, man.
I think it might be time to start saving for Ochiudo's Kote instead. Same bonus, it just costs 500,000 more. Of course, at some point the time investment on the free one outweighs the 500k because opportunity costs (the hidden factor everyone forgets) but the question remains: CAN I BE THE BEST AROUND BY JUST QUITTING LIKE THIS?
It's a moral quandary I'll spend some time on. Biggest issue of our time, etc.
A true knight sets his mind on a goal and doesn't stop until it is completed, but I question whether completing it by a different method truly counts as stopping.
So our friend here is some kind of anarchist or something. He's a real pussy, though, so don't get excited.
Adeptus Lupercal

Once again I've had to deal with the fallacy of leaders.

Don't really know what that opening is about but it sounds like something from Warhammer, so aptus semper lucius, brother, just in case.
Someone gets it in their head they own the chuffing college and start harrassing us. Its pointless, despite the past, we don't want anything to do with her. She however seems to think everything we do revolves around getting her in some sense of the word. Its frustrating.

>doing things
>on campus
go to class, shut up.
Also likely someone does own the campus. I know it's a bit above the reckoning of your stupid caveman brain, but it is possible to own something.
All I want is a cottage, enough land, tools and water to grow my own food and a sodding huge black and red flag outside my door. I can't have any of this because I'm not 'rich' enough, which means I have to work and which means I have to attend college and everything else mandated by society to make me a good little worker.

Man, societal requirements are hard!
Once in these systems I can't even persue my own beliefs because small minded petty 'leaders' consider it a personal issue if we debate ethics and use non-authoritarian frameworks. Bleh.
So as I understand it there's this totally awesome thing called the internet where you can get into as many arguments as you like, and more importantly the people (like me!) just trying to keep their head down and go to class won't be bothered.

Let the idiots follow and the monsters lead, I just want to live.

Yeah well good luck with that, pusscakes.
Mtv was running one of those stupid 'how would you deal with this' army adverts about a night club. It was actually made by them and the MOD and its on the MTV website.

How fucking dare they! Lets con a bunch of stupid teens who are disenfranchised and agressive into signing their lives away and fucking up their future.

I'm sorry, what, was every other channel on your TV out? Was the "channel up" button broken? Why the fuck were you watching MTV unless you had to for some unspeakable reason?
And when you ain't got no legs, or you loose a hand or have horrible scars, think anyones gonna want you in their nightclub?

Society will take your youth and toss you aside once you are used up.

If you're the alternative I think I'll take the Knights Templar and their FATHER OOF OONDURSTAHNDEENG any time.
How can MTV, who's main demographic is teens, advertise and collaborate with a group of proffesional killers to fuck their viewers heads and futures.

By "proffesional (sic) killers" he means the army.
I suppose my objection to rulers comes from the fact that there is NO opt out clause. I can't opt out of taxes or war or slavery or even the police.
I guess utilitarianism kinda makes the law redundant, just act in a way that brings maximum happyness to maximum people. I guess I see anarchy as max happyness for everyone

Until someone decides to increase their "happyness" by tormenting you for giggles and there's no police to make your boo-boo all better.
I'm not saying anarchy would turn the world into The Road Warrior or something (as awesome as the idea of vigilantes like Kenshiro, say, wandering around would be) but people are basically assholes and it's probably best we have a code of laws that's not optional.
Sorry you have to wear a tie, bro, but I might suggest buying a PS-Triple and shutting up or something.
So people wouldn't murder one another because, a) murdering isnt that fun, b) morally, its wrong (usually) and c) its a lot of bad consequences, cos people wont be happy, you will be guilty and you might get murdered yourself.

OH IT'S MORALLY WRONG, IS IT? What's that noise? Is that the sound of contradiction I hear? How can I truly have no rules as anarchy dictates if I have to answer to a higher authority like morals? Also:
>implying morals come from outside human minds
>implying morals aren't relative

where did I sign up for this, where did I give permission to be governed and controlled
Man you're as bad as Christfags with this shit. You know there are more things to talk about?
Firstly, I'm a shameless hypocrit, I know it, you know it. Atleast I have the good grace to accept it.

Now onto what I have to say.
I missed greece, I missed london.
I wish I was there. I wish I was out there right now with my paste and my posters.
I wish I was better at this.

Bet it's not raining in Greece right now. Also it's probably really warm. Shit would be, as they say, so cash.

Its an idea and its an action and its a thousand other actions. The question you have to ask is 'Do I really agree with: police brutality, war, government bullshit, hierarchy, slavery and death?'

Do I agree with death? Deep, man. Deep.

And bollocks to your false science and guesses at psychology, dont tell me I couldnt do that.

Dont presuppose cultural is the be all and end all of morality, dont try to tell me that we must respect genocide and slavery because its 'just their custom'. Bollocks to moral relativism, I'm a moral absolutist, but the only rule I carry is that we all act in a manner which considers the affects of action on those around us and we consider each one of those as equal to ourselves (in other words, do what you like, so long as you dont put yourself ahead to the detriment of another)

So wouldn't that be--
What am I reading?
Morality is not a geographic quality, its unique to all of us, so bollocks to your theories on relativism, since in all, a genocidal culture is not a culture made up of advocates of genocide, just a government that does.

>Morality is unique to all of us
>I'm a moral absolutist
This is why I hate philosophy.

I feel like setting the world on fire right now,

brb Ink Spots
I just got reminded why Im here. Im lucky! My world is filled with luck! Ahh to be favoured by fortune, yet once more it is my fate to wont for more.

A new car, flat screen TV, new games.

And that one is youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~
No other will dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I've lost all ambition
for worldly acclaim--
I just want to be the one you loooooove

Oh yeah, you.
THINK! I dont care what you're IQ is, tell me what you think of a gift economy, tell me why it wouldnt work and why your chosen flock would.

>you're IQ
>you are IQ
If you cant do that, you are fucking brain dead. I dont care how complex or simple your ideas are, tell me, explain and explain even more when I dont understand. DO NOT GIVE UP,

Try to be best
'Cause you're only a man
And a man's gotta learn to take it

Try to believe
Though the going gets rough
That you gotta hang tough to make it

History repeats itself
Try and you'll succeed

Never doubt that you're the one
And you can have your dreams!

You're the best around!
Man you're full of half-lyrics.

to quote so much contrived shite,

That's shiite, mang. You know, adverbial of 強いる?
Oh, right, no. English. You're a moron.
It means "to impose", incidentally. Kind of funny, in context~
ME, YOU, the GENERAL PUBLIC. I'm afraid of the police, because I know they're more likely to accost me than help me.

I'm white and upper middle class so I'm actually more likely to receive help than to be accosted, but you'll have to tell me what that's like sometime.
Anarchy isnt chaos, its the freedom for pressure, freedom from society. Unresticted life.

I'm sick if adverts for Wiis and IPhones. Sick of being told I can but this box set and this CD from amazon. Im sick of adverts trying to get me to spend spend spend.

I can't go anywhere without being hassled to buy, to waste money on shit I dont need and dont even want. Who gave these people the right to cluster up my skyline with billboards and annoy me while waiting for a bus.
Super cool brotip I'm about to give you. Fuck that iPhone, okay, but get a regular iPod. Then put this song on it.
You're the coolest motherfucker ever now.
I've been told to grow up. My maturity has been questioned. Boo hoo you might say, fuck that I say.

Im 16, and I'm planning for my future.

No, you're kidding!
Face it, kid, with this attitude you're never getting laid. You're all sound and no action. Bitches want a smooth motherfucker, not some yo-yo bitching about billboards.
Suicide isnt my thing, and really, I have a wicked sense of humor, and life is just so damn entertaining at times.

Yeah you sure do.
I haven't laughed at your blog once, and reading my own I laugh a ton. Face it, bro, you're not funny. Also: I'm awesome.
On that triumph of the human spirit I'm off to do something not migraine-inducing.