Which is rapidly how this entry is turning, by the way. It's something to "get out of the way".
I haven't even seen it (and I never will, thanks) but I can pretty much summarize that three hour bowel movement anyway: remember that other three hour bowel movement, Dances with Wolves?
It's that, minus Kevin Costner, plus about a hundred trillion dollars in budget and with a ton more blue furries. I just saved you almost three hours.
Hey, you're welcome.
Fortunately, lov_rev_21 didn't get the fucking memo and hasn't yet posted about Avatar, so thanks.
Yay! I got my PSATs back- I scored in the 99th percentile on reading, the 67th on math, and the 98th for writing/grammar. In all, that evened out to me ranking in the 97th percentile. Yay!
And? I got a near perfect on the language part on the actual SAT and yet somehow I managed to contain myself enough to not tell the internet.
Of course I did far, far worse than 67th percentile on math but even if I got a perfect score all the way around I'm sure I would have somehow avoided posting on my blog about it.
Here's another cute lolita meme, stolen again from the adorable Julie!
When did you first see lolita fashion?
Online. Back in maybe 6th grade, I used to surf photobucket for anime pictures, and I always liked the ones with elements of lolita fashion. Then, when I started reading manga, I started to find out more about it (There was no real one moment of discovery... it was process!)

Ah nostalgia~
I lovelovelove the Bunny Milk and Strawberry Snow JSK from Baby the Stars Shine Bright! It's so cute. I want it in brown.
I do not want to be your girlfriend. Maybe. I don't know. I like you so much as a friend. I don't want to jeopardize that by dating you.
Bro you just got friend zoned. Time to pack it up.
Besides that, you're a guy. I've never dated a guy. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Men are different creatures entirely. They're demanding and strange.
>demanding and strange
>buys incredibly (and I do mean incredibly) expensive dresses in a faux-Victorian style and wears them around seriously
Well you certainly would know demanding and strange, wouldn't you?
Besides that, you're quite a bit older than me. Like... six years older than me.
So PSATs are, what, 11th grade?
So I guess you'd be about 16, so 16+6 = THAT'S ILLEGAL, DUDE.
I was selected to go on the Greece trip! I'm happy but not excited about it.
>going to Greece
>not excited

You're a lot skinnier than expected.
I'm impressed?
I'm not sure what I mean by "impressed", to be honest.
I've a new Ipod-chan!
S/he's a handsome dark purple gen. 3 nano, 8 gigabytes. Very interesting! S/he was a birthday gift from my grandparents.
>gender assigned to inanimate objects
This might be the first time I've a male ipod. My first one was a green mischievous girl named Momo (who died mysteriously one night), my second is a passive-aggressive but loveable pink lady named Amandine. I need to get a feel for its personality before I go ahead and name it (or choose a gender)!
The new freshmen are so cute! I was in the cafeteria and saw a group of them walk up to the doorway and peeeeeek their heads around, as if unsure that they were allowed in . You're allowed, guys!
I always hated this shit LOOK HOW TINY THE FRESHMAN ARE-- yeah you were that small too, you yo-yo. Don't act all old now that you turned, what, 17?
Oh another picture of you.
How delightfully indulgent.
You're cute, I suppose (for being horribly misshapen)
yet I somehow can't shake the feeling that you're just not cute enough to be this obviously high maintenance. I hate to draw comparisons to people of far better stock, but if she:

Now here's a post in French, which, no, isn't happening for several reasons--
Thank you for reading (if you did, which I assume you did, since I'm writing this... and you're reading it. Unless of course you're not, in which case you ought to, because I'm saying some rather nice things about you! What kinds of things, you wonder? Well... you're beautiful.
Well thanks for that, girl I've never met and indeed never will, but unfortunately flattery will not get me to delete those mean things I said.
And that's it. That's her very first post, awww. It's like watching a child grow.
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