However, there's something English and Latin have over Japanese, and that is the fan base for Japanese is pretty much shit.
Let's go over this title, shall we?
Maybe my grammar isn't as pro as I thought but I'm not honestly sure what she's trying to say here. While there's nothing technically incorrect about "de iku" it's kind of an odd turn of phrase. The verb is "to come" (not sexual in this case, presumably) but you're doing the coming in something (or maybe it is, yeah).
It was almost torturous to wake up this morning! Bahhhh. 9am lessons should be banned! LOL.
Was looking through cosplay pics and came acrosss Bou's picture. Not a cosplay, its the man himself. Xuanny couldnt believe that he is a guy! LOL.
... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG MOET WAS WONDERFUL. First initial taste was UGH but after the first mouthful, the after effect was AWESOME. Warm and fuzzy feeling! "We sound like we are in love" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA OMG LOL. Really very nice leh! Omggggggggggggg I can totally understand why Uruha loves Moet COS I LOVE IT TOO! LOL. Uwaaaaa <33333>Fist of the North Star is a documentary based on real life events, by the way. Remember in 199X when the entire world was engulfed in nuclear fire? I do.
Now here's a "beautiful song" which I'm going to listen to. Better be worth interrupting Queen for (it won't be and I fully acknowledge this before I do it).
Ha, ha oh I was expecting a woman singer, based off the thumbnail of the video.
Huh, you Japanese guys.ANYWAY. Ruha-chan said the GAY-EST THING. HAHAHAHHAAA OH GOSH WHATS WRONG WITH HER LOL. MOET~~~~!I can match you 1:1 with Fist of the North Star screen shots to your douchey lines, bitch.
And so, I PANICKED LA DUH. "OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"-ed frantically and then i seriously thought chibi reirei has died. And then ruha-chan came to my rescue again! She revived the code for meYAYYYYY. THANKS A LOT BUDDY!
Woaaaaaaaaaah. Gosh. Gosh! Yokatta~~~~
"Yokatta" is an irregular adverb (they conjugate adjectives in Japanese, go figure). Present tense would be "ii", dictionary form is "yoi". It means "good". You'd translate that to English as "I'm so glad."
WE HAVE A PERFECTLY VALID PHRASE IN ENGLISH. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?You know the stove? The part where the fire comes out? I TOUCHED THE METAL PART and went "ow. fuck." and i thought i was almost fine even though i touched that damn hot part. Until the pain came gushing out LOL. AND I STARTED WHINING~~~~ UWAAAAAAAA T.T
Maybe I'm making fun of a three year old. YOU KNOW THE HOT PART OF THE STOVE?
No, this is news to me.
Eto... i kept procastinating about psycho COS ITS SO BORING.
>using "eto..." instead of "umm..."
I cant believe i actually teared a little. Wifey patted me on the head! HAHAHA AISHITERU YO!
Motherfuck.You know they always say money is the root of all evil?
So then, man created money right?
And a certain group of them say ____ is the creator of all including man right?
So does that mean _____ is the root of all evil?
Also: shut up.
I don't get how some people can be so superficial.
Judging a DVD by its jacket is just like judging a book by its cover. S-U-P-E-R-F-I-C-I-A-L.
A cover is just a cover isnt it. What matters is the content. Bah.
Well you certainly would know about being superficial, wouldn't you, Mrs. "It's Japan so it's automatically good"?
Whoa sorry, started doing everything else for about two hours before coming back to this.
Uhh-- where was I?
Oh yeah: entry over.
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