Also got the new version of APradar. It's pretty fucking nice.
Not that I use these things at all when I play, because that would be against the rules and unethical to the extreme. I just install them as a technological challenge. Whew, that was a close one.
So here we have something-or-other, I don't really know~
YOU GUYS HOW AM I SO IN LOVE WITH NICK JONAS? Actually, more like, how am I him on the inside so much??? WHO I AM, possible one of the most relevant songs to my life right now. I know a lot of people were like "it's okay" but like, you don't get it, I FUCKING LOVE IT and I kinda wanna cry when I hear it cause that's the kind of insane person I am.
Whoa, okay.
AND JOE AND KEVIN WERE THERE TO SUPPORT HIM (and poor Joe, panning to him after the Taylor Swift nom, I was like, poor baby boy). Also, lol WHOIAM was a trending topic on Twitter *warm and fuzzy feelings*.
Okay. I get to be so above this shit because you know what I'm listening to --right now--?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, ShinPoT, ILU. So, Yuuta and Shishido need to be BFFs right?
What the fuck am I reading?
Also, lol when I saw Hiyoshi I was pleased. The drunk coach confuses me, but that's okay. I don't know I feel about him. SANADA, NEVER CHANGE. Never back down. Haha. Was it just me or was Ryoma's face drawn kinda weird in that one panel with him being all snooty? Also, Ryoma, never good at doubles (only with Momo), so cute.
Now there's some pictures of her. Pretty much as expected. Greasy hair, heavy set, etc.
BUT LIKE, MERLIN, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. And I'm not gonna lie, I half expected Merlin to be all sad b/c like, idk he isn't Arthur's ~true love~. OMG MERLIN IS SO IN LOVE WITH ARTHUR, really I can't unsee/unthink it. It's totally canon. It's totally what the writers are doing. It's totally Colin making Merlin all gay for Arthur.
So remember when King Arthur was about knightly shit and romancing ladies and court intrigue?
I kind if miss that, actually. Just like how I miss Gundam being about giant robots instead of YET ANOTHER ANIMU TEEN DRAMA.
I use 'gay' and 'fag' all the time, jfc. It's like perfectly fine. I hate when gays get so offended. Okay I really hate it when ANYONE gets offended over shit like this. IDK I'm so laid back, it's like, how can this shit really affect you?
I learned in class that's a coping mechanism for RACISM AND INTOLERANCE. "I didn't really mean it so it's okay~" you're a horrible person.
Meanwhile in me world I don't actually give a shit but it seems like you might kind of feel bad about it so if I pick at it you'll get butthurt. :3
So I read a post so incredibly douchey I literally got dizzy. I think I might have a bit of a cold but whatever, it's totally this post.

So guise, I GOT SIMS 3 right? OMG, I can make sexy blue people! FUCK I JUST WANNA MAKE A MILLION SEXY BLUE PEOPLE. !!!!! I love that you can change their hair for each outfit, love love love it.
Heh, girls playing video games. I know I might have made comments about wanting gloves in FFXI "because they match" but that's different because-- uhh--
Also, for the first time I'm like making a straight couple! I AM CONFUSED TOO.
First and only time I played Sims was the first one and I made myself. I was a jewel thief and had four girlfriends. Sort of like real life~
ALSO, NO HOT TUB?!?!?!? Or did I just not see it? aklsdjf;ksdl;kjf The skills are different, the only thing that is weird is you have to like... "find" the skills first. Also, to get more social interactions, you have to level up your charisma. WUT.
Wow, leveling charisma makes you more sociable? This game sounds completely bonkers!
Anyways, ZOMG the Inside the Obama White House special? SO. MANY. FANGIRLING. MOMENTS. I was like giggling and shrieking every five seconds. Raaaaahhhhhm!
Also, like 5 million people called the house today! SRSLY. WTF PPL.
WARNING: THIS POST IS MOSTLY RAMBLES. SORRY. And some cussing. Rahm approved! ;D
So I think I'm going to end this shit here and play FFXI with windower and APradar open (even though I'll just be tooling around town. Who gives a shit? Bozz can't hide from me now, that hamslapping pussy) but before I do let me give a blanket reaction to this blog:

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