So I was just basking in the glory of the vidya (perfect IV Rotom and perfect IV Gengar joined the fray) and I was listening to Omen, one of the greatest video game, nay, one of the greatest songs ever, off the Final Fantasy VI soundtrack.
So right off the bat the opening entry to this blog appeals to me.
Hi folkies! Well, I was totally trashed last night, so went to bed before nine. I slept like a rock, and woke up at about five this morning.
>9 until 5
Yeah last time I did that was... Never, come to think of it.
Man, it was colder than a witch's titty, but I came in here to see if anyone was around, which not many people were, but I had some nice talk on Twitter. I also played a game of Q9. the cool thing about that game is, you can save your game,
That is indeed impressive by 1987 standards.
You kids and casualfags might not remember it, but back in my day we often had to enter what are called passwords to resume your progress. Typically we were just thankful of having a way to resume our progress at any given point but in retrospect the entire system was very messy and frustrating, not to mention slow. the number 1 and lowercase l and uppercase I frequently looked like the same shit, etc.
in fact it saves automatically once you begin a new level, so you can just say ok, had enough for now.
Automatic saving? This is impressive by... What, 1994 standards?
Anyway, I got to the mountain world before I stopped.
This is your gaming glory? I am disappointed.
I clicked on this with the promise of hard fought battles and instead I get casual stories about flash games and saving.
By this time I was beginning to feel Migrainey, and it was freezing cold still, so I snuggled back into bed, ready for the monster to hit, which it duly did.
She gets migraines a lot, and while I can sympathize, I'd like everyone to think back to the opening of this post:
Well, I was totally trashed last night,
Hmm. That is, as we say in the field of law, "an inconsistency in her alibi". Usually if it's a real migraine you can kind of feel it coming on, sometimes days in advance, so the last thing you'd want to do is AGITATE IT BY DRINKING, CHRIST.
I settled down to go on with my game of Q9, and I'm proud to write that I have now reached level 2 of the death world, the hardest world there is!
I'm going to play it real quick and see what all the fuss is abo--
>game costs $24.99
O, talking of the U S of A, I heard something that worried me considerably this morning. It's being rumored that, after the last bomb attempt, any electronic devices on planes flying into the U S are going to be outlawed! And what are people supposed to do on those long transatlantic flights?
Awww, poor Americunts can't live without their technowomb for fifteen hours?
And what are we supposed to do with the electronics we all live by, our i-pods, our cell phones, cd players, kindles, streams, laptops? Pack them? I've heard you're not allowed to pack electronics, and don't tell me anyone's going to travel without a cell phone! I'm just hoping this is extra hype, and will never happen, but it's worrying me!
I hope it does. People need more adversity in their lives. It's what makes you slightly less of a cunt.
Anyway, when Charles came back he brought me doughnuts, so I had them and a cup of tea, which was yumpsk!
I'm going to pretend you're Polish and that's a Polish word.
I'm feeling unusually generous this evening.
Oh, I have to tell you, last night's dinner was just too yumpskelicious for words, I don't think I ever made a better meal!

Also: this is blogging in a nutshell. People talking about such frivolous nonsense that it doesn't even warrant writing about in your own personal diary, and yet here it is on the internet like it's some kind of accomplishment.
Some "devil's advocates" (I'd call them assholes) might argue that it's for the author's own entertainment, but there are multiple things wrong with this thinking, and I'll cover the big ones:
1. Usually these events were boring (often by the author's own admission) at the time, so you definitely wouldn't want to relive them,
2. If they are just for the author's personal recreation, why can anyone access them at any given time?
and finally,
3. Assuming they aren't just for the author's recreation, who else is the intended audience? Who gets a kick out of this bullshit?
So, that's the end of a very yayelicious kind of day. Aw man, Avril Lavine is shrieking at me, I wish she wouldn't. I'm off for now, see y'all laters, and huge huggies!
All right, take it easy. You just checked off my entire "douche bag vocabulary list" in two sentences.
Anyway, so, in the morning I was playing this Q9, which is an awesome action adventure, but unlike most of these, easy to play key wise, I mean just a few simple strokes to remember, and no 3 d sound.
Oh viral marketing.
Also obligatory:
>side scroller
Well, we had two platefuls of this awesome Southern home cooking
>two platefuls
I'm guessing you're several pounds on the side of morbidly obese. Actually I know this to be true, based off your avatar.
Now here's a post about her new wheelchair, and I'm guessing the aforementioned Southern cooking had something to do with this development.
Here's a post with the "word" "crapasticated", which isn't a word in case you have a nail in your head or don't speak English (or both), now here's a post where she has what sounds like a serious psychotic episode (which she somehow makes really boring)-- hmm.
Yeah I think I'm done mucking about in this stall.
Be seeing you, AIDS patients.
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