Just rolls right off the tongue.
Maybe I'm just being paranoid, maybe its cause this is what I feared.
I fell for her, I knew I shouldn't have.
Whatever, shit we've all heard before. The only reason I quote this, and indeed the only reason anyone might care is because soon we will be playing "guess the gender" and I feel this is an important entry into answering (or confusing, as is the case) the question.
I just...I have alot of things worrying me I guess.
Like will I pass any of my damn classes? was all that effort worth nothing? It doesn't help that I just found out theirs a new law in place that will extend the age of free insurance to non students from 18 to 26. SO FUCK ME RIGHT?
!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!??!!??!?! Not really sure why I quoted this, come to think of it.
Oh yeah and how about the constant worry that I might fuck up just enough that my dearest mother will finally just tell me to pack up my shit and get out? thats not concerning at all. Noooo.
Ughhh side note, Adam's breath smells like utter shit ( I'm stuck in a bed next to him draining the last remaining power on my laptop cause I can't turn on the light to find a plug) he just turned his head to me in his sleep and is breathing heavily, the stink pouring out my way (UGGGHHH BRUSH YOUR TEETH YOUR FUCKING DISGUSTING)
That's charming.
I guess this is a guy and that's his brother?
Like I sat in this bed for an hour and thought " what if I will never be able to get my license? What if my sensory integration disorder holds me back at that too?
Whoa that somehow turned me into an Ork. That's pretty douchey, bro.
Let's consult Wikipedia:
Sensory integration dysfunction is a term used to describe difficulty with sensory integration.[citation needed]
Great so that's cleared that one right up.
and fuck if I can't get my license how am I supposed to get a job?
Asshole: bus schedule.
and then there is this the impossible situation with the girl I like. Shes wonderful and damn near everything I have been looking for and heck the girl even likes me back too. Sounds great right? we can talk for hours and hours and all she does is make me smile profusely I can't get her out of my head.
Asshole: sitting outside of the girl's lavatory masturbating furiously when she steps out of the shower does not, in civilized society, equal a conversation.
Believe me, I have the restraining orders to prove it.
Also: what the fuck is the goddamn problem? She "like likes" you, and you "like like" her, so what the shit?
But par the usual course she lives 8 hours a way and if I want to go into slightly more privy details has a boyfriend ( at least as far as I know at this moment) she usually makes a point to talk to me as much as pos
Shut up, listen to me. Bitch is playing you. Or, she won't break up with her boyfriend because you're a "nice guy" and he's more the "asshole she'll stay with" type, which frankly dude, you're pretty much a goddamn pussy so that seems the most likely case.
You can either man the fuck up and steal her out from under that asshole or move on. Shit or get off the pot, as they say.
and she has been having problems with her boyfriend ( who even worse I know and respect, but ack you can't help who you fall for right?) but right now she is probably still with him and who knows maybe they worked things out, in one sense I'll be happy.
Can I call this shit or what?
You're probably the type who then goes on to internet forums I peruse bitching about how you're "so lonely" when we're ostensibly talking about video games.
Also: the cute girl at Gamestop is hired specifically for the reason to sell video games to cave-dwelling ogres such as yourself, so no, she isn't really hitting on you. Dope.
I hate this situation hate might be too strong I'm just frustated. I like a girl who is having boyfriend troubles, she likes me, alot it seems.
Honest to God. "Talk to me when you get a fucking clue" would be my response.
There's, what, nine billion people on the planet and 4.5 billion are women? Just saying, dude. You could probably find someone else.
I have known for quite sometime that my happiness is going to be hard to achieve, I want fame and recognition for creativity
its something you need luck to get.
Also you need, you know, talent.
I wrote one story not to long ago, that quite alot of people liked, I'd like to flush that out a bit.
Flesh*, although "flush" is probably accurate to what should really happen.
Now there's a post about how he "envies Team Rocket" from Pokemon, and after sitting here for about five minutes searching the deep recesses of my brain for something witty to say, then consulting my (now diminished) reaction image folder, I don't really have anything to say about it.
So moving on--
Now there's some more bullshit where he "feels used" and here's a drawing he did which, bro, if that's your talent, good luck getting acknowledgment for it. I doodle better shit when I'm bored.
I'm not even trying to be all pro, either. I fucking suck at drawing.
I'm all talk aren't I? I'm supposed to be strong. People look up to me don't they?
No to the last part, that is. I don't know what you mean by "I'm all talk" because your "talk" basically amounts to "I'm a goddamn pussy" and yeah, you are that, so-- no, I guess you aren't all talk. So, "no" to both parts, then.
I want to be held.
Ugh, this doesn't end, does it?
I feel like emotionally I'm trapped in a gray room, rocking back and forth in the fetal position crying out for salvation, waiting ever so patiently for the cavalry to arrive and remove me from my colorless prison to colorful freedom.

I'm reminded of Persona 3's nod to Revelations in the description of the hospital I'm in it seems like no one is here but my attendant her names cindy but I will call her Maya.
Okay whoa, whoa. Let's take this easy.
Okay obviously he means "Revelations: Persona" the first Persona game, and not-- the Bible.
Is there a hospital in Persona 3? I know the main character winds up there at the start and he returns later to visit-- all right, there's no getting around it. I fucking love SMT. I'm an SMT expert, and even this is way over my head.
Waiting for Maya to come back take my lunch order and put me to sleep.
Maya was the reporter from Persona 2 though, wasn't she? I don't really--
Of feeling like I am not good enough for anyone. Like seriously do I have to get fucking lipo suction to be accepted by a girl?
Ah yes, the ever-separating asshole that is the live triangle between being a cave troll forever and your desire for human contact.
So tomorrow I'm going to a party filled with models. Amy says shes going to try to set me up with one too lol.
Models, known for their depth of character, will assuredly be attracted to our fat friend here, our fat friend who can't drive, doesn't have a job and can't stop whining.
All right this is starting to give me a goddamn headache. I've experienced similar whining from girls but at least that had the added bonus of breasts, but this-- this.
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