I'm not sure where to start, really. I guess it's hard to open properly without first addressing that image she linked, but it's so clearly trollbait (something she even admits to, yet she falls for it hook, line and sinker so I'm not really sure what her point was in pointing out its obvious status as a trolling attempt when it so clearly succeeded). I guess some people can't help themselves?
Do I realize that shipping is not like being in a relationship? Yes.
Have I ever been in a relationship with a real live person?Yes, thank you for assuming I haven't.
"Shipping", as I understand it, is writing fanfiction about relationships. You know that part in Gundam where Amuro acts like a fucking spastic and gets thrown in the brig for two weeks for being a tool factory and Fraw Bow comes to visit him and all you're thinking is "please God let the next scene have Char in it," well some people were watching that shit with bated breath.
I don't get it, mang.
Also I crossed out your last line because "internet relationships" don't fucking count.
Have I ever been in love with someone? Yes.
Have I ever loved someone "enough to respond to their 'Jump' with nothing but 'How high?'" No.
Because I am not a fucking dog.
Just. WAT.
... Sad thing is, I'm tempted to do it. For the lulz.
This annoyed me so much I decided I would share with you all.
In 2010,
Doesn't matter. World is ending.
Oh wait that's 2012. Sorry, proceed.
a Spiderman musical is coming out on Broadway. It's called "Spider-man: Turn Off the Dark." If you thought to yourself "man that's a shit title," then you thought the same thing I did.
Actually the first thing I thought to myself was "I really care about whatever the fuck it is I'm reading."
The worst two minutes I've spent this month were listening to Julie Taymor justify that subtitle by relating some ridiculous story Bono apparently told her about a little kid who once asked his dad to "turn off the dark" rather then "turn on the light."
Really? Good month, then.
I mean yeah it features Bono, which in terms of shittiness probably ranks up there, but hey.
Oh, did I forget to mention? Bono and The Edge wrote the score. Excellent.
This does sound pretty dire. Spider-man is pretty much a fagort anyway, so adding a score by U2 doesn't help.
The Smut Writer's Meme: Name any pairing from past or current fandoms and ask me a question. I'll tell you anything you want to know about their sex lives from my own personal fanon.
Wow that is a Thanksgiving treat! Also: "fanon"? Really? You know if you had your own creative talent you could invent your own canon of whatever the fuck it is you wanted, but of course that won't happen because you're too busy pondering how "kawaii" Amuro and Char would be together.
Guys. Guys. The crossover fic is writing itself in my head and I want it OUT.
When I saw "With my bb Keanu portraying Spike this is an overload of goodness" in the comments I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
Edit: Someone suggested Dakota Fanning = Mello and I'll admit, I lol'd.
I'm. About 85% certain they were kidding :|
Here was my face when I read this:

You know what's weird about reading this manga?
The protagonist is a horrible, horrible human being. And I have no sympathy for vigilantism. But... I like him!
This must be what they call "good writing", something you will surely never experience first hand.
He's got "death by hubris" written all over him.
That's right, bitch. Nemesis doesn't fuck around.
So I was reading Dan Brown's new book. Yes I know. Shut up. I know they're terrible and they're factually questionable and deliberately controversial, yadda yadda, but they're kind of fun.
Actually they're not factually questionable. It's undeniably fiction.
I think I should learn how to swear at people in Yiddish. Because all insults in Yiddish are hilarious.
Like so: Ale tseyn zoln bay im aroysfaln, not eyner zol im blaybn oyf tsonveytung.
Which means "All his teeth should fall out except one to make him suffer."
Get your fucking act together, Yiddish. This is why you're a dying language.
Pick a paragraph (or any passage less than 500 words) from any fanfic I've written, and comment to this post with that selection. I will then give you a DVD commentary on that snippet:
It's kind of funny that you think anyone gives a shit.
Inarticulate rant is inarticulate and ranty, but I am just so.
SO fucking pissed about this healthcare debate right now. Pissed at Obama, too, for even considering dropping the public option. How is that healthcare reform, if you drop that? I don't even think that having a public option is enough.
Heh, armchair politicians.

There's my reaction to this kind of bullshit.
Obama should push this bill through the way he wants it, and say "fuck you" to anyone who complains.
Okay I feel equipped to respond to this. Obama is a fucking pussy. He's a weak motherfucker. He wouldn't say "fuck you" if you shit on his breakfast table. He's a goddamn weak-willed, do nothing wimp.
Gone are the days where there were strong and dynamic leaders.
I'm bi, if you don't like it deal w/it.
Also: lol high school girls thinking they're bi and admitting to it on the internet so they think guys will find them hot.
Didn't work then, doesn't work now.
Fair warning: do NOT click that link if you're not in the mood to get angry. Not just "some asshole cut me off in traffic" angry, either. I'm actually shaking with rage right now, that is how bad this is.
This is apparently about a blog where women post creepy letters their (presumably ex) boyfriends wrote them. I'll read this, because I'm always in the mood for some FUCKING FURY.
Yeah I read it. Here's my official blanket reaction to your blanket reaction:

Well I have shit to do. Be seeing you, AIDS patients.
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