Hell yeah, you do.
Well let's revisit fond memories~
To be perfectly honest I don't really remember too much about those, but from what I recall this one seems more mean spirited than the previous ones. Look at that fucking logo. OH YEAH, HAVEN'T EATEN IN THREE DAYS, HAVE YOU? WELL LOOK, SOME DELICIOUS ICE CREAM. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO EAT ALL OF IT, YOU FATFUCK.
Or maybe that's just me reading too far into it.
I'm not really sure what I mean by "reading too far into it" because no one can over think themselves more than these bitches, so no, I didn't put too much thought into it, at least not compared to them.
I’m such a loser. Today was supposed to be fasting day 5, but I caved and ate. I ate soo much I shocked everyone in the restaurant. To make matters worse, I’m not 139lbs like I was this morning. I’m a whopping 143.5.
>weighs more than I do
I’ll do a hard workout until I wanna pass out. I hate myself. Everytime I get control and start doing good, I always screw up. YOU SUCK CARRIE!
Maybe it's because I'm an OCD nerd but I actually have thoughts not revolving around me. Admittedly they are usually towards something in my little world, but still, they are not *directly* about me. In fact, today most of my thoughts were "holy shit my perfect IV Azelf is so fucking awesome holy shit he has 252 special attack and speed EVs this guy is going to be a motherfucker when I get him to 100". Just working on flamethrower so I can torch any potential Metagrosses.
Oh right, this.
I weighed in. 147.5 at the end of the day. I haven't really gone to the bathroom in a while if you know what I mean lol.
But that's no excuse. I was 138. Fuck.
Definately restricting til I get back down. I'm a fuckin whale.
I jus got an itouch so I'll be able to check as much as I want which I am super excited about : )
Most people would be happy about, you know, having an iPod Touch, but I guess being able to obsessively check your weight is something. I guess.
I'm glad I'm in florida with warm weather but I don't really fit into my shorts!!! Help!
Again, someone who weighs more than me. Are we, as a society, so morbidly obese any weight loss is immediately branded "anorexic"? I've seen the tendency, to be honest.
i hope the hoildays are going as well as they are going for me.
Way to avoid the pronoun "you" in that sentence. I suppose it wouldn't truly be an anorexic group if it wasn't 100% about the poster.
My dad has decide to cut back on the juck food this year because he wants to lose weight.
Doesn't "juck" sound like some kind of racial epithet? Fucking jucks moving into my goddamn neighborhood and driving the real estate down. They also smell bad.
Oh hi.
Sugoi monogatari, aniki. (translator's note: "sugoi mongatari, aniki" means "cool story, bro" in Japanese)
purged once today:\ I was rly high and had insaane munchies so I binged.
blaa recovery is annoying at times like this. It's weird because I'm more happy when I allow myself to purge, not like once a day though more like what I was doing the past year. 5-8 times a day.
Is vomiting 5-8 times a day for a year bad for the heart? Seems like it might be, I don't know. At the very least, it doesn't seem advisable.
I know I need to stop though. I'm just always stressed out now because the only way i know to relieve stress is purging. fuckit.
Bitch: get a DS. Now.
On second thought, don't. I'd just obliterate your shitty team with my perfect IV Azelf and then you'd stick a dick down your throat and puke or however that works.
I've been b/ping like a mad person, and my scale got moved when my mom was cleaning, so I've no clue where I am from the 121 that I got down to (Lost two pounds, yay.)
b/ping? Oh, binging and purging.
I get it.
So today I didnt even weigh myself today- i really dont think i can. I binged last night and couldnt even purge. I ate a mozzarella stick,a recess cup and a tiny piece of bagel
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve !
Is it?
Oh shit, it is. Huh.
i wish plastic surgery was cheap. i would have so many :( even though ppl say am pretty i rlly cant help but see my big nose, ugly teeth, huge muffin tops etc etc ...
Sounds like you're ugly. I hate to draw yet another comparison to Audrey Hepburn, so I won't.
No, instead let's make a comparison to her:

Man I'd make an awesome anorexia counselor. I'd alternate between this brilliant tactic and saying "YOUR (sic) SO SKINNY U NEED TO EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!" followed by "WHOA SLOW DOWN ON THE CUPCAKES, FATTY!"
Anorexics need a constantly conflicting body image, right? Isn't that the problem?
i am rlly considering surgery i just want to feel better!! am sick of everything..and everyone! the more i cant stand myself, the more i cant stand people around me.
You know some people with that attitude become Batman or Kenshiro or something. Just saying.
Or no, I know who sounds exactly like that: Black Jack. Eccentric and brilliant surgeon without a license who performs all sorts of illegal but miraculous surgeries on those without a chance.
He has like half a zombie face or some shit.
Basically imagine House but 5000x more hardcore.
Remember all those episodes where House was being an emo fuck about his leg or whatever?
Black Jack was boxing people.
Two members have made fun and being ironic of ana mia's members.
Someone also posted a pic of chocolates in one of my post.
why are u so stupid bithces.....??!!ok u made ur point u say "styupid anorexic bitches askin for advice....bla bla bla " well i have on word to say to you
The fucking title image is ice cream. There's pictures of food all over the fucking place, so let's not go crazy, all right.
Also I'm enjoying some delicious Oreos at the moment.
Cause I rele want to be strong, but I'm a bit scared of passing out,
electoytle imbalance and death.....
>she means 'really'

Well, on another note: it's christmas tomorow. Excited. :)
>posted December 23rd
soooooooo I think that's it.
I mean there's more, of course, but there's only so much one person can say about all this.
I even recycled the "constantly conflicting body image" joke (shouldn't have said anything no one would have noticed~)
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