I didn't get a chance to kill Mee Deggi yesterday because some tool factory took it out from under me by about half a second. That's only cool when I do it, man.
I think it might be time to start saving for Ochiudo's Kote instead. Same bonus, it just costs 500,000 more. Of course, at some point the time investment on the free one outweighs the 500k because opportunity costs (the hidden factor everyone forgets) but the question remains: CAN I BE THE BEST AROUND BY JUST QUITTING LIKE THIS?
It's a moral quandary I'll spend some time on. Biggest issue of our time, etc.
A true knight sets his mind on a goal and doesn't stop until it is completed, but I question whether completing it by a different method truly counts as stopping.So our friend here is some kind of anarchist or something. He's a real pussy, though, so don't get excited.
Adeptus Lupercal
Once again I've had to deal with the fallacy of leaders.
Don't really know what that opening is about but it sounds like something from Warhammer, so aptus semper lucius, brother, just in case.
Someone gets it in their head they own the chuffing college and start harrassing us. Its pointless, despite the past, we don't want anything to do with her. She however seems to think everything we do revolves around getting her in some sense of the word. Its frustrating.
>doing things
>on campus
go to class, shut up.
Also likely someone does own the campus. I know it's a bit above the reckoning of your stupid caveman brain, but it is possible to own something.
All I want is a cottage, enough land, tools and water to grow my own food and a sodding huge black and red flag outside my door. I can't have any of this because I'm not 'rich' enough, which means I have to work and which means I have to attend college and everything else mandated by society to make me a good little worker.
Man, societal requirements are hard!
Once in these systems I can't even persue my own beliefs because small minded petty 'leaders' consider it a personal issue if we debate ethics and use non-authoritarian frameworks. Bleh.
So as I understand it there's this totally awesome thing called the internet where you can get into as many arguments as you like, and more importantly the people (like me!) just trying to keep their head down and go to class won't be bothered.
Let the idiots follow and the monsters lead, I just want to live.
Yeah well good luck with that, pusscakes.
Mtv was running one of those stupid 'how would you deal with this' army adverts about a night club. It was actually made by them and the MOD and its on the MTV website.
How fucking dare they! Lets con a bunch of stupid teens who are disenfranchised and agressive into signing their lives away and fucking up their future.
I'm sorry, what, was every other channel on your TV out? Was the "channel up" button broken? Why the fuck were you watching MTV unless you had to for some unspeakable reason?
And when you ain't got no legs, or you loose a hand or have horrible scars, think anyones gonna want you in their nightclub?
Society will take your youth and toss you aside once you are used up.
If you're the alternative I think I'll take the Knights Templar and their FATHER OOF OONDURSTAHNDEENG any time.
How can MTV, who's main demographic is teens, advertise and collaborate with a group of proffesional killers to fuck their viewers heads and futures.
By "proffesional (sic) killers" he means the army.
I suppose my objection to rulers comes from the fact that there is NO opt out clause. I can't opt out of taxes or war or slavery or even the police.
I guess utilitarianism kinda makes the law redundant, just act in a way that brings maximum happyness to maximum people. I guess I see anarchy as max happyness for everyone
Until someone decides to increase their "happyness" by tormenting you for giggles and there's no police to make your boo-boo all better.
I'm not saying anarchy would turn the world into The Road Warrior or something (as awesome as the idea of vigilantes like Kenshiro, say, wandering around would be) but people are basically assholes and it's probably best we have a code of laws that's not optional.
Sorry you have to wear a tie, bro, but I might suggest buying a PS-Triple and shutting up or something.
So people wouldn't murder one another because, a) murdering isnt that fun, b) morally, its wrong (usually) and c) its a lot of bad consequences, cos people wont be happy, you will be guilty and you might get murdered yourself.
OH IT'S MORALLY WRONG, IS IT? What's that noise? Is that the sound of contradiction I hear? How can I truly have no rules as anarchy dictates if I have to answer to a higher authority like morals? Also:
>implying morals come from outside human minds
>implying morals aren't relative
where did I sign up for this, where did I give permission to be governed and controlled
Man you're as bad as Christfags with this shit. You know there are more things to talk about?
Firstly, I'm a shameless hypocrit, I know it, you know it. Atleast I have the good grace to accept it.
Now onto what I have to say.
I missed greece, I missed london.
I wish I was there. I wish I was out there right now with my paste and my posters.
I wish I was better at this.
Bet it's not raining in Greece right now. Also it's probably really warm. Shit would be, as they say, so cash.
Its an idea and its an action and its a thousand other actions. The question you have to ask is 'Do I really agree with: police brutality, war, government bullshit, hierarchy, slavery and death?'
Do I agree with death? Deep, man. Deep.
And bollocks to your false science and guesses at psychology, dont tell me I couldnt do that.

Dont presuppose cultural is the be all and end all of morality, dont try to tell me that we must respect genocide and slavery because its 'just their custom'. Bollocks to moral relativism, I'm a moral absolutist, but the only rule I carry is that we all act in a manner which considers the affects of action on those around us and we consider each one of those as equal to ourselves (in other words, do what you like, so long as you dont put yourself ahead to the detriment of another)
So wouldn't that be--
What am I reading?
Morality is not a geographic quality, its unique to all of us, so bollocks to your theories on relativism, since in all, a genocidal culture is not a culture made up of advocates of genocide, just a government that does.
>Morality is unique to all of us
>I'm a moral absolutist

This is why I hate philosophy.
I feel like setting the world on fire right now,
brb Ink Spots
I just got reminded why Im here. Im lucky! My world is filled with luck! Ahh to be favoured by fortune, yet once more it is my fate to wont for more.
A new car, flat screen TV, new games.
And that one is youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~
No other will dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I've lost all ambition
for worldly acclaim--
I just want to be the one you loooooove
Oh yeah, you.
THINK! I dont care what you're IQ is, tell me what you think of a gift economy, tell me why it wouldnt work and why your chosen flock would.
>you're IQ
>you are IQ
If you cant do that, you are fucking brain dead. I dont care how complex or simple your ideas are, tell me, explain and explain even more when I dont understand. DO NOT GIVE UP,
Try to be best
'Cause you're only a man
And a man's gotta learn to take it
Try to believe
Though the going gets rough
That you gotta hang tough to make it
History repeats itself
Try and you'll succeed
Never doubt that you're the one
And you can have your dreams!
You're the best around!
Man you're full of half-lyrics.
to quote so much contrived shite,
That's shiite, mang. You know, adverbial of 強いる?
Oh, right, no. English. You're a moron.
It means "to impose", incidentally. Kind of funny, in context~
ME, YOU, the GENERAL PUBLIC. I'm afraid of the police, because I know they're more likely to accost me than help me.
I'm white and upper middle class so I'm actually more likely to receive help than to be accosted, but you'll have to tell me what that's like sometime.
Anarchy isnt chaos, its the freedom for pressure, freedom from society. Unresticted life.
I'm sick if adverts for Wiis and IPhones. Sick of being told I can but this box set and this CD from amazon. Im sick of adverts trying to get me to spend spend spend.
I can't go anywhere without being hassled to buy, to waste money on shit I dont need and dont even want. Who gave these people the right to cluster up my skyline with billboards and annoy me while waiting for a bus.
Super cool brotip I'm about to give you. Fuck that iPhone, okay, but get a regular iPod. Then put
this song on it.You're the coolest motherfucker ever now.
I've been told to grow up. My maturity has been questioned. Boo hoo you might say, fuck that I say.
Im 16, and I'm planning for my future.
No, you're kidding!
Face it, kid, with this attitude you're never getting laid. You're all sound and no action. Bitches want a smooth motherfucker, not some yo-yo bitching about billboards.
Suicide isnt my thing, and really, I have a wicked sense of humor, and life is just so damn entertaining at times.
Yeah you sure do.
I haven't laughed at your blog once, and reading my own I laugh a ton. Face it, bro, you're not funny. Also: I'm awesome.
On that triumph of the human spirit I'm off to do something not migraine-inducing.