The news post about this says a lot of shit that, to me, basically boils down like this: "WE MADE IT A LOT EASIER TO ORDER SHIT FROM OUR SHOP BUT SCALED THE USABILITY BACK ON EVERYTHING ELSE."Holy shit. You idiots do realize usability isn't a finite resource and you can make everything convenient, right?
Anyway I managed to analyze, adapt and overcome or whatever that series of actions is.
So here we go for our blog today: Love Keiko. I wonder if that's her signing a letter or an imperative sentence. LOVE KEIKO, NOW!
Either way not happening, but we'll see how this goes.
whoever said art school is easy, well screw them. it's HARD and damn expensive.
And won't get me a job in anything. Oh, and if I'm really good at it I don't really need a degree in it in the first place.
... Wait, why am I majoring in art again?
Don't want to hear it from you fags. Litfags, sociologyfags and nursefags all share one building at my university while you art idiots get to stretch out in three cushy buildings.
which totally sucks cause in most universities, the arts school gets the lowest end of the budget. but i'm adjusting.
I mean I guess I can see sociology and literature sharing a building (it's virtually the same thing when you think about it) but at least give the people who are going to be giving people shots and other important shit their own space to think.
met some totally awesome people. which is SO weird how much easier it is to make friends in college than in high school.Let's see. High school, where you are forced to attend and everyone is raging jackass versus college where it's optional and most people are there by choice. Yeah, real surprising it's easier to make friends in college.
i guess cause here i have a clean slate so it's not like anyone can hold 6th grade drama against me. that's a good thing, ne?
>her name is Keiko
not sure if I should be angry at this.All right I'm going to cut you some slack here but I'm watching you. Scum.
i feel like shit right now. and here's why:
so i was crossing the street out of a development into another lane (try to picture it). i guess my turn was a little too wide---either way the guy next to me was DEFINATELY speeding and our cars brushed each other. BRUSHED!
No you have it backwards. Your turn wasn't too wide, he was too far into your lane. His fault, don't know what to tell him.
i started waving and apologizing but he started cursing and pulled over so i did too. i apologized and said it was an accident but he started cursing and yelling at me!Keep driving. Don't look back.
Go ahead and call, asshole. All the cops are going to do is confirm you're in the wrong. But go ahead and make a jackass of yourself.Man girls are dumb.
but desperate times called for desperate measure so i started begging him not to call.
my class was lazy as hell so many are going to community colleges. I SURE AS HELL am getting the hell up out my house (thank GOD!)
>community college
Yeah have fun paying thousands to take English 101.
it's amazing how the ppl who were your BFF in middle school---how now you hate their guts--and the ppl you never knew before are now your BFF--and with growing up with so many diff. ppl, how many you really didn't get to know.... DEEEEEEEP. Putz.
So this is a black girl I guess?
and even THAT isn't enough because i have relatives from nigeria LIVING down here!Relatives from Nigeria.
Weeaboo implies white, so-- WHAT'S THE TERM FOR THIS OH JESUS CHRIST HELP.
Also now I can officially rage at you throwing Japanese words into your English, even though you haven't done it since.
You're a crafty one.
then like very classic ghetto wannabe black girl she got loud with me and i got loud back.
Oh, classy.
Ain't even mad, etc.
i mean, it wasn't even that serious. i wasn't mad because i didn't take it to heart.
Oh, joke's on me: all these posts are from 2007. Fucking new Livejournal, I tell you.
Anyway none of this is important. What is important is check this shit out:

Also look at that fucking cover, goddamn. They finally got the people who know how to make video games back.
Oh looks like it's coming out on the PC first. Glad I got 4500~ on the benchmark, woooooo--