All of these things were originally intended to aid the reader in reading the text.
Anyway, back to something completely irrelevant: blogs.
My current resolution is 1920x1080. This blog, and indeed almost all blogs (except mine, go figure) take up less than a third of my screen.
"loneliness is the human condition. get used to it. no one will ever fill that space."
Except all those people who enjoy fruitful relationships with other people.
"copper doesn't know its copper until its turning into gold.
your loving doesn't know its majesty until it knows its helplessness."
Copper can't turn into gold because they are both elements.
Okay so there is a very complex and expensive process in which scientists can bombard elements with radiation to knock electrons off their shells but even then I'm almost certain copper cannot be turned into gold. I think lead can, though.
But still the cost far outweighs the worth of what's produced and it was really done as more a matter of interest and research than anything.
if only i had a purpose, one that doesn't involve seating charts or doctor's visits.
Go to the library. Read a book. Go for a walk. Play some vidya gayms. Learn to paint. Learn an instrument.
There are a number of things you could do to enrich your life. Take me, for instance. I say mean things to strangers on the internet. Incidentally: that Danika girl from a few blogs back keeps messaging me. Apparently the concept of someone commenting on her blog is so alien to her she must hunt me down and eat my brain to gain my power.
I must say, though, staying awake through her blog proved I have some sort of immunity to sleep magic. That would be a useful ability to have.
Give me all the healing items because I'm the only one that can use them through status conditions~
i must become my own purpose but i've instead become trapped inside my own thinking, my sadness, my solitude. i am becoming a ghost and no one notices and if they do i'd call them silly.
Speaking of, I remember in FFXI my character seemed utterly immune to any sort of intelligence down status effect. She'd evade area of effect abilities which I had thought was impossible.
No intelligence to drain, I guess do ho ho ho ho.
i am so angry at society right now. it serves as a sort of scapegoat. how dare it make me feel deformed for not actively seeking a relationship every moment of my waking life, for not constructing my life around it, for making me doubt my convictions.
Further proving the axiom "analysis is the bane of conviction."
job opportunities in the humanities are looking rather bleak these days.
They sure are. Meanwhile in teaching land, one of the fastest growing fields in the country, it feels good.
i also don't want to be so accountable for the failures i could incur.
La la I want to take credit for all my successes but pin the blame on someone else when I inevitably fail la la
desolation. does it relent?
There is no rest from the far-reaching destruction of the Emperor's Space Marines.
i am afraid of everything. i am sad constantly.
I just found this cool dog in my yard.
Then the owners showed up :(
i quit my job at chili's because i was tired of settling for mediocrity and they treated me like a servant.
Let's analyze the word "servant" shall we?
From the participle "servir" or "to serve" it is quite literally as it sounds: someone who serves.
Considering your job likely involved bringing people food (serving) I think it's a fair assumption that it was YOUR FUCKING JOB YOU TWAT.
i am trying to get a teaching job. pretty sure it would be, like, the most fun exciting thing ever.
In six months: "I quit my teaching job because they treated me like a teacher :("
i know most of you don't know me well, but do you think i would make a decent teacher?
You're boring, you're way too self-absorbed, but most of all you're boring and pretentious.
in my philosophy of sex and love class i argued that masturbation is the ultimate successful sexual act, as well as the purest form of sexuality in existential terms.
Except from a biological standpoint.
Oh yeah, biology. That's kind of important. It's only how the species continues or something.
I don't know I'm not a philosopher.
really wish i had the graded copy of my superheroes and altruism paper.
Sounds really-- Zzzzzzzzzz.
paper is on:
what is it (supposed to be)?
Fucking altruism is acting outside of one's personal interests purely for the benefit of other(s).
ever had a man confess to being in love with you?
Anyway it's starting to feel like I just took 15 Ambien so I better be moving on.
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