Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What's Happening

What is happening
what are words

The problem I've had with blogs recently (I have a lot of problems with blogs but just recently) is that people seem to think they're Wikipedia or something and every other word is a link to some article.
Gee I didn't know the musings of some 17 year old high school twat had so many requisite readings to go with it.
The ever-thorny "what gender is this person?" situation is at once more and less confusing today. She (pronouns help) is a male to female transgendered, err, person, apparently. As near as I can tell.
Just to be safe, though: you're both a cunt and a dick.
I've been meaning to put together a bunch of links regarding the oil spill, but somebody has already beaten me to it.
Oh good, I'm sure we've all needed someone to compile a series of documents on this situation. So glad you're here, Usullusa. Before you did this we've all been wandering around guessing at shit, or doing absolutely fuck all if you're the government or BP.
Apparently there have been many complains that Obama isn't doing enough on the LGBTQ front.

Obama not doing enough about something?
Well this is certainly news to me.

Canvasing is making me hate everybody ever. Grassroots Campaign is currently working on behalf of the ACLU and one of the pulls that we use is "Do you have a minute for gay rights?"

"Nope I only have fifty minutes to kill Rathalos and he likes to stay in the air a lot."

Do you know what I get at least half the time from people?
"No, I'm fine."

"Not my fucking problem. Rathalos plate is a 3% drop."

I am so happy to hear that while millions of people are being treated unfairly at best and beaten and murdered at worst because of their sexual orientation, you are fine.

Yeah thanks. Life has treated me well and my ghost will rest easy-- wait, no, no. Wrong thing.
Do you know what I hear when I hear "No, I'm fine."?

"I've never had to worry about being discriminated against because of who I love a day in life, so no I don't really care. I am so comfortable in all my cushy privilege and that's all that's really important to me."

Hey it's almost like you have to make people care about shit to get them to do something about it. What do they call that skill? Rhetoric or something? Yeah, yeah like something they teach you in high school.
Oh well I'm sure it's not important.

The "Top Kill" plan, which involved pumping some kind of sludge into the pipes to block the flow of crude oil has failed.

Yeah I had a similar plan also called "Top Kill" to fix the oil spill, only mine involved a SPAS-12 combat shotgun.
Not very popular, my plan. Too bad because I think it'd actually work.
Okay, I swear book reviews are coming up soon (I need to finish The Pinhoe Egg), but humor me.

Can't wait for them book reviews.

The whole weekend was like that. I made the fucking mistake of stumbling into the bathroom still in my underwear and ended up catching an earful for not shaving my legs.

Female to male transgender?
Let's give this pause for thought.
On second thought let's not.

I've been having this discussion a lot lately. In the past few weeks I've often found myself having to defend my participation in fandom. Having people think that my interest is silly or lazy is really frustrating. Fanfic is not a less legitimate form of interacting with source material, and it's definitely not disgusting, immoral, or illegal.

>not less legitimate
Oh yes it is.
Fanfiction is the lowest form of writing there is.

Once you've shared your creation with the world, it ceases being wholly yours. You do not have a monopoly on thinking about your creation.

This is true. People are free to interpret it any way they please but that doesn't make them any less wrong when they come up with bullshit interpretations and read too far into the text like 90% of all fanfiction and college classes.

Other people can also think about it. I assume, in fact, that was your goal. But those other people might think about it differently than you might.

Before you pull a bullshit OPINIONS CAN'T BE WRONG LOL there are facts when reading a book.

And they might want to talk about it. And it might come out in the form of fanfiction.

I have never once read a fanfiction (I can stop there actually but I have tried out of mild curiosity so I guess that counts) that made me "think deeper" about its subject matter. Of course usually the "subject matter" is Naruto and there isn't a lot of deep thinking to do in the first place but whatever.

And honestly, I think it's pretty damn flattering that somebody might care enough about your material that they would take time and effort into writing about it.

Yeah they're called scholars and they do shit called "literary analysis" that's usually a bunch of pedantic bullshit but once in a while a truly novel thought comes out that makes not only you but a lot of other people think about the writing in an entirely new way.
You know, exactly like fanfiction has never done once.

It is NOT out of laziness or lack of creativity or desire for attention.

Yes it is. If you were truly that good at writing you could come up with your own shit.
But you can't, and so here we sit.
Any by the way, if nobody ever riffed off anybody else, art would have stopped dead in its tracks millennia ago.
Of course people borrow from each other constantly but ripping off the characters, setting, plots, etc wholesale is a little bit different than "riffing".
Also, the chatlog between sythia and me has officially gotten so big that my computer crashes when I try to open it.


Oklahoma has passed new abortion laws. Now women who want to have an abortions have to get an ultrasound prior and hear a detailed description of the fetus.

Why is it every time a sentence starts with "Oklahoma has passed new laws" what follows is inevitably "herp durp de durr hurr."
It's the proximity to Texas I think.

Somewhere out there, GLBTQ individuals are being attacked and killed for being queer.

Okay GLBTQ. Gay. Lesbian. Bisexual. Transgender.
... Q.
Ohhhhh okay. "Q" stands for "queer" or "people questioning their sexual identity" (thanks Wikipedia).

Today was one of those days where I woke up, thought about it, and went back to sleep. So I've missed all of my classes so far today.

I call those days "days where I have to go to class" but then I end up muscling through anyway because I'M HARDCORE LIKE THAT.
I do intend to go to my linguists lecture though because we're doing the "QueerSpeak" unit which I am excited for.

I call those days "days where I've lost all control of my life and thoughts."
1984 doublespeak bullshit fuck you, linguistics.

And we're not actually going to be talking about older gay male culture today!

Today, implying this has been going on for more than one day.
... When am I going to learn how to teach, again?

That gets tedious and is only relevant to my interests up to a certain point.

Yeah at least you get a day that's relevant to your interests.
I'm still waiting.

So remember that really hot scene in Lady Gaga's new Telephone music video? Where she makes out with that woman in the prison yard?

An entire team of sociologists, psychologists, anatomists, film experts and myself confirmed that was a man.
We were an international* group* of people with diverse ethnic*, sexual*, linguistic*, religious* and personal convictions* so we are in no way biased.

*: it was two white guys

Anyway we are experts in most fields of study.
It's been almost a week since I came out to my parents as "bisexual". Rather, I told them that I'm not dating a guy.

So... Girl?
To my mother I explained what genderqueer is and that I'm seeing somebody who identifies as such.


They will tell me I am confused, that my friends and the media have put these thoughts in my head, that I don't have enough confidence to pursue [real] men.

Okay, so she's a girl.
Yeah, I got it.
Well that was an exercise in linguistics I wasn't expecting on a Wednesday.
Anyway piss off I'm getting a headache.

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