OH SAME WORD I'm sure you'd argue. Well fuck you, they're different. Musings, with its root in the term "muse" would sort of imply divinely inspired ideas, wouldn't it? Fucking egomaniacs, all of you. Listen to me: the muses are busy visiting people with actual talent like, say, Stephen King.Wait, no--
So, a couple of years ago, I took a Mesoamerican Anthropology class.
Neat. Hopefully it didn't end like my Native American-- whatever that class was.
At one point, the instructor began explaining about how Mayan priests (I'm pretty sure it was Mayan...it was a few years ago.) pierced their genitals with stingray spines to induce trances.
Oh okay you actually learned stuff, so it was different from mine.
Also I'm only doing a couple of things if I'm piercing my genitals with stingray spines, and none of them are entering a trance.
... Should it? Let's see, piercing your nuts with stingray tails to see THE WILL OF THE GODS.
So, the Mayan priests had visions while they bled from their privates. Sound familiar?
What does that sound like?
Insanity, but not much else.
I thought so, too.Oh, okay. End of entry, I guess.
So, I worked on a presentation that made correlations between women's moon time rituals and the Mayan priests
I'm pretty sure the reason women have periods isn't because they pierce their junk with stingray tails.
This is one of those things that you'll fail because you say "oh look one thing kind of resembles another thing, it must be the same!" Then you have no real evidence for it so you kind of spin scholarly research into agreeing with you, but because this is college that doesn't work so well anymore.
pointing out that the female version was natural and normal, while the male (patriarchal) version was brought about by violence (genital mutilation and all). My point was that the priests were trying to usurp female sacred power.
>incredibly male dominated society
Yeah I'm not really following you here.
Patriarchy corrupts. I mean, look at medicine.
Yeah it sure does. Oh, what's this? Average life expectancy by century?

Hey it started really going up in 1850. I guess that's because the patriarchy finally stopped usurping the feminine.
Hmm somehow I don't seem to recall that footnote of history.Something about an industrial revolution or something I don't really know.
Childbirth is no longer in women's hands. It's not this empowering experience.
Was it ever? I don't know, I can't imagine that'd be the first thing on the minds of most women when they're about to deliver.
Anyway, said instructor scoffed at my idea.
Said instructor was a woman.
Your thesis, so far, has had nothing to do with anything related to Maya or its people, so I guess she would.
For lack of better words: WTF?
Yes. Just because she's a woman she instantly has to go from subservient wench to... Whatever the fuck you are, and therefore agree wholeheartedly with you. No thought involved, women can't think for themselves~
You sure have a low opinion of women.
Apparently restaurants around here are giving out vuvuzelas to children now.
Hey guys, wanna hear the most annoying sound ever?
So, I go into the little convenience store in our building to get a couple of necessities, and while I'm paying, the lady at the counter says, "If I give you a canvas bag to take these with you, will you bring the bag back?"
Clever ploy to get you to come back.
I told her that plastic was fine.
"Well, canvas is better for the environment, you know," was her reply.
"I reuse the plastic bags," says I. (and recycle them after they have been reused)
Here in North Carolina every grocery store is obliged to recycle plastic bags. They have a plastic bag recycle thing right at the entrance.
It's a pretty handy system for when you're not living in the outback like you are, apparently.
Okay, just 'cause I live in low-income housing ('cause my wife is ill and can't work right now), I'm ignorant? and uninformed about environmentalism?
It's the assumption that I am ignorant that pisses me off the most. I know it has to do with the way I look and the fact that I live in low-income housing (because if I was well-educated, I would have a good job and not be living here).
Dumb choice in your part, huh? Go to all that trouble to get "well-educated" and then you can't even get a good job with it.
Time to do some editing!
I have an ear, nose, and stomach bug. It's because of the weather, I'm sure of it.
My immune system couldn't handle fighting off illness with the added stress of the cold. Put garlic drops down my ears (I smell lovely, I assure you) and gulped down some Pau D'arco tea (ick) and Nettle tincture (not quite as ick but still ick). Hopefully that and rest will help.
Garlic drops behind the ears (...), "Pau D'arco" tea and nettle tincture. I know if the term "tincture" comes up you're probably not dealing with medicine from this century.
I think I see why people were dead at 45 in 1600.
So, I get the FtMs and the MtFs, but what about people who feel like neither / nor and both / and?
Oh look, it's this shit again.
You know, the people who really feel both male and female yet at the same time feel like neither sex. What are they?
Why the need to explain myself? So people don't just assume that I'm a woman.
Listen to me, people. You may have time to sit there and think about yourself endlessly, but meanwhile in everyone not you land, no one cares that much. They need quick answers to simple questions to communicate with you.
Oh look, that's the end of her blog.
Hurray, I'm finished!
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