But then I heard it. The magic silver bullet to every Final Fantasy ever: time travel. Time travel does not mix with Final Fantasy. Every time they try it comes off incredibly fucking dumb. Look at FFVIII.
Speaking of incredibly fucking dumb (smooth transition): Sweet and Lovely.
Gragh. I'm currently writing/planning about a hundred different stories. Well, with one of them, I've been planning to have Liza, my main character, fall in love with Lionel, the male lead.
Wow a love story where two people fall in love. How original.
Well, I've suddenly lost interest in getting the two together, not because I don't like Lionel, but because I've just introduced his best friend into the story, and now part of me really would like Liza to fall in love with him instead.
Maybe Lionel can still love Liza (usually a bad idea to have your two main characters with same-y names, but whatever) while she still wants the best friend. Maybe the best friend can turn out to be a total dick. Lionel comes to hate both. Maybe the best friend can wrongfully accuse Lionel of treachery, landing Lionel in a 19th century French dungeon.
Then Lionel can escape with the help of a priest accused of being a supporter of Napoleon (sort of like Lionel was) after learning all of the Priest's worldly skills (which were ample). Then, so changed by his experience, he can integrate himself back into the same society as someone else to exact vengeance on those who wronged him.
Ha, ha, just kidding this book already exists.
Of course in that book Dante's chick didn't marry Danglars (one of the men who wrongfully accused him) but one of her cousins (ew) but whatever basically the same shit.
But keep aiming for the stars, kid. I'm sure it'll work out fantastic.
This year I'm trying to set myself a personal goal for each month, whether it be something educational and improving, or totally fun and frivolous.
Sounds like it'd backfire. I'd just set my goal every month to be "this month I promise not to make any more goals for myself" but maybe you have more willpower than me.
However, I don't know what to do this month. I don't even really have any ideas. So I thought I might turn to you all for suggestions. What do you think I should do for March?
Oh, oh I have a good one: kill yourself.
Now here's her list of favorite names. I really give a fuck.
Also everyone knows the three best girl names are Cecilia, Edie and Chloe.
Aubrey? Haakon?
Seriously, Haakon?
Sounds like someone I might be fighting in a Dawn of War game.
Pathfinder Haakon.
Oh my God it is Dawn of War. Brother-Captain Erasmus Tycho of the Blood Angels III company and Captain Gabriel Angelos of the Blood Ravens III company.
Isn't he from Mass Effect?
No wait that's Garrus, sorry.
Wierd. I guess I should cut her some slack because schools beat the whole "i before e except after c" into your head (the one grammar concept they still seem to give a fuck about) and it happens to be wrong on many common words. Bang-up job all around.
Man, this was like THE week for wierd dreams.Tuesday I ran into Cyndi Lauper on the street and started chatting with her.
Thursday's dream was really unpleasant, especially at one point when the gang was trying to lure me out by threatening a little girl.
I had that dream once.
Then I realized I was a bear and mauled them to death.
Fuck yeah.
Now, FFVIII is my favorite video game barr none.
See? Only annoying cunts even like Final Fantasy VIII.
It is difficult to explain just how important it is to me, and how much impact it had on me when I was growing up. It is to me what FFVII is to everyone else.
No fuck that noise: Final Fantasy Tactics is clearly the greatest Final Fantasy ever made and if you disagree you are provably wrong.
Shame about all that other shit it spawned.
I kid, XII was pretty good. Of course it didn't have a quarter of the plot Tactics had.
Oh and the characters weren't nearly as deep or compelling.
Oh and the music kind of sucked.
Oh and it played like a watered down version of XI-- wait, why do I play these games? I should just replay Tactics.
And for quite awhile now I have secretly known I want to dance to "Waltz for the Moon" at my wedding, should I ever have one. Well, as I watched everyone dancing, to that song, in that setting, I was so moved I had to blink away tears.
Stand back, pussies, and get ready for some real music.
You could sit back and sip brandy or some classy shit while this is playing.
Last night I decided on my New Year's Resolutions.
1. Live posatively.
1a. Learn to spell "positively" (brotip: there's no 'a' in it)
7. Improve my looks. (Lose weight. Get contacts. Decide on hair style.)
8. Get a good, regular job.
9. Start lolita video blog.
>Lolita video blog

Well anyway I have shit to do (by which I mean play Pokemon. Fuck yes, Spring Break).
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