You'll forgive me for not giving this my undivided, because, well--
Also I have two, two, two entire Pokemon to train for a big tournament coming up. You know how it is.
I ran into a friend of mine whom I used to see 2-3 times per week and whom I am now only seeing about 1-2 times per month. When I saw him, I walked towards him, waiting for him to turn and smile at me, like he always does.
Haven't I read this? I don't mean this in a funny "all blogs are the same" way, either. Haven't I literally read this word for word elsewhere?
He has a killer smile that makes me feel awesome when he smiles for me. He turned and smiled, but something was different. The smile was just as large as ever, but still something was different.
He has a girlfriend oh no what a trage--Zzzzzzzzzzz
The smile was just as large as ever, but still something was different. Then she came over and he smiled at her the smile that used to be just for me. Oh. Wow. That means he liked me like... I didn't realize... Wow.
Oh I'm so right how do I do-- actually I read this entry before I started.
The next entry is called, what is it, "Wiccan Feminist Mormon Rantings". I had to check that about five times to make sure I had it right. Wiccan Feminist-- Mormon--
There was a big earthquake in Chile, but the missionaries from our church were very well taken care of because a couple of weeks before the earthquake, the Mission President's wife awoke in the middle of the night with a very distinct message from God regarding preparations to be made for earthquake safety. She told her husband in the morning and together they implemented some safety policies, inspected missionary apartments for earthquake soundness, etc. etc.
Hmm one might wonder why missionaries wouldn't seek to warn the people of this but I guess self-preservation ranks high. Additionally, mentally sound people (even Christfags, apparently) don't put much stock in dreams.
AND it's awesome that the Mission President believed and acted upon his wife's premonitions. There aren't very many scripture stories by righteous women and we don't have any books of scripture written by women, so I'm happy to see church history unfold with women playing integral roles in it.
>Mormon Church
Yeah, okay.
Last Sunday, the First Counselor in the Bishopric made a remark over the pulpit about a typo in the program and one of the speakers did also. I believe that the speaker was happy with the typo and thought it cute because he smiled a good smile when he said it.
The what? Bishopric? Bishop prick? That's not very nice.
I paid off one of my student loans with my tax return, or I thought I did. I logged in to see my success and it says I still owe $0.25 because of the interest they charged for the week of that payment cycle that passed before I paid off the loan. My bank won't let me make such a small payment. So I wonder, what happens if I you mail a loan company a quarter...
So, what, the bank wants this to balloon back up into debt before you can pay it off?
Makes sense--
Now there's a post about old people on the internet. It is predictably HILARIOUS.
Where did the time go? It's been so long since I've written in my journal.
To (still) write about:
Juno movie
Range on Monday
Doing homework w/Dad and the subsequent grouchy Randy episode.
Church on Sunday- including mean people and angry Randy.
WRITING ABOUT CHURCH SUNDAY!? Worth the wait for sure!
I bought him a Reno shotglass to add to his collection, a leather bound book on the atonement and a DVD of the Loveletters of Joseph and Emma with illustrations by Liz Lemon Swizzle and a box that says "Made in Texas" on the sides and a spiel about thanking your lucky stars that you are in Texas on the top.
Gross. This is why I hate Texas. MADE IN TEXAS, GOD BLESS TEXAS! GOOD THING "YOUR" IN TEXAS! No, fuck you, Texas. Want to know the best thing about Texas?
You can fucking leave.
He bought a BB gun at Cabela's and we're working out a target stand for it in the backyard.
I bought a Walther P22 handgun-- my first gun.
I wonder what Jesus would have to say about this?
Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
Oh, okay.
But I'm sure if one were to say that you Christfags would find 10,000 tricks to explain that away and how he meant SPIRITUAL WARFARE or whatever, but when it comes to shit you don't like suddenly the Bible is hyper-literal.
Good job all around, people.
2. A graphic sex dream with Randy. Yum. How many more months till we can do that IRL? Lol.

My phone was ringing, the noise made me want to panic. I tried to stay calm. I looked at the phone, it was Randy so I answered it. I told him I needed help. I was crying, I couldn't breathe easily because I was so upset. I was half a parking lot away from him.
Okay, pop quiz! What could have possibly sent her into such a panic?
I'd give you a multiple choice on this, but quite frankly the answer is so incredibly stupid it'd stick out so you could just play the ol' Sesame Street "which of these things is not like the other?"
Which is incidentally how I take all of my tests in educational psychology.
A average wooooooo--
I'll paraphrase the answer because the post is also incredibly long and dumb.
She went to McDonald's drive through (or "drive thru" if McDonald's spelling is to be believed)
and the microphone was broken so she started reversing in the drive through lane (something I think they specifically tell you not to do) and someone came up behind her, blocking her exit, and just sat there.
Of course they were probably so dumbfounded at what they fuck they were witnessing they couldn't help but freeze, but this is Texas I'm talking about so the big angry lights on the car probably triggered some sort of primitive "stand your ground" instinct, so who knows.
Of course logic would dictate go forward and exit through the, uhhh, exit, but whatever, Texans.
Finally, I got out of the drive through and went over to Panda. I got out of the car and went to him, crying. I hoped he would hug me.
He asked me later when we were home if something was bothering me. It bothered me that when I was upset and needed him to comfort me, he did not. As we spoke of how hurt that I felt when he wasn't there for me, I wept. While I was crying, he didn't comfort me. Didn't we just go over this? I guess he really does not care.
He was probably so dumbfounded that something so juvenile could trigger this kind of reaction, but this is a Texan I'm talking about so probab-- okay I'll stop.
What follows is 19000 entries about Church and Temple (don't even want to get into that mess) so I think I'll stop here.
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