"Thus did he pray, and Apollo heard his prayer. He came down furious from the summits of Olympus, with his bow and his quiver upon his shoulder, and the arrows rattled on his back with the rage that trembled within him. He sat himself down away from the ships with a face as dark as night, and his silver bow rang death as he shot his arrow in the midst of them."
The wrath of Apollo is upon us.
I feel like crap, and yet I'm still going to school.
Why? You ask.
Why, to spread the swiny and infect as many peons as possible!
I have done nothing to anger the god, so perhaps I will be spared his fury.
Now she links to another journal where she tells elaborate (and no doubt shitty) stories through The Sims. I don't think I'll be clicking on that.
Anyway, continuing on with my Christmas rant-yay list, I got covers for my iTouch, OKAAAAAAMIIIII *squee*♥*squee* and many other wonderful things.

On Okami, I can see why people love it so much. It's a beautifully illustrated gem of a game, the art in it is so unique. And there's booze. I MEAN THAT. LOTS OF BOOZE.
Only 9th graders could be so impressed with something like that.
You people must think I'm a crackhead...But that's OK, ILY2. ;)
I think if you were you'd have come up with something better than this.
So I'll give you a cookie if you can translate these phrases ♥
They're in Deustch ♥
Oh look, a thinly veiled "fuck you I know a foreign language" post.
Well I'm real impressed.
Jesus hatte mehrere Kinder, von denen alle aßen ihr Vater.
"Jesus had several children, all of whom ate their father."
Whoop-de-shit, German. You can practically sound out the translation.
Ich hatte eine Schweinshaxe. Es war sehr lecker.
"I had a porkchop. It was very tasty."
You do go on and-- oh look, you provided the translation under each sentence. How disappointing. I just noticed because it's in teeny tiny yellow font that's crossed through, but I suppose you can read that if you don't mind your eyes melting in the process. I guess the reason she threw the translation up there is because it wouldn't he wholly impressive until you knew she knew it, but fuck you I had high school German too and I'm not fucking impressed.
November is shit. That's what I think.
I honestly, truly, really do.
And I have reasons.
Reasons I won't be reading--
PLEASE READ BEYOND THE STORY AT THE BEGINNING. Please, this is totally serious and not just me going on a rant.
It looks really long, though.
Well, someone recently blogged a Justin Bieber (sp?) music vid. I was curious, I'd never heard him before, so I clicked it.
Well, I have to admit, I don't really enjoy his music.
I didn't comment that in the blog, I decided to try and post something I felt was amusing in the video, so I said it looked like he was wearing lipstick. Before I entered it though, I read the comments before mine and saw that one girl had also stated something along the lines of 'I don't understand why people like him...'.
Skipping some unnecessary details (well, the entire post and indeed the entire blog is unnecessary, but whatever):
Color me surprised when her and her friend show up and begin antagonizing me as well, for stating my opinion.
Now, this isn't meant to be a blog to get guys on my side and start flaming these two girls, I posted it because of two reasons:
1) I'm really hyped about it now, for some reason.
2) I think we should start a movement. (which I'm also really hyped about right now)
Now, as you can see, that second one looks serious. Well, I'm totally serious about it.
A movement for what? All spurred on because someone was "like, rly mean" to you on the internet?
I want this movement to be about the respect from one person to another person when stating their opinion, or just respect of another in general.
Yeah good luck with that, stupid.
Maybe, to a lesser extent, we could promote correct grammar and punctuation? I'm not as gung-ho on this one, and understand that you guys may not be either.
Yeah why would you want to be gung-ho about that one? WE HAVE TO RESPECT EACH OTHERS' OPINIONS ABOUT JUSTIN BIEBER, GUYS. :(
That's much more important.
Who the fuck is Justin Bieber?
I have a simpler movement: anyone who likes Justin Bieber is a cunt and I don't want to hear their ignorant opinions in the first place.
How about that for a movement?
Okay, so I'm getting (maybe) Sims 2 on Thursday. YAY!
Current location: North Carolina.
I just want to distance myself from her a little: I'm not originally from North Carolina.
And that's it. That's her entire blog, aww.
Well, Sierra, I have to hand it to you: at least you keep a reasonable update schedule. You only update when you think you have something to say (which still somehow manages to be never, but whatever I'll cut you some slack because you're clearly of diminished capacity) instead of getting one of these fucking things and making fifteen million posts through Twatter like everyone else.
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