But don't interpret my passing this as acceptance of his bullshit. It isn't. Unless you're Ryu from Street Fighter I don't want to hear from it.
Ok. Right Now. I'm meant to be reading ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers) Presidential Address.Yeah and I'm supposed to be reading the Book of Job. Don't hear me posting about it-- hey wait.
But Hell. Are they boring!
I seriously hate uni work.
OOOHHHH! The latest episode of Desperate Housewives is on 4od! YAY!
I've not seen it yet!
DAMN! Need to stop procrastinating!
Stupid uni *mutters*

Yeah, so I'm sitting on facebook chat.
Was talking to one of my friends casually, about the bridge we're building tomorrow, and he asks me a really random question;
so who u liking these days?
Oh but if you ask Blair out Chie's Arcana will go in reverse-- sorry, I probably shouldn't get my dating tips from Persona.
nobody really
like there are obv oh i wuld girls
like diane lol
Excuse me?
Oh I'm sorry I broke one of my cardinal rules for Edie Finds a Corpse updating: no fucking MSN conversations.
'I thought you'd be spending some time with that girl you're going out with?'
Another door got slammed. That was me out of there.
So... Boy?
I swear, if murder weren't illegal, there'd be a dead woman in my kitchen.
Wait, why?
'You don't understand how lucky you are getting everything you get, your car, a house, don't need to pay for food, don't need to pay rent.'
"Yeah man. Feels good."
'I'm sorry, I pay for my car, I've offered you money when you go shopping, and you said I was stupid for asking if you wanted dig money!'
'You know, it pains me to know that you can't talk to me about things, I don't believe there was ever a girl you were seeing, and I'm not surprised she was seeing one of your friends, you are always here!'
Shit, burn.
She followed me through to my room, and said some other things that I can't remember.
I suppose running off butthurt is a response (not a good one, but a response).
About three months ago, I started seeing a girl from uni, a nice girl, she was quite quiet, but when in company of friends, she would always come out of her shell. I liked this girl. The first nice girl I had liked in a while. And one, surprisingly enough, who liked me too.
So I put my Hitmonlee (Bruce :3) into my Pokewalker and I'm racking up exp and watts now, just by walking around and twitching! This new Pokemon game is fucking awesome. It's like I'm really living a healthy lifestyle all of a sudden.
All games should come with little doodads like this.
Oh right, you.
So I took her out on a date, which went very well, we went for dinner, then went to meet up with the rest of our friends.
We had a good night, we laughed, we danced, and banter was had.
Then things got strange, just under a week later, she stopped replying to my texts, she barely talked to me, whenever we met up, she couldn't look at me with a straight face.
She's mad at you. You're not sure why.
There might not be a reason.
There might be a reason. It might not make sense to you.
There might be a reason. It might be something you did.
There might be a reason. It might be something you did, but didn't mean for it to be interpreted that way.
There might be a reason. It might be something you did, but forgot.
Just when me and all my friends thought it was going to get slightly more serious.
A friend from my course in uni had phoned me saying 'I've just seen ------, with another guy,'
"Oh well blimey, guess it's time to find a new bird then, roight mates?"
My life is fucked.
Bitches and hos, man. Bitches and hos.
Don't let her get you down, right. Come on, let's go to the pub and whatever else you British people do.
My topics of conversation tonight have been rather weird.
1 - 'Sarah Jessica Parker is ugly. Discuss!'
She looks like a horse and her forehead is really freaking me out.
Why some people would choose to live alone, not because they're happy that way,
but because they're too scared to take the jump and see if they like someone.
Bet you're rethinking these wise words now, aren't you?
Oh no, I can't seem to move back maybe this is it--
Oh man, it is! Hurray, I'm done early!
Time to run some laps while listening to The Karate Kid soundtrack. Also training a fighting Pokemon at the same time.
Fantastic. It's like I'm really training for something important!
(combining quotes)
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