So here we have The Core Dump, which is kind of what I wish my computer would do while I'm reading it because then I'd have a plausible excuse to not be reading it anymore. "Oh, blue screen. Better do something productive with my life now."
But, alas, I built this TITAN to avoid exactly that kind of problem, so oh well.
Although I did buy a Seagate hard drive for it because I LIKE TO LIVE ON THE EDGE.
* 20:10 @tibek Led Zeppelin or Bond? Not that they're not both good. #
* 20:16 @tibek That is so awesome. Proof positive that the world likes good music! #
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Oh, that's brilliant, right? "Hey, let me take something already probably out of context (Twitter) and make it even more out of context! Hey, yeah, any reader I have will enjoy this exercise in futility!"
No browser? No USB? No floppies? No problem.
Yeah I got a fucking USB right here for you, you Texan fuck.
Oh shit he is from Texas. I was just kind of assuming.
I can smell a Texan from a mile away. They all have that distinct stink of cow.
On a more personal note, I love my new giant hard drive. I've finished installing very nearly every game I have on it, the latest one being System Shock 2, a classic game which had major influences on later works, especially Portal and, of course, Bioshock. System Shock 2, of course, is not supported by anything after Windows 98.
Of course. Can't find a work around or unofficial patch for that, can you? Just a classic game every nerd on the planet has a chubby for. I "reckon", as you Texans say, that it'd be impossible to fix this problem.
I've found various patches and workarounds for this around the interwebs, some of which actually got the game to run, but none of which prevented it from crashing after about a minute. Sad.
Core affinity, stupid. Turn all (save one) off.
Goddamn Texans.
For a solution, I've decided to go after something I tried a long time ago and never got to work with my tiny hard drive and limiting RAM: virtualization.
Or you could set core affinity, but I guess that's also a solution. Leave it to a Texan to pick the most convoluted solution available.
* 19:22 I want to put virtual machines on my virtual machines (so I can compute while I compute, etc). Is it so wrong to want a fractal computer? #
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You're pushing it, motherfucker.
For about $15, I managed to pick up Audiosurf (a cute little game I've had my eye on for a while, and is well worth the $2.50 they were charging), a grab bag of old LucasArts adventure games, Beyond Good and Evil, and (the biggie) Bioshock.
That's interesting I managed to get all of those for free.
Guess I get a special non-Texan discount, huh?
Super Smash Brothers: Melee (or is it Brawl? I can never remember which is which)
Oh that's easy. Melee is the one basement-dwelling mutants try to turn into a hardcore tourneyfag game when in fact it's a fun party game, whereas Brawl is a game basement-dwelling mutants try to turn into a hardcore tourneyfag-- hey wait.
Today, I'm going to talk about profanity.
A long time ago, I, being my usual inquisitive self, asked my dad just what it was exactly that made bad words bad.
Nothing. Quit being a pussy.
Like any other literary device, though, overuse will dilute the significance, and overuse of it in casual situations could lead to having nothing left when the situation demands something more.
You seriously underestimate the power of the word "fuck".
I feel like I should be leading up to some kind of final revelation here, but nope. That's about it. I don't cuss. It's weird. Here's a journal entry about it! What do you guys think about profanity?
You fuck. You Texan fuck.
I'm going to talk for a bit about my computer. My new computer is awesome.
Oh wow, let me read about this.
My new year's resolution is 1280x800. Seriously.
Current resolution: 1920x1080.
Oh, what's this? What's this? Fifteen Dragon Age: Origin windows open at once.
Because why not?
[EDIT: Hardware installed. New hard drive space: approx. 250 gigabytes.
Oh let me stretch out in my 1.5TB of space. Sure is eeeeeeempty in here.
Current Mood:y so srs?
Current Music: Shinedown - Second Chance

Fuck Texas.
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