so if this: 木is a tree, and this: 森 (three trees stacked on top of each other) is a forest, and this: 火 is fire, and three fires stacked on top of each other like this: 焱 is flames, then what happens when you stack 女 (woman)?
Why, you get 姦, which as near as I can tell is no longer in common use (probably due to it being a pain in the dick to write) but its two most common meanings in order are "wicked" followed by "rape".
What does this tell us? Asian languages are inherently sexist? Women are evil?
Actually I'm not sure what my point was. I just found it kind of funny. I was reminded of it because today's subject wants to get a tattoo with those super-mysterious Chinese letters.
Those Han characters are crafty, they are. They never work quite like you'd expect.
I mean, this is the thing: today it's just all about breathing in, breathing out and knowing that you're exactly where you're meant to be.
Oh is that the thing? Breathing is important? Yeah, kind of figured that out a while ago.
Isn't it? I think it is.
I have an ocean's worth of love in my heart this morning. An ocean's worth. <3>
Funny I have an ocean of disgust in my heart for you.
Her next entry is entitled "why this Icon for this entry is the one tattoo I would get"
and it's a picture of this: 龍 which means dragon. It kind of looks like it, too. If you imagine the top left part is the head, then the bottom left part is the body then that shit on the side is a tail-- yeah you kind of have to use your imagination.
Last dragon I fought was a complete pussy. The cutscene introducing the dragon took longer than the actual fight itself.
The Fire Dragon is a powerful force to be reckoned with. This is a Dragon doubled! The Fire Dragon can move from calm and collected to combustible in a matter of seconds.
FFXIII, I am so disappoint.
The dogs are like, what are you doing?
I'm like...I'm brushing my teeth.
They're like, is there any possible way we could provide assistance?
Regular Homer at this storytelling thing, aren't you?
Perhaps if we stand closer to you? Oh, is that your foot? My apologies. What are you doing now?
I'm like...I'm going to bed! We have hung out all day!
They're like, but say, just before you go? How about a bedtime story?
And then I was like, uh-uh, girlfriend!
well, that about maxes out my Spanish abilities. yo quiero taco bell. And there you have it. Tonight, I celebrated September 1st by attending a meetup in Old Town for the Wild Women of the Vine of San Diego. For an introvert, this is a fairly egregious undertaking: you have to go out, after work, and talk to people you don't know.
*cowers in corner*

It trips me out when I chat with G online and she's all, yesterday I saw the Dalai Lama in person and tomorrow I'm going rafting in the Himalayas! :) And I'm all, I'm just sitting at my desk.

so you're all "I'm a huge a cunt"
and I'm like ಠ_ಠ at your dumb fucking posts.
this morning, the air outside smells salty, like the ocean, and even though I live 8 miles from the sea, I can almost hear the waves crashing.
You know back in the day they believed living close to the ocean turned you into a manipulative, backstabbing asshole.
Not making that up, either.
is it possible to wish for things as they once were and simultaneously have no desire to go back to the past?
Shut up.
I was born in July. The full moon in July is sometimes known as the Oak Moon, which was waxing on the day of my birth. Ancient lore tells that the moon that governs your month of birth can predict a great deal about your character and challenges in life....
Yeah, ancient lore also prescribes pouring bull piss on a snake bite. Not exactly scientific, ancient thinkers.
I am going to poke my eyeballs out with hot burning sticks.
The end!
Yeaaaaaaaah pulling a Polyphemus. Awesome.
I have discovered that my thought process, which is nonlinear at the best of times, is so completely random in the mornings that I confuse even myself.
You're such a cunt even you stand aghast at your douchebaggery. Good fucking work, Columbo (?) (not really sure what prompted that)
Also I fucking love it when people equate confusing to deep or genius thinking.
How the fuck is it Albert Einstein could explain some of the most complex scientific principles in such a way that even children can spout off what it means yet you chucklefucks can't even explain the simplest workings of your day without stumbling over some elementary grammatical concept or relying on the most douche-shiver inducing language imaginable?
The reason is simple: Albert Einstein was actually a genius. You people are just idiots with egomania.
The fragrance you bought three years ago that you now hate because it reminds you of your ex-boyfriend but it cost $9234962345 dollars and you can't throw that shit away!
Well I guess that's everything I wanted to say about today's fucking blogger.
Remember, Pokemon SoulSilver (or HeartGold if you're stupid. And 10.) Sunday better have that shit on preorder for your free
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