But it was all worth it, because I found this fascinating romp into pretentiousness.
Today I'm going to have a little contest with myself. I'm not allowed to say "cool story, bro" and the second I want to default to that response the entry ends.
All of my favorite characters-- in literature, in history-- are hard-headed women who are completely unafraid to speak their mind, who are sure of themselves and are correct to be so confident. I call these women "badass" and their badassery intrigues me to no end.
Cool story br-- FUCK. One more time, okay. That was a practice run.
-Scarlett O'Hara (Gone with the Wind, as always my first and foremost fictional fascination) (WIN for alliteration!) (WIN for rhyming!)
-Dominique Francon (The Fountainhead)
-Joan of Arc-Cleopatra
-Paulina (The Winter's Tale)
-Hermione (The Winter's Tale)-Melisande Shahrizai (Kushiel's Legacy series)
-Eva Peron
That's funny. All my favorite characters in literature never whine once.
I guess Joan of Arc didn't (except when she was getting burned to death, but I think she's within her rights at that point). Other than her, though, fuck this list.
Also I'm amazed you stayed awake through The Winter's Tale. Well, not entirely, since it's boring and you're a bore so you have a lot in common, but I know personally I entered a twilight coma to get through it.
Great, don't give a shit.
I admire their badassery and I aspire to it, to varying degrees depending on the character in question. For each of these women, I want to be them, at least a little bit. That is one of the reasons I will propose Winter's Tale, because it has a high concentration of the kind of badassery I so love.
Don't you have to do something to be badass? I always thought so, anyway. Like when Kenshiro punches people and their heads explode and he doesn't whine once during it. Sort of like that.
You know then a guy asks for mercy and he says something like "you gave none, so none shall you receive," and then the guy's already dead.
What'd Scarlet O'Hara do, exactly? I don't honestly know, having never read the book and I fell asleep during the movie (watched it in school, so I was killing like five birds with one stone by falling asleep).
I have been pondering something which is VERY exciting to me. So I am going to share my ponderings :)
Great.Can't wait!
Last semester I was pondering proposing a show. Pericles, Prince of Tyre, to be exact.
Sounds pretty-- Zzzzzzzz.
Winter's Tale lends itself VERY well to a fairy-tale motif, somewhat more so in the second part of the play, which takes place in mainly in Bohemia.
No, wait, that's Demon's Souls.
Also good work, Demon's Souls. Wouldn't "gray fog" by definition be colorless?
I'm not sure yet precisely what I want to do with these elements, from a design perspective; but I love them so very, very, very much, and I've been thinking about it near-constantly for the past couple of days.
Wow you're really boring.
My antisocial-ness springs from laziness most of the time, or from feeling a lack of interestingness; and then because I am feeling this way, being antisocial perpetuates my feeling uninteresting, and creates in me a sense of being adrift.
Ooph, that was a lot of douchiness to take at once.
Hold on, feeling a little winded after that.
Okay, proceed.
Oh? How much were they paying you?
So last night, Walter and Charlotte and I went to see the Vagina Monologues.
Goddamn, leave it to these high-minded pretentious assholes to make vaginas boring.
I didn't think that was physically possible, but I guess true douchebaggery reigns.
I have been waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak, on my study abroad application for quite some time now.Oh where are you headed?I would bet it's either England or France.
Probably England.
Oh.Didn't see that one coming, anyway.
I have been waiting to go to Argentina for literally my entire life.
And this morning, during yoga, the idea hit me that I might not get approval...
During Yoga huh huh lllllllllllllllllllllll
Which isn't to say that I didn't fit into the homogeneity; after all, I am Jewish and I look it.
Ah that means your mom is Jewish.
Only goes matrilineally, don't you know.
This morning in Econ Stats, I experienced a thought of such profound geekitude that I just had to share it:
"Friends, Romans, Countrymen" is Antony's construction of a 99% confidence interval to test the null hypotheses that Caesar was ambitious, and that Brutus is an honorable man.
Hold on, hold on:

For those of you who don't speak statistics: the null hypothesis is a claim that you make about a given population, which you hope to reject after you construct a confidence interval.
Yes, surprisingly I, too, had to sit through elementary statistics as well.
a 99% confidence interval will be more accurate than a 95% interval.
Good, good, keep it coming. I have aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall day.
Today I was productive. It was like a great switch turned on in my brain (with particular respect to microeconomics) and I could figure out the problem set I've been puzzling over for days now.
Cool story br--Ah fuck, I guess that's it, then.
Oh well. I had a good run, one false start notwithstanding.
In fact, I'm going so far as to give myself the Chef Excellence stamp of approval:

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