Monday, November 30, 2009


Yeah I've been playing some Dragon Age: Origins lately, and there's this weird autistic Dwarf kid who can only say "enchantment" and, surprisingly, he enchants things. He's pretty bro tier.
Speaking of bro: today I noticed I had a follower. That's very flattering, especially since it doesn't appear to be anyone I know, so thanks for that.
Now I have strangers reading, time to drown site in popups.
Here we have a blast from the past. Anorexia blogs? Hell yeah, motherfucker. It's like revisiting a favorite game from years ago. Nostalgia~
god today has been terrible. jesus. i don't even have the energy to go through it right now it was so awful.

Yeah the weather fucking SUCKED today, which put me in a great mood. Traffic is so light and no one is on campus the second there's a single raindrop. Bitches weren't from old country where today would be considered beach weather.
my aunt is such a fucking bitch. she either ignored me or bitched at me all fucking day.

everyone says i'm such a spoiled brat and if i sit down for one second they make me feel like shit for it. i've been on my feet for eight hours straight. i guess the good thing is i've burned a bunch of calories.

So one thing that's really fucking awesome is the character creator in Dragon Age. At first I thought it was pretty light weight compared to shit I'm used to, but in actuality it's just really easy to use.
Also my new computer barely cracks 60c running it on ultra high, so I'm pretty pro at the moment.
i can't believe one day could be so fucking long.

good news is my books and new saosin cd came in from amazon so that perked my spirits up quite a bit. and i didn't eat anything but 6 cals worth of gum today until dinner (which was my goal).

Oh right, you.

so far today i've done okay eating wise. not great, but not binging by any means.

I'm having a little trouble with the scale, here. That'd be like me saying "I'm doing okay with this breathing thing. Not great, but I haven't suffocated on my own fluids yet." There's a pretty huge gap between "okay" and "vomiting" at least in my mind.
I am a Florist, but i want to go back to school for either Creative Writing or English or something like that. My dream would be to write fiction novels.

As opposed to nonfiction novels. Also: can't write fiction without a degree in it.
Woman I Admire:
Audrey Hepburn- She handled every situation with grace and care and she was the champion of many wonderful causes. I just love her grace and charm and beauty!

Too bad you didn't admire how much she wasn't a cunt. Oh well. I guess logically if you're graceful and charming you're also not a cunt-- err maybe? Can you be a cunt and still charming?
the family reunion was AWFUL.

first of all, my pretty, skinny cousin was there with her new boyfriend which made me feel inferior and stupid.

No I'm fucking serious. Good. You should feel inferior and stupid.
Yeah I had another quote here then I deleted it. Having some problems giving a shit, here.

last night i was real bad off. i cut myself alot. cut so much i can no longer see my stretch marks on my stomach. all i could think was, "My parents deserve a daughter so much better than me."


did you know that 130 cups of tea will kill you?

Presumably all at once and not over the course of a lifetime. If it's the latter I know some English people who are in trouble.
i cut myself last night. not alot and it was only shallow cuts because my fear of getting caught way over powers my need to hurt myself.

Ha, ha, easy there, Linkin Park.
i will just never get it together. my mind is so fucked up, i'd probably have dropped out of college before the semester was over like the past 3 times i've tried to go to college. i am just a worthless sack of shit. honestly.

Three times? Wow, usually people give up or succeed before that. Well hey, if you need something good to say about yourself: you're persistent.
I'm not sure if that's a compliment, come to think of it.
i tried to commit suicide once, but i chickened out. it got me sent to this horrible mental hospital. i almost killed my parents by doing that. that's the only reason i'm not contemplating suicide again.

Uh-huh. So I have this awesome picture of this dog:
Check that fucker out. Dog wearing glasses. He thinks he's people! Dogs are funny.
Oh right, you.
i'm going to be this fat, fucking failure for the rest of my life.

i'm never going to publish a novel, never going to be pretty, never going to find that perfect guy, never going to have friends... hell, i'm never even going to go to fucking college.

Yeah join the fucking club. Well, I am pretty devilishly handsome, come to think of it. Also I have friends. Oh, and I'm pretty thin.
Oh and I do go to college.
Uhh-- so no, I guess it is just you. Sorry~
Hurray story time.

this is a little scene from a discontinued story of mine.

DISCONTINUED. Last story ever, folks, enjoy it while it lasts before they discontinue them~
Levi leans into me and I can smell the alcohol and smoke on his skin. I open my mouth to breathe it all in more fully, his scent sending lightning through my system.

He made some great jeans.

He covers my mouth with his own and slowly leans me back onto his bed.

I've read this line a lot in fiction (novels) and it never really conjured an image of kissing to me. I always imagine someone looking deadly serious and covering someone's mouth with their own, but everyone has a really serious straight face-- it's a stupid image.
I feel my chest opening up and letting him fill me, letting the guilt and fear and the wanting overtake my senses.

First part sounds like a serious medical problem, while the second part sounds like a serious psychological condition.
Also brotip: you can write about things not related to you.
Ha, ha, just kidding. You can't, but hypothetically, I mean.
His body is hot like a furnace, scorching me with his fingertips. His damaged hand brushes along my back, my stomach, down my bare legs, aggravating the angry red cuts that cover me. I feel the pain of it and I like it.

Okay I hope I'm not the only one who first read "angry red cuts" as "angry red cunts". I did a double take. Kind of gives it a new meaning.
So long story short something sexy is about to happen then he asks why she cuts herself and she gets really butthurt for no reason and pulls that bullshit 6 year old tactic of "now I'm really angry at you all day" like anyone would give a fuck (and she wouldn't forget the second something shiny entered her vision, or a loud noise or something).
It's about a girl named Mercy, who during the day is a nurse on the children's floor of a hospital and at night is a sadistic vigilante killing men who rape or molest women.

Wasn't that an episode of that old Full Metal Alchemist anime? Or was that Catwoman? Either way, been done before. Better, too.

i thought i saw a man in the house last night, but it was just the silhouette of a table.

Tables are crafty like that.
Matthew keeps begging me to come back. But honestly, i don't want to. I wish i had never gotten married. I wish i could go home, but i don't wish to see him again.

I asked him about the gay porn, he said that it still turns him on, but that he doesn't want that lifestyle.

Ha, ha, ha oh wow. Turned a guy gay. Good work, honey.
Can't top that. Ending on a victorious note~

Friday, November 27, 2009

Mee Deggi the Punisher: you are already dead

I don't know I've already killed Mee Deggi. Twice. I have TWO pairs of impact knuckles to show for it, too. GIB OCHIMUSHA KOTE. I know that doesn't sound too bad because people I know have camped it 28 times with no success, but whatever I figured they were exaggerating. Considering it took me five hours I'm really not allowed to call people loser or stupid today.
But that's okay. I'm the best around. Nothing's ever gonna keep me down.
I should run away before my lecturer catches me now. xDDDD

So I think you can tell where this is going already.
I am remiss to call this girl a weeaboo since that specifically refers to white people and she's Malaysian or something so-- what do you call that? I don't even know. My extensive training in internet trolling hasn't delved this far.

And I'm watching New Moon on Thursday, and I've got 2012 at a friend's place on Friday

I'm sorry. One time I went on an 18 hour marathon of bad movies with some bros. I forgot my name.

I promise you I will resize the pictures I took and post a day-by-day recap of my trip tomorrow.

Yeah it's pressing that you do this for me. I'd rather look at the widescan window for another five hours than see those pictures. I'm dead fucking serious.
Now here's a picture reporting she got "Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II" but the "II" is in all sorts of fancy font and red (and bold and apparently written in blood) that it really stands out from the rest of the cover, like that's the part you really need to know. Considering it's the same drivel in every fucking book that probably would, in fact, be the important detail because otherwise you wouldn't be sure that you hadn't already read it.
It's probably my cynical nature, but whenever I see UPLIFTING STORY ABOUT A MAN BEATING INOPERABLE BRAIN CANCER! there's always a niggling sense in the back of my mind that "yeah this happens so rarely that when it does happen it gets published in a multinational best seller so if this happens to me I'm FUCKED."
I'm really pumped up for InuYasha tonight. I watched last week's episode, but tonight's has Sesshoumaru. Yeah, so blame it on my I-like-side-characters-more-than-main-ch
aracters-and-I-whine-about-how-I-never-get-to-see-them thing!

This was posted October of this year in case someone thought "Inu Yasha? Isn't that what weeaboos watched five years ago?" and yes, yes it is.
Let’s get something REALLY straight first - as you guys probably already know, I’m really passionate about this Teni-fandom.

I don't even know what the fuck. I'd like to point out this is her "I need to get some stuff off my chest so I might keep this from my friends" kind of thing, and we're talking about anime. Good, no. Great.
I love all the other anime and manga I’ve read, really, I do, but Tenipuri has touched me in a way no other series has.

ALL of them. She has never read something she didn't like. You can stand to be a little discerning, you know.
If any of you are reading this, I guess you must be wondering where this is heading to. =/

Well, see (I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this before), my parents don’t really support this fandom AND all my other fandoms at that.

Likely they're just wondering where they went wrong in raising you, that's all. You know, when your daughter seriously makes a sound effect that sounds like "squee" at 17 it's a little-- yeah.


Um, in case you haven’t noticed, dad and mom, I’m 18 turning 19. How old can a teenager be?

I don't really-- 19 is the limit, actually. Once you turn 20 the "teen" ending ends.

They think anime’s just a more refined version of cartoons and that it’s tremendously fake.

Well it's not. It's real.
Like, what sort of anime do you watch? Let’s see, NONE? They haven’t tried an anime that has a reasonably good plot, reasonably good characters, reasonably good graphics and a reasonably-sized fanbase, and they can go around saying that?

>good plot
pick one.
All right fagorts. That's it.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Just waiting for a party

Man getting a party is hard on thief. Probably because thief looks awesome on paper but in actuality is a little bit shit.
2x centurion's sword though I'm excited to test this out. I'm ballin'.
Of course I couldn't afford that new 2+ acc cloak, so I guess I'm a baller on a budget.
Oh yeah some shit.
But seriously 200k for 2 accuracy is pretty fucking ridiculous. 2 attack for 10k is fine, thanks.
And yeah I know people spend like 1.5mil for 2 accuracy later on but this isn't exactly a job I plan on maining, all right.
At the last count, I have paid something like £3500 in overdraft charges to my bank in the last 5 years. These charges continued when I was unemployed and my only income was £60 a week in job seekers allowance.

Oh hey how about that? Banks don't like it when you spend money you don't have.
Let me put this into a context you'll understand. Imagine a place where everyone has 50 cents (or 50p, whatever get real money) and people put their 50p in the same piggy bank. Now you've spent 1 pound 25, and suddenly GUESS WHOSE MONEY YOU'RE TAKING?
If I see one more fucking advert for that "one flat stomach rule" or "one simple rule" for losing weight, I am going to have to design a plan for hunting down the clown responsible and showing him one simple trick for losing weight that involves cutting his fucking balls off.

Wow. Easy. I mean I admit I'm tired of the SECRET TO WHITER TEETH FOR FIVE DOLLARS that's probably "use baking soda" but whatever, I just don't look at it. Also Firefox Adblocker. Look into it.
The woman on the left is probably a UK size 12, maybe a 14 at most. If she wasn't slouching and grabbing at her lovehandles, she would have a nice figure.

Yeah grabbing that fistful of fat equates to a nice figure in my head. I mean she's by no means a cow, but let's not delude ourselves.
The woman on the right is heavily airbrushed and probably underweight (and quite possibly jailbait). It's no wonder that perfectly healthy women are stressing about their weight with images like this all over the Internet.

What kind of bullshit is that? THE GIRL ON THE RIGHT IS NUBILE AND UNDERAGE SO IT'S NOT REALISTIC. Wow, you're right. The internet is so unrealistic. Which is probably why I don't get my dieting brotips from POP UP ADS.
It's bad enough these ads try to exploit people by promising them some magic cure, but even worse is the fact that they're targeting people who have no need to feel bad about their bodies. Fucking disgusting.

If you're a currently living human you probably have a reason to feel bad.

She seemed perfectly lovely, of course, apart from stealing half my fags.

For someone who seems to subscribe to the philosophy expounded by my Philosophy of Education class (wherein we treat the form of something and not its function) you sure are busting out some homopho-- oh right, British. Goddamn you people.

This world is full of racists and misogynists and these people shout louder than everyone else and have no morals to speak of, so they generally end up causing a hell of a lot more damage.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
The truth is, the importance of treating people equally is something that some of us have always known is right, from a very early age.

Oh but what if people don't come from equal backgrounds? Wouldn't treating them equally still not be equal enough, in that case? Shouldn't we be treating people with equity? (yeah I've been through some shit this semester)

I knew racism was wrong the first time I saw an Asian girl at my school in tears after being called "paki." Nobody had to tell me that something very unfair was happening, I just knew.

Yeah if you were a real bro (you're not but whatevs let's roll) you'd break the people making fun of hers' faces in and then pick up the chick for being totally cool.
At least that's how these scenarios play out in my mind.
Of course I recently learned that reaction is the problem with our hyper-masculine society so I don't even know what to do. I'm trying to be multicultural by picking up Asian girls and now you're telling me I can't even bust a few noses on my way there? Sure are leaving me with few options, class.
I'm totally built enough to fight someone else, too. Trust me.
I couldn't give a fuck about being perceived as "polite" or "inoffensive," but political correctness never killed anyone. Political correctness never got anyone beaten up. Political correctness never kicked or stabbed someone to death.

Exactly my fucking point. These cavemen won't appreciate your sophisticated concepts of social contract and equality when they're too busy wracking their stupid cavemen brains for something witty to say, so your only option is to go in like you mean fucking business.
As for the misogynists... a few days ago I read an online rant by a sixteen year old who was speaking very much as a typical sixteen year old would.

Oh hey, a sixteen year old says something stupid. I don't believe it.
I wrote a blog, something happened on my laptop, I lost it and couldn't get it back. So there you go.

There I go? What? Go where? What does that have to do with fucking anything?

3. Pro-lifers, homophobes and other religious types who insist on inflicting their beliefs on others.

Yeah the other side never does that. Both sides are pig disgusting.
9. People whining over the smoking ban. Get over it.

Yeah enjoy your police state, England.
Now she's writing a review of Snakes on a Plane and I've apparently moved back 3 years' worth of posts.
So I guess that's it. Still no invite on thief, switching to samurai~

Monday, November 23, 2009

Apple sucks

Just saw a commercial for Apple on Youtube. They wanted me to switch to the new Apple OS, because "herp your switching anyways might as well switch to ares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (grammar for effect)" joke's on you, cockblimps, because I already switched. To Windows 7.
Why? Well, I didn't build this monster machine to run a shitty OS that can't do anything except be pretentious.
That's right. Call back when you can run gayms.
Oh right. Blogs.
So first thing I'm blind. Cool 4 point font.

Life is a little diffcult at the moment, but I have faith. =) I have hope in something better to come. =) I was watching Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants last night and it made me think about life.
Whenever someone says something like "I was inspired by Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" my immediate reaction is something like this:
Really? Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (I don't even know what that is) brought out the deep philosophical issues of your life?
How we take things for granted. That we just don't go for how we feel at the moment. Some of us tend to hold back, hold grudges, never take risks, wait for something better to come along, but when we have faith and know we can do it, with the help of God, our friends, or our family.

Yeah well Warhammer taught me that only a fool puts his faith in luck. A wise man puts his faith in THE EMPEROR.
I'm making a book of quotes from random people and I need to jot them down here for now...OH I'm also gonna be taking up photography. I always see random signs and just the little things in the street that spark my interest and want to take pictures of it, but never have a camera, so I'm gonna get one someday and start traveling and taking pictures of random things in random places. =)

This post was made at 8:51 in the morning. Who is this high energy that early in the fucking morning?
Oh right, high school girls.

I LOVE VOLUNTEERING! Service really is the answer to all life's problems.

I volunteered at The Red Cross with Corri, Karri, and Ephraim at La Canada high school for the fire victims. The fire is SOOO CLOSE TO THE HIGH SCHOOL. It's ridiclous how close it is. It's sad how the 2 fire men passed away because of the fire.

Passed away because of the fire. That's an interesting turn of phrase. Usually people use "passed away" in relation to disease or such like. Not violent deaths.

Yeah they are! Man, who thought fire was a good idea? What has fire done for man? Oh right, it basically allowed people to invent civilization. But besides that, what does fire do?
Oh right, it cooks food.
But besides that, fire has done relatively little.

I relaized what I wanna do in life. I wanna major in Nursing and minor in Marketing.

Relaized. Reh-layzed.
The only other major to fall back on in Pharmacy. Those are def. my choices. I love life! I hate that we take for granted every moment sometimes, but I guess that's part of life right?

'We'? Bitch, I have an egg timer on my desk that I turn over sometimes just to remind myself that the SANDS OF TIME ARE SLIPPING FROM MY LIFE AS I TYPE.
Maybe we aren't really wasting it??...Yes..MY GOSH. I CAN'T WAIT TO HELP OUT! I can't wait till my career and everything else kicks off! I love my Father in Heaven and my Savior Jesus Christ. Without them, my life wouldn't be AS GREAT. Or even GREAT! Love everybody! *muahs*

Wow. This.

The Savior suffered so much for me and you.

You, maybe. Meanwhile I was busy being -2000 years old.
I have never been happy. =)

Ha, ha-- oh what.
Now there's a totally hilarious fucking story about tithing where she pays her taxes but HER HEAVENLY FATHER saw fit to tell Obama to give back the extra money she paid so she could go out and whore around or whatever it is religious girls do (what? They're notoriously easy. I don't make the rules) I'm not really sure where God comes into this because really, she paid extra money to the state, the state took whatever percent it did because OM NOM NOM MONEY EATING MONSTER, then they realized she paid too much (dope) so they gave some back. At what point should she be thankful in this process, exactly? Personally I'd give a big "fuck you" to North Carolina for not letting me keep all of the money I earned.
Which is none, incidentally. Working is for suckers.

I am so grateful for this church. It has made me a better person.

While I do not condone ego for surely Nemesis will punish hubris you could probably take a little more credit for self improvement, okay. Operative word in that: self.
I was trying to push ahead to make my way up front, but some girls were cussing and telling me really mean things.
Really mean things? What are you, nine? Get in their grill and tell them what the score is.
I just realized the big difference once I was in that situation. The gospel really does make you a better person. A stronger person =) I was able to be Christ-like and not push the argument or get into a fight.

Yeah and look what that fucking got him. Nailed to a tree.
Not that I'm condoning being a fist-swinging caveman but you know, when they start piling into the truck to hit Byzantium's version of Home Depot to get the supplies for your crucifixion I think you're well within your rights to maybe defend yourself. Or at least cheese it to Greece or something.
Two qualities I look for in a savior is some common sense and self-preservation instinct.
Stacy and I went to the Paseo to watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It was pretty good. I didn't get some parts and Stacy explained so it all came together in the end.

Ah yes, the complex narrative of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Here's how it goes, okay, try to follow along: there's this bro, right, and he ages backwards. The end.
Now the next couple of posts are something I can only describe as "logorrhea" which if you couldn't tell from the word is basically verbal diarrhea.
Like I've said before, I am a person of depth. I like going deep. Anything beneath the surface is what I like. =) I just finished watching "The Pursuit of Happyness".

Oh boy.
That movie is amazing. The struggle Christopher (Will Smith) went through is a STRUGGLE...I wouldn't be able to handle that, but we all have struggles. Some can handle more than others. Sometimes, I think about other peoples struggles and think "Wow, I wouldn't be able to handle that." I admire people that can handle a lot of adversity. My mother and my grandma are fighters. So is my cousin Jackie. People that can handle adversity, yet still manage to be happy and good are admiring to me. Very.

So you know that part in the song Layla by Eric Clapton where he just starts rocking out for 5 minutes and the song ends? It's really cool, but you're left wondering what the fuck, right? Well that's this blog, but minus the awesome part.
It was an amakening.

A what?

I think Heavenly Father knows when to hit me.

Oh so you're into that kind of shit, huh? I see.
Also her overuse of the term "Heavenly Father" reminds me of Assassin's Creed II suddenly. Knights Templar on about THE FATHER OF UNDERSTANDING (only with fake Italian accents so it's more like DE FATHUR AWF OOWNDERSTAHNDENG). Remember: Italians + fake Italian accents = like I'm really understanding a foreign language!
What is life without any hope? It is DEAD! I know what it's like to feel dead. It is not a good feeling. Ha. To not feel anything is a sad thing.

So you say. Personally I think that should be something to strive for, because really you only know good feelings in relation to bad ones, so shouldn't the goal to be to transcend all earthly emotions?
The blog ends shortly thereafter with a big FRIENDS ONLY SIGN FUCK ME.
So what have we learned?
I learned that DE FAWTHUR AWF OONDERSTENDHENG has hidden ALIEN ARTIFACTS in plain sight and then allows them to be photographed by yo-yos.
I mean, I don't know if that's the big twist of Assassin's Creed II, that God is an alien, but given the "pieces of Eden" look like FILTHY XENOS technology that's the only logical conclusion.

Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm the best around

So what has Assassin's Creed II taught us, class?
Well, first, it reinforces the lesson learned from the first game: hay breaks physics. You can fall from a theoretical infinite distance and as long as there's something like two feet of hay beneath you when you land, you'll come out unscathed.
Similarly, if you fall with your handy hidden assassination blades in someone's throat, you'll come out undamaged.
It also taught me that taking art history does, in fact, have a purpose: it makes it easier to solve bullshit puzzles in video games.
Unrelated, but when pulling mandragoras in FFXI, listening to the Karate Kid soundtrack is not only incredibly awesome but it also makes you immune to goblin aggro. Yeah I totally just dodged three goblins and came back without getting hit by the mandragora. I'm the best around, Joe Esposito.
So speaking of Assassin's Creed II, let's look at some Christfaggotry.

Sometimes, I think that the ability to have faith in something intangible is so miraculous. It gives us hope and optimism for the coming tomorrow and lets us know that as long as we confess our sins, we will always be His children.

All right whatever, but keep this in mind.
As I read the first chapter of Exodus, I realized that fear had a new meaning..and that it's not always bad. Fearing the Lord means respect and admiration. Love and reverence.

So there you go, hope and optimism but also new meanings in FEAR. Remember he loves you, but FEAR HIM. I always wondered who edited the Bible but managed to not find incredible contradictions in "he loves you" followed by his cup overflowing with wrath that he pours onto the earth. Real bipolar, that God.
I always love it when there's ONE entry per page. Great, real generous with your browsing. i'm totally straying from my list-of-topics that i last posted..

BUT. 園遊會 was totally killer.

Yeah I can totally read kanji in size .5 font. I've been reading English forever now so I can kind of hazard a guess but when you put kanji that small it just looks like blobs. Oh, that's-- uhhh-- garden party, I guess.
Enyuukai, right? Enyukai? Whatever, I only know cool words.

ERIS - eris. the goddess of discord [ sounds like my name... hehehehehe -GRIN-

Heh, heh-- oh, what? Your name is Iris, stupid. You know, same mythological cycle, different character?
Also my dearly departed dog was named Iris. Not drawing a comparison or anything, but you know. Something to think about.

in veritas! the phrase "hell hath no fury like a woman" was thus epitomized.


everyone's heard of beethoven of the classical period...yesh?

No I only know of a movie called that. Beethoven the dog, you mean?
known for his works and his deafness, beethoven certainly is quite a unique character.
however, this post isn't going to be about his life.

I see what you did there. Kind of like how the opening to my posts are only tangentially (at best) connected to the rest?


Hi there, tiny font. I thought I'd quote this in its original form so you get to see what I have to deal with to make these posts. Yeah I'm basically blind now. I sacrifice much to bring the comedy.
Of course knowing Blogger when I post this it'll be normal size and then I'll just look crazy, but either way I bring the comedy.
what's the difference between batman and superman? -
this is...btw a joke that i've known ever since i was small. hence it contains a level of immature-kid humor

Didn't Kill Bill have an awesome speech about this?
-they're both SUPERHEROES
-they both have secret identities
-their secret identities have high-paying jobs - i think...

Oh no this is bad.
And that's it. That's her entire blog.
I don't really know where to go from here, uhh~

Monday, November 16, 2009

Only a couple more hours

Oh right, some shit no one cares about.
Besides my largest complaint of this not being Assassin's Creed II, it also has the intense drawback of being really pretentious. I mean just look at the title of the first post:

"Asshat Academics Are Academic Asshats, or Biting the Hand That Bites Me"

Really man?
I mean it's your fucking blog so you can do whatever, but from over here in coolsville it seems like you're trying to create weapons-grade douchebaggery.
I'm not kidding either, son. If you take this shit to California they'll arrest you. (I picked California arbitrarily and for the possibly false assumption that they had strict gun control laws. I really don't know a lot about laws or gun control in particular)
Rhetoric, o Rhetoric!
Were you but the
you promised me
you'd be!

"Score another notch
for masturbatory
academic claptrap."

A snigger from behind,

Hey, hey I won't have this racism-- oh, snigger. Ha, ha--
The last time I shat myself, I was twenty-seven. It happened in Berlin. I still haven't told (most of) you that story. I might. It's a good one.

While listening to you prattle on about how you shit yourself might be the idea of a good time to some poor deluded fool, even I find myself with better things to do. That's pretty fucking serious for someone who honestly finds time to count down the hours until a video game comes out.
I was talking about comic books on a comic book message forum the other day. Someone was asking why the majority of people askance at comic books.

Because comic book fans use "askance" outside of trying to sound faux-Victorian?
Someone else countered by saying he was happy to be in a semi-exclusive club of comic lovers, and then asked why it mattered so much to some readers of comics that overall readership expand. I contributed the following (and shifted the discussion, naturally, to academia):

Yeah I've noticed a lot of pretentious bores have the near superhuman ability to make anything seem like school. Recently (as in a couple of hours to go) I was almost seriously analyzing Dirty Harry movies. If your analysis is anything outside of "that was fucking awesome" then you're a cunt.
OH THIS MOVIE PERPETRATES AN UNREALISTIC EXPECTATION OF MASCULINI-- shut up. Goddamn, way to ruin like eight of my favorite actors.
Despite its going too far, I managed to avoid saying academia was the tar pit into which liberals had been tricked by conservatism. Your pinko intellectual and rhetorical potentials can thrash about all they want in the tar pit, you know, but they'll never make their way out of the tar pit.

I thought we were talking about comics?
Who even gives a fuck, goddamn? Comics? Really, what, are you nine?
I was going, as usual, for "funny."

Oh is that what you were going for? I like how he qualifies it, too. "As usual" like yes, usually this is a laugh-fucking-riot.
Webster has this to say about funny:
"affording light mirth and laughter : amusing b : seeking or intended to amuse : facetious"
So I don't know, is this blog particularly amusing or, to use their words, "affording light mirth and laughter?" Personally I find being trapped in a burning elevator more facetious.
How is it that Cain and the Sons of Perdition is not a registered band's name?

Because no one can hear that name without gagging?
Seriously what kind of band is "Cain and the Sons of Perdition" outside of pretentious?
People often point to the Beatles' eponymous The Beatles (1968, otherwise known as the "White Album") as being either honestly, simply named or as being pretentiously named.

Well you would know about pretentious, so I'm willing to trust you on this one.
Now there's a particularly charming story about shooting horses and after setting up an air of academia so thick he could choke a librarian I'm amazed our boy would admit to such humble beginnings.
Some deaths you just don't get over.

I say "you" because I feel not getting over a death is an experience most of us can share.

Bold assumption based off your phrasing, bro. "most" of us share and yet you don't mind assuming I'm one of the most? Maybe I'm a sociopath and don't have that emotion. Thanks for being considerate, dick.
Here's a post entitled "Regarding Watchmen" which is one of the quickest ways to get me to not read something.

Wikipedia lies. (You already know this.) There is a lie it likes to tell about Gene Autry.

Oh well if you're lying about Gene Autry, greatest actor who has EVER LIVED (massive sarcasm) then you're a DICK.
Now there's a really long post about the two Voltrons (there was a vehicle one and a lion one, see) and how the American company combined the two series into one because whatever they didn't give a fuck. Hey if you can combine five lions and one robot and something like 30 cars into one robot, what do you get when you combine those two robots together?
There, that wasn't so hard, was it? It's called editing, man. Look into it. Somehow my two sentence summary of Voltron is five paragraphs in your blog. Of course you're actually on about Star Trek or something but frankly I can't really read your post without my eyes crossing.
Nobama? McCain't?

I thought you were wrought in a pithier smithy, America.

Nice douchey language, cunt. Also this is from the same nation that came up with "Sega does what Nintendon't!" so no, we aren't exactly known for our sharp wit when it comes to puns. See, NintenDO-- NintenDON'T? Get it? Wow, that's harsh. I see what you did there, but ouch.
Of course by 1997 we, collectively, learned what Sega did that Nintendo didn't-- make ten thousand peripherals for a dying system instead of sinking needed resources into the new, CD-based era and then promptly dying with the 90s-- BURN.
Cool werewolf hedgehog you have for a mascot, though. Playing that furry card loud and proud, I see.
Is there anyone else out there who thinks the Stone Roses' eponymous debut sounds like it could have wafted up out of the Paisley Underground? Yes? No?

I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Which is par for the course these last five months, honestly.
Now he links some shit from 4chan which bro-- they tend to cycle their content a little quick. Unless I happened to be checking your blog right then it's probably gone. Let me see-- OH HEY 404! WHAT DO YOU KNOW?
Well people, looks like it's about time to pack it up.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Assassin's Creed II

Did you maggots know Assassin's Creed II comes out in five, five days!?
Cancel whatever you were doing before.
Oh yeah, something not Assassin's Creed II.
Today at work, an e-mail was sent out to the entire office that basically said "Good news! We're going to open up a new full-time Records Assistant position to replace the two part-time hourly Records Assistant positions! The two hourly positions will be eliminated in December!" Guess who's one of the hourly Records Assistants.

At first glance, one might think "Oh good, they made your position full-time!"

No, they're hiring a full-time worker to replace you, idiot. I guess you could apply and they may rehire you, but upon further thought that's highly unlikely, because I'm sure you were inept.
Actually-- upon reconsideration, they probably would hire you if you were inept. That seems to be about the only kind of person that can thrive in a college middle management setting.
but that's not exactly what that means. What it does mean is that I'm essentially out of a job in December. I can certainly apply for the full-time position, but there's no guarantee that I'll get it.

Yeah I'm a pro at reading comprehension, basically. It was so difficult you'd need a pro to interpret "YOUR POSITION IS ELIMINATED" wouldn't you? Goddamn, they try to make that language as idiot-proof as possible and yet some chucklefuck still managed to interpret it wrong.
Funny thing is, when the Registrar hired me, they told me it was a permanent hourly position. Lying bastards.

Well it was at the time, probably. That was then, this is now, etc etc.
Now there's a long post about a Transformer comic and even I'm amazed at how little I care. Really, Transformer comics? In 2009?
Brotip: as long as Ultra Magnus is still around, who gives a fuck?
Now here's a picture of her and friend in costume (both fat, unsurprisingly) and they're dressed as Transformers (ostensibly, I don't really see it) and she's bitching that no one knew what specific Transformer they were supposed to be.
Back in the day there was not a more hardcore Transformers fan than me (then I turned five, but whatever) and even I doubt I could have named what specific Transformer you were supposed to be. Outside of Optimus Prime, Starscream and that faggot Bumblebee, etc who really knows the Transformers by name? Really, the unique Transformers stuck out, but no one could keep generic sports car X straight. I mean everyone knew Soundwave too, but who the fuck knew a tape deck could kick so much ass? See, that's what people remember.
Yeah that's right, kids. Back in the day we used to listen to music recorded on large strips of magnetic tape trapped in plastic squares. Ask your grandmother.
I now adopt the potato as my favorite token of affection.

You'll also have to forgive my lack of reaction images. My computer is currently not feeling well (hard drive problem, don't really feel like dicking through recovery at the moment).
Okay let me just say that if you are ever going to be cutting up jalapenos or any other hot peppers WEAR GLOVES!! WEARGLOVESWEARGLOVESWEARGLOVES FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WEAR GLOVES!!!! It hurts ithurtsithurtsithurts omfgitwon'tstopBURNING!!

Christ all mighty, shut up.
I've been bringing ELI (my mp3 player) to work with me, so I can listen to a little music while I'm pouring over mountains of paperwork.

Ah yes, one of those people that names their inanimate objects and actually calls it by its name.
Actually I do call my (currently broken) PC by the name I gave it when I first booted up Windows: Mr. Gay. Feels appropriate.

So, my 15-year-old little sister saw Inglourious Basterds with her 18-year-old boyfriend

I-- think that's illegal. Not seeing the movie, I mean. Banging a 15 year old as an 18 year old.
Also that is how the title of that movie is spelled, so no points off for spelling.
Although I am giving Quentin Tarantino a warning. I thought you were a member of MENSA, bro.

SOMEONE STOLE MY CAR!! ... Okay, not really. I just had a dream that someone stole him.

W-- oh. Also:
>inanimate object

I'm still incredibly uncomfortable approaching or talking to strangers, but I've gotten to the point where I can manage pretty well if someone approaches me and starts a conversation.

Yeah you'll get nowhere waiting for them to approach you. Really, though, you aren't missing much. Trust me. Just a ton of butthurt, nonsensical drama and toolbags.

she told me I should work on some of my little projects (painting my action figures

>painting figures
SHOW ME YOUR MOVES. Well I found her Deviantart but I can't really tell if she painted these or not. The picture quality is pretty terrible but I'm going to just assume YOUR KUNG FU IS WEAK.

It's the dealing-with-the-customers bit. I'm too shy. It's not like I'm rude to them, I just get nervous around strangers and stuff, and I'm quiet and withdrawn when they really want me to be super chatty and outgoing.

>It's the dealing-with-the-customers bit. I'm too shy.
>Too shy
So that's it, ultimately. I have been praised repeatedly for my efficiency, diligence, accuracy, punctuality, work ethic, determination, etc. but I'm lost my job because I'm too shy and quiet. What ever.

Try a little harder~
Something's wrong, you're not naive, you must be stronger
Ohhhh baby try
Hey girl, move a little closer
'cause you're
too shy, too shy, hush hush
eye to eye
too shy, too shy, hush hush
eye to eye
Whoa sorry. She's going on about being fired and I got teleported to the 80s for about a minute.
And as long as Layla lived there with them, they would continue to collect the social security checks that Layla has been receiving since her father's death.

What'll you do when you get lonely
And nobody's waiting by your side?
You've been running and hiding much too long.
You know it's just your foolish pride.
Already I didn't like the idea living with these two people who are complete strangers to me, and the more I have thought about that situation, I become simultaneously more angry with them, and more heartbroken for Layla.

Layla, you've got me on my knees.
Layla, I'm begging, darling please.
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind.
Whoa sorry she's going on about some tragedy and I got teleported to the 70s for about a minute. How old am I, again?
Better be careful next line will have me teleporting back to Renaissance-era Italy for some ASSASSIN'S CREED II ACTION WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Yeah fuck this noise. Phantasy Star 0 just came out and I'm reliving the glory days of console gaming.
Yeah, back in the day not everything was brown and bloom and not every hero was some generic bald space marine fellow.
Also first person shooters were newfangled and untested because indeed 3D was a gimmick and not really 3D but some sort of crazy smoke and mirrors trick the nerd programmer equivalent to MacGyver invented.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back in old country

People are bitching about the weather today. Back in the old country of Maryland this cold mist and overcast would make for a good beach day.
Here's your triweekly douchebaggery injection.
I "slept in" a little bit today for the first time in ages.

You have to understand though that "sleep in" for me is anything past 8:30 in the morning these days -_-; I woke up at around 10:05 this morning xD


I don't have class today because it's Veteran's Day.

Yeah well I did, so enjoy getting to sleep in (just kidding my classes start late I always get to sleep later than 8:30 enjoy being in high school :3)
Now there's a link to another blog. She has two blogs? I don't see-- oh, oh okay. All right, you.
Hold on, let me sort this out.
Okay yeah let's upgrade blogs. I don't know what I mean by "upgrade" but whatever.
I question why you need two blogs that are basically based around the exact same theme (I.E. your life) but I guess if my life was so scary filled with content such as TODAY I HANDED OUT CANDY TO TRICK OR TREATERS then I guess I'd need two blogs too.
The weekend was pretty meh I guess. Friday was fun as I got to chill with my boyfriend, but Saturday and Sunday seemed kind of slow x_x; Especially yesterday!

See, girls in my class that fret about advertising creating an unrealistic expectation of women? Even space mutant anime fans can find true love. It's somewhere out there, I assure you!
Ha, ha now she talks about all her textbook reading for school. I've been hearing about that a lot lately and it never dawned on me that people actually read their textbooks in high school. I sure as fuck didn't.
Any time an assignment starts with "it's optional but..." or "you might like to..." that's an automatic "uhh, no" from me.
Although I guess if you were so painfully "just adequate" that you'd have to do that to stay on top then go for it, but meanwhile in geniusville it feels good.
music: WILD: 安室奈美恵 (Amuro Namie)

Yeah thanks for that. I'm actually literate, surprisingly. I should be able to spell the name of my wife, anyway. That's right I'm married to a celebrity. Didn't you know? Well that's understandable because she doesn't actually know but whatever, we're married. None of this "mai waifu" weeaboo shit, she's my actual wife.

I'm taking US History I (which has been pretty snoozefest so far...

Oh what, because it's not Japanese history suddenly it's boring?
No I'm just breaking your balls. American history is really boring until WW1.
Holy crap, Michael Jackson AND Ferrah Faucet died today.

Oh June 25. Well that sure is embarrassing.
And, uhh, that's it I think. No more blog-- hmm.
So, how about that-- baseball team that won the World Series-- the Yankees? Yeah that was-- a lot of TV I didn't watch. Yep.
Time to pack it up I think.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Here we have Kaz's (eseseseseseses's) Scribblings. Don't let the "FRIENDS ONLY!" image at the start scare you away, because it apparently isn't. At all.
As an Official Disabled Person (TM), I hereby give you permission to open your mouth, set your fingers to keyboard, and say something. If you want, I can make you a certificate.

This is the thing. At the moment, every voice counts. You have no idea how it feels to finally get a new hit for "feministing" on icerocket, how elating it is to have that hit pan out to be actually talking about this. At that moment, I don't care if you're currently-abled or not. I don't care if your background in disability issues is OVER 9000!!! or just starting to look up 101.

Holy fuck didn't I just leave this class?
Also stop emailing me about joining bullshit where male education majors whine. I'm not disenfranchised by being a minority in this program. No one gives a shit. Shut up.
Yeah, it sucks if you accidentally say something ableist.

Ableist = not a fucking word.
Also the only time I'm against cripples is when their parking spaces are fucking empty and I'm still hunting for one in the parking garage I'm paying to park in. Smug bastards.
Here's a post I have to click to expand entitled "more on lambdas" and I'm tempted to click because lambda is my second favorite Greek letter (after psi) so if you're badmouthing it I'm officially butthurt because ableism and feminism and racism and classicism (oh wait I am this one) and elitism and Nazism and I won't stand for it.
Okay it's not actually about the letter. Nope don't care.
I found the stuttering blogosphere yesterday, which is way cool. I thought I was the only one who'd ever had the thought of "the problem isn't with me, it's with the idiots who can't handle someone speaking a bit differently"

That's your disability? I hate to rank disabilities (because my disability, "intolerance for bullshit" would top the list. It's a problem I have to live with every moment of every day ;_;) but really that's kind of weak. I mean, at least you have full use of both legs and arms.
I'm sick to death of "Famous stutterers" lists. It's not that it's the same people on each one, that I can by now probably recite one of my own off the top of my head. (Moses, Demosthenes, Aristoteles, Isaac Newton, James Earl Jones, Winston Churchill, Marilyn Monroe, Joe Biden...) It's not that I think it's a bad thing to give a stuttering kid some role models.

So here's some fanfiction about Arthur (as in King Arthur) and I wonder what the fuck show just started on the WB for people to be clinging to King Arthur + Merlin gay coupling. I've been seeing this shit a lot lately and I somehow doubt it's a sudden surge in popularity for British mythology.
As much as I wish that were the case, of course. Maybe you assholes will get some culture in you and stop acting like such rampant twats.

Very important question here. Does anyone know how zombie is transferred?

Excuse me? Well I happen to be a doctor so I know all about diseases. The disease that causes you to turn into a zombie is, of course, called Corpus, and you get it by being bitten by a radioactive spider. Oh wait, that's Spider-Man.
Breathe, self. You're not going to turn into a zombie.

I'd ask about the science of zombies now, because really, what the EFF how does that even WORK.

I mean being fictional they don't actually have to make any sort of scientific or medical sense and indeed they don't, so lucky for them.
Also I know how they cured the disease that turned you into a plague zombie in Warhammer. Bolt to the back of the head. Just saying.

For this one, Asperger's Syndrome is a better example, because Asperger's Syndrome is very, very encompassing. It describes just about everything I always felt was odd or different about me - or not necessarily odd or different, just something I noticed as a trait or odd quirk of mine.

So you're asexual, stutter and you have Asperger's Syndrome? I know two of these things are more likely to affect men than women and are relatively rare to start with, so you are a walking case study for some researcher.
I'm not saying you're not these things, but considering this is the internet-- yeah, you're full of shit.
To me, being able to call myself an Aspie is one hell of a relief. It means that there's a reason I'm so odd, I never manage to fit in, I never manage to "get" other people.

More like "ass-burgers". The reason you use that is because it's one hell of a good excuse for when you inevitably fuck up. You aren't looking at this shit with a detached, rational mind (as indeed you can't, since you are diagnosing yourself). You just look at the symptoms, decide they "kind of excuse why you've always been a little weird and it has the added bonus of providing a security blanket" and here we are. Here we are, butthurt as usual.
I just saw the PoA movie.

It. Was. BAD.

Goddamn I hate it when they have pointless acronyms on the Warhammer boards. SO I WAS PLAYING MY BT FIGHTING SOME SH AND THEY HAD AN EML-- GOD FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.
I seriously debate the point of the acronym "EML" too, by the way. Eldar Missile Launcher? Really? If the Eldar are using it isn't the assumption that it's an Eldar missile launcher? I don't see how the Eldar could possibly use an Imperial missile launcher, so really, just drop the 'e' part.
Sorry this is getting a bit tangential. Uhh--
Oh it's a Harry Potter thing. Also this entry is five years old. Joke is on everyone but especially me.
So whatever white people time to wrap up another entry. PERFECT entry.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


No post Friday was all part of my cunning plan to lull bloggers into a sense of security then BAM. Post Saturday night. I definitely didn't forget, or anything.
Why of course I don't have anything better to do with my Saturday evening.
Okay one look at this font and I know I'm going to have problems copying this. My font is going to go apeshit.
OMG TRANSFORMERS!!!!! I watched it last night (staying up until 2am in the process, and then again during the day today so Derek could see it. He was being a poohead though... anyway BEST MOVIE EVER!!!

I'm sure I had a specific line in mind when I quoted this but upon reflection the entire thing is pretty heinous.
Seriously, I literally could not sit still while watching it. I had to stand up and like jump and lean in all close to the TV because it was so exciting. It made my heart race but not in that bad way that horror movies do. A movie has NEVER done that to me before.

Greatest movie ever made, people.
Oh, what, big fan of, pfft, Citizen Kane? Get that shit out of here. Transformers is the new Citizen Kane. With robots.
I felt all kinds of emotions: I laughed, I got sad but not enough to make me cry, which was awesome, I felt admiration for all the good guys, hatred towards the Decepticons, I was really rooting for Lennox the whole time... And the special effects! Seriously, they were beyond amazing. Like, yeah. And the characterization of Optiimus Prime was spot-on perfect. It really was. I could go on, believe me. I really could.

PERFECT is how I'd summarize the Transformers movie (the new one, not the old one with Robert Stack as the voice of Ultramagnus because that movie actually is fucking awesome).
It's also how I'd describe this blog, incidentally.
So... yeah. Today I just lounged at home LOL. Read a little for Psych, worked on my senior portfolio, did a load of laundry. Boring housekeeping stuff. We ordered some chicken delivered form Vocelli's. They said they had no chicken tenders, so I said I'd get a panini instead. Well, they delivered a panini AND some chicken tenders, and charged me for both. EPIC FAIL.

That's a binder that I put together showing my accomplishments throughout high school. Mine wasn't nearly as full as other people's,because 1)I don't save programs or anything and 2)when I do activities, I'm too busy actually doing them to get pictures of me doing them. But whatever. I plan to "fudge" a couple of pictures; I actually did the stuff so who cares if I take the picture a month after the event??

Yeah I'm now learning about the wonders of portfolios in my teaching classes. To be honest I don't get the point. If you did awesome in high school won't your portfolio, by extension, be awesome? Why grade twice? More pointless fucking busy work.
But if ever there were three words to describe high school those would be they. Also "time warp".
So, then I went to Engineering, where we had... a TEST! It was just a ridiculously easy safety quiz, but it's still a test. During the "study time" before the test I played Pictionary with the guy sitting next to me.

Study time before the test. Okay.

The only bad things are it took waaay to long; I was there from 4:45 until 8:30.

That's not how you use a fucking semicol-- oh wait. Yes it is.
So moving right along--
*facepalm* And my feet were killing me by the end of it! Seriously, I need to buy some black flats to wear to these things.


We are learning about crimes in French (don't ask me why. I have no idea.)

Yeah well my Japanese book has a murder mystery featuring the Yakuza and Thailand (for some reason) and a Chinese guy named Lao who looks like an old kung fu master. Also, everyone has huge 80s hair.
Yeah it is pretty awesome, actually.
'Sup, peeps? Firstly, a belated HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! and an on-time Happy All Saints' Day!

Okay so... Friday was boring LOLz.

You may have noticed that I said "stepmom" instead of "dad's wife." I figured just a subtle chagne like that, from dad's wife to my stepmom, will effect the way I think of her, and thus interact with her. She's important to Dad and is in his life for good so I should be making more of an effort to get to know and like her.

Someone is acting like a big girl. Also: good work applying what you learned in high school psychology, chief.
I had a dream last night, too. I dreamt that I didn't do the Econ reading at all, and was trying to BS my way through the quiz, without success. The setting was my school, but it didn't look like my school; it was more like a college campus.


In French, we reviewed interogative tense (that is, questions).

Interrogative*. Make sure you spell it right before you give the smug explanation in parenthesis. That's my job, hey.
And it was boring because no one understood it really...
I hate that fucking shit. No, skipping this entry. Don't need to be reliving my Japanese class frustrations as NO ONE BUT ME FUCKING GETS IT AND HERE WE ARE GOING OVER THE PROGRESSIVE FORM --AGAIN--.

So, there's a guy in my English class. My friend R has liked him for all of high school. And I think he's really sweet and smart and talented musically but I never thought of him like that. Even yesterday, when he held my books (without me asking or even hinting) while I put up my chair.

Holy shit I just looked at my new desktop background. Goddamn my desktop is awesome.
It makes me feel like working on Warhammer RIGHT NOW.
I guess I can do both this and that at the same time~

We had an insanely difficult test in French. Like, it's 10 pages or something ridiculous...

TEN PAGES FUCK ME. Knowing how high school works that's like five pages and we're counting front and back as two "pages".
Today was the one day EVER I didn't do Psych notes (because I was at school so long last night), so of course we used them in class. I ended up using a textbook, but I think she knew why... I hate disappointing the teacher.

Yeah you're that kid every teacher loves. Also they only look disappointed because you're motivated by others. Secretly they don't care if you do the work or not because it's one less thing they'd have to grade.
I enjoyed lunch. I had a great conversation about Denmark and its awesomeness, as per Oprah on 10/21. I also brought up the American psyche, and how it's such so automatically opposed to anything that has government involved that they ignore good, viable ideas for the sake of ideology. There's nothing wrong with having the government pick up the slack.

I can't believe the word "Oprah" and the phrase "viable ideas for the sake of ideology" appear together in the same paragraph.
So anyway my update for Saturday. Behold~

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Free Porn on Blogspot

Continuing my campaign of false advertisement.
Here is an extremely cunty blog. Given what I've reviewed so far, I think that's saying something.
So immediately the first thing I notice is all of her entries are entitled "# love" which conveniently tells me she has 55 entries so far.
I'm sitting in class right now and I shouldn't be doing this but I am. I've been thinking a lot lately about life and love.

Oh boy I'm in for it now.
I want to feel love. I want to be loved by someone and not because of family ties. I want to feel that love between two people who love each other and just want to be around each other.

I want to feel that love between two people who love each other. As opposed to the love between two people who hate each other, I suppose.

But I've noticed something with the guys I'm always around.

Oh let me guess, they're not up to your queenly standards.
Most of them don't really want to find a girl to date. They say they do but their actions speak otherwise. They are mostly focused on having sex.

Fair enough I suppose.

It hasn't really bothered me before and it doesn't really bother me now.

So we're going on about this why, exactly?
What they do with their own lives is not my problem. As long as I'm not having to put up with any strange chicks, I'm fine. And Avon Girl and I have already told the three guys we're living with next year this.

DON'T HIT ON ME, SILLY BOYS. I have also taken it upon myself to upgrade your grammar.
Send any chicks out the back door if you have to, just don't let them bother me and they are not allowed in my room/bathroom.

The problem arises though when I realize that most of the guys I'm around are like this but I want something so different. It's my own fault though.

Maybe I'm a little off today but I feel like I'm missing a really obvious burn or something.
So much has happened but hasn't in the past few days.

First off, at the Halloween Rave, CS (who I'm now dubbing Benediction) broke Rock Chick's heart.

I hate it when people with blogs nickname all their friends out of fear that someone will figure out who they are. I don't give a shit who or what "Benediction" is (outside of the white mage two hour ability in FFXI of course) and I don't know who "Rock Chick" is but I resent the implication of having to use these nicknames to refer to these assholes if I want. Fortunately I'll never want to, but still.
Hopefully Benediction is a lot like the FFXI ability: guaranteed death for the user.
He knows she liked him but he made out with her best friend right in front of her. Before he took X. She's really bummed out by this and says that all her feelings for him have been killed by that one thing.

The other big thing is this weird ass dream I had. I want to return to it. It was so amazing but I don't remember the details. Only that I want to go back.

Before he took X. Clearly there's a lot of responsible behavior occurring here, so I'm amazed anyone is butthurt (not really amazed, it's a figure of speech, okay) over what goes on here.
I didn't go out on Halloween. I stayed in my dorm, studied some, worked a little on a paper, and did laundry.

Oh poor you. Who gives a shit? I did homework and studied, too. No one but assholes and kids go out for Halloween.
In fact, all holidays are mad fucking gay.
I don't mean that as an insult, either. Anyone who participates in these holidays is literally homosexual.
Also, played a ton of this new ds game I got. It was a quiet night and I don't feel as though I wasted my time. Because d Deep down, I really didn't want to go out.

You and your sentence fragments.

Cobra Starship and Girl Talk were in town last week.

You come up with really dumb nicknames, holy Christ. If you called me "Cobra Starship" our relationship would end immediately.
I've got awesome self-control. I don't drink, in fact I do not enjoy the taste of alcohol at all. The only drug I tried was weed and the only reason I did was because the boyfriend I had at the time did it.

>Implying not liking something equates to self control
I'd pray that Avon Girl wakes up and realizes what she's doing to herself but we're both atheists, so praying seems kind of silly.

And then last night, Avon Girl and I went over to The Hatted One's house and chilled there for hours. Like, we left the dorm around 9 pm and it was 4 am when we were leaving the house.

No, definitely don't care about this.
Well, this seems like a kind of momentous occasion as this is the 50th Love, though not the 50th entry since there are a few heartbreaks and a meme. But still, 50th positive entry and I only started this thing back in February.

Too bad it took me three years, one lost virginity, tons of late night drunk phone calls, and too many tears to count to figure this all out.

At dinner, I was sitting between the Romanian and the Protector and the Romanian was getting the Protector riled up. Like, the Protector seriously looked like he might do something to hurt the Romanian.

I'm sorry it's really hard to take whatever you're saying seriously with nicknames like that. Well, it's hard to take what you say seriously in general, but you get my meaning.
I dunno how we got on the topic but I mentioned that the best way to know how I'm feeling without me saying anything is how I'm playing with my hair.

Great I'll be sure to keep that in mind.
The Protector is a good friend. He's a criminal justice major and going into law at some point in the future. He's all about trying to help people. He has a strong sense of honor and justice. He protects people, it's what he does.

Whenever she goes on about "The Protector" I can only think about one thing:
Holy shit I love kung fu movies.
My mind is still just blown on this whole Indie thing.

See, Avon Girl likes the Romanian. Oh yeah, that should be a fun weekend. He lives near me and will be going home with me and possibly back or I might be coming back with him and his family. But yeah, there's that. And that's all cool even though she dated the President for 9 months basically.

And Rock Girl likes CS, which I had a feeling about for a while. I wasn't sure but I had a good feeling.

Oh please, do continue.

Oh, I almost forgot about Sempai

But seriously, Sempai and I hung out for something like 10+ hours yesterday and it was so fun. I could fall for him, I'm realizing now. Last semester, my mind was more focused on Jason and that sit. but really, why not with Sempai? Well, we're at different stages which would make it kind of hard.


What's with me and jobs?
Sorry. If it seems like I'm using a lot of images to make up for my painful lack of content today, you'd be right.
I can't seem to get a normal one. Over the summer I drove an ice cream truck. In the fall, I get to be a telemarketer.

Yeah, wow. Ice cream truck driver and telemarketer. Those jobs are positively bonkers!
But there's a little optimist in me. Normally she doesn't really speak up and just lets the pessimist take control of my outlook. But when it comes to love and relationships, she can't help but hold firm and strong, believing that somewhere out in this wide and crazy world, there is someone like that, and that when I find that person, that's it, I'll be happy and need nowhere else to look.

Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt, you're not pessimistic.
There's a person I haven't really mentioned that I probably should soon. That's Sempai. We've been friends for just about as long as I've been friends with anyone else. He's roughly a year and a half older, though 2 grades above, thus the name.

Yeah the word you're looking for is Senpai, chief. As I understand it those people (and by "those people" I mean silly people who don't write their words using Roman letters) write it like this:
But realistically they probably just write it like this: せんぱい
Kanji is for nerds.
I mean I know the "n" and "m" are right next to each other and look basically the same (one hump or two, who can keep track?) but let me assure you that they are, in fact, different.
He wants to go to this Korean place nearby. His reason, when I asked, was that I was the only person that seemed to like Korean food, nevermind that there were at least two others in the room that said they'd like to try it.

I don't want to hurt Sempai's feelings. But like I said, I don't see him in a romantic way. I could, I admit, but I don't.

Starting to read like an animu now.
Yeah I think I'm done. I can only take so much of this shit before losing interest. I'm guessing that's just happened because I'm looking at my school essays like it's something really interesting.