As an Official Disabled Person (TM), I hereby give you permission to open your mouth, set your fingers to keyboard, and say something. If you want, I can make you a certificate.
This is the thing. At the moment, every voice counts. You have no idea how it feels to finally get a new hit for "feministing" on icerocket, how elating it is to have that hit pan out to be actually talking about this. At that moment, I don't care if you're currently-abled or not. I don't care if your background in disability issues is OVER 9000!!! or just starting to look up 101.
Holy fuck didn't I just leave this class?
Also stop emailing me about joining bullshit where male education majors whine. I'm not disenfranchised by being a minority in this program. No one gives a shit. Shut up.
Yeah, it sucks if you accidentally say something ableist.
Ableist = not a fucking word.
Also the only time I'm against cripples is when their parking spaces are fucking empty and I'm still hunting for one in the parking garage I'm paying to park in. Smug bastards.
Here's a post I have to click to expand entitled "more on lambdas" and I'm tempted to click because lambda is my second favorite Greek letter (after psi) so if you're badmouthing it I'm officially butthurt because ableism and feminism and racism and classicism (oh wait I am this one) and elitism and Nazism and I won't stand for it.
Okay it's not actually about the letter. Nope don't care.
I found the stuttering blogosphere yesterday, which is way cool. I thought I was the only one who'd ever had the thought of "the problem isn't with me, it's with the idiots who can't handle someone speaking a bit differently"
That's your disability? I hate to rank disabilities (because my disability, "intolerance for bullshit" would top the list. It's a problem I have to live with every moment of every day ;_;) but really that's kind of weak. I mean, at least you have full use of both legs and arms.
I'm sick to death of "Famous stutterers" lists. It's not that it's the same people on each one, that I can by now probably recite one of my own off the top of my head. (Moses, Demosthenes, Aristoteles, Isaac Newton, James Earl Jones, Winston Churchill, Marilyn Monroe, Joe Biden...) It's not that I think it's a bad thing to give a stuttering kid some role models.

As much as I wish that were the case, of course. Maybe you assholes will get some culture in you and stop acting like such rampant twats.
Very important question here. Does anyone know how zombie is transferred?
Excuse me? Well I happen to be a doctor so I know all about diseases. The disease that causes you to turn into a zombie is, of course, called Corpus, and you get it by being bitten by a radioactive spider. Oh wait, that's Spider-Man.
Breathe, self. You're not going to turn into a zombie.
I'd ask about the science of zombies now, because really, what the EFF how does that even WORK.
I mean being fictional they don't actually have to make any sort of scientific or medical sense and indeed they don't, so lucky for them.
Also I know how they cured the disease that turned you into a plague zombie in Warhammer. Bolt to the back of the head. Just saying.
For this one, Asperger's Syndrome is a better example, because Asperger's Syndrome is very, very encompassing. It describes just about everything I always felt was odd or different about me - or not necessarily odd or different, just something I noticed as a trait or odd quirk of mine.
So you're asexual, stutter and you have Asperger's Syndrome? I know two of these things are more likely to affect men than women and are relatively rare to start with, so you are a walking case study for some researcher.
I'm not saying you're not these things, but considering this is the internet-- yeah, you're full of shit.
To me, being able to call myself an Aspie is one hell of a relief. It means that there's a reason I'm so odd, I never manage to fit in, I never manage to "get" other people.
More like "ass-burgers". The reason you use that is because it's one hell of a good excuse for when you inevitably fuck up. You aren't looking at this shit with a detached, rational mind (as indeed you can't, since you are diagnosing yourself). You just look at the symptoms, decide they "kind of excuse why you've always been a little weird and it has the added bonus of providing a security blanket" and here we are. Here we are, butthurt as usual.
I just saw the PoA movie.
It. Was. BAD.
Goddamn I hate it when they have pointless acronyms on the Warhammer boards. SO I WAS PLAYING MY BT FIGHTING SOME SH AND THEY HAD AN EML-- GOD FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.
I seriously debate the point of the acronym "EML" too, by the way. Eldar Missile Launcher? Really? If the Eldar are using it isn't the assumption that it's an Eldar missile launcher? I don't see how the Eldar could possibly use an Imperial missile launcher, so really, just drop the 'e' part.
Sorry this is getting a bit tangential. Uhh--
Oh it's a Harry Potter thing. Also this entry is five years old. Joke is on everyone but especially me.
So whatever white people time to wrap up another entry. PERFECT entry.
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