But that's okay. I'm the best around. Nothing's ever gonna keep me down.
I should run away before my lecturer catches me now. xDDDD
So I think you can tell where this is going already.
I am remiss to call this girl a weeaboo since that specifically refers to white people and she's Malaysian or something so-- what do you call that? I don't even know. My extensive training in internet trolling hasn't delved this far.
And I'm watching New Moon on Thursday, and I've got 2012 at a friend's place on Friday
I'm sorry. One time I went on an 18 hour marathon of bad movies with some bros. I forgot my name.
I promise you I will resize the pictures I took and post a day-by-day recap of my trip tomorrow.
Yeah it's pressing that you do this for me. I'd rather look at the widescan window for another five hours than see those pictures. I'm dead fucking serious.
Now here's a picture reporting she got "Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II" but the "II" is in all sorts of fancy font and red (and bold and apparently written in blood) that it really stands out from the rest of the cover, like that's the part you really need to know. Considering it's the same drivel in every fucking book that probably would, in fact, be the important detail because otherwise you wouldn't be sure that you hadn't already read it.
It's probably my cynical nature, but whenever I see UPLIFTING STORY ABOUT A MAN BEATING INOPERABLE BRAIN CANCER! there's always a niggling sense in the back of my mind that "yeah this happens so rarely that when it does happen it gets published in a multinational best seller so if this happens to me I'm FUCKED."
I'm really pumped up for InuYasha tonight. I watched last week's episode, but tonight's has Sesshoumaru. Yeah, so blame it on my I-like-side-characters-more-than-main-characters-and-I-whine-about-how-I-never-g et-to-see-them thing!
This was posted October of this year in case someone thought "Inu Yasha? Isn't that what weeaboos watched five years ago?" and yes, yes it is.
Let’s get something REALLY straight first - as you guys probably already know, I’m really passionate about this Teni-fandom.
I don't even know what the fuck. I'd like to point out this is her "I need to get some stuff off my chest so I might keep this from my friends" kind of thing, and we're talking about anime. Good, no. Great.
I love all the other anime and manga I’ve read, really, I do, but Tenipuri has touched me in a way no other series has.
ALL of them. She has never read something she didn't like. You can stand to be a little discerning, you know.
If any of you are reading this, I guess you must be wondering where this is heading to. =/
Well, see (I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this before), my parents don’t really support this fandomAND all my other fandoms at that.
Likely they're just wondering where they went wrong in raising you, that's all. You know, when your daughter seriously makes a sound effect that sounds like "squee" at 17 it's a little-- yeah.
Um, in case you haven’t noticed, dad and mom, I’m 18 turning 19. How old can a teenager be?
I don't really-- 19 is the limit, actually. Once you turn 20 the "teen" ending ends.
They think anime’s just a more refined version of cartoons and that it’s tremendously fake.
Well it's not. It's real.
Like, what sort of anime do you watch? Let’s see, NONE? They haven’t tried an anime that has a reasonably good plot, reasonably good characters, reasonably good graphics and a reasonably-sized fanbase, and they can go around saying that?
>good plot
pick one.
All right fagorts. That's it.
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