Here's your triweekly douchebaggery injection.
I "slept in" a little bit today for the first time in ages.
You have to understand though that "sleep in" for me is anything past 8:30 in the morning these days -_-; I woke up at around 10:05 this morning xD
I don't have class today because it's Veteran's Day.
Yeah well I did, so enjoy getting to sleep in (just kidding my classes start late I always get to sleep later than 8:30 enjoy being in high school :3)
Now there's a link to another blog. She has two blogs? I don't see-- oh, oh okay. All right, you.
Hold on, let me sort this out.
Okay yeah let's upgrade blogs. I don't know what I mean by "upgrade" but whatever.
I question why you need two blogs that are basically based around the exact same theme (I.E. your life) but I guess if my life was so scary filled with content such as TODAY I HANDED OUT CANDY TO TRICK OR TREATERS then I guess I'd need two blogs too.
The weekend was pretty meh I guess. Friday was fun as I got to chill with my boyfriend, but Saturday and Sunday seemed kind of slow x_x; Especially yesterday!
See, girls in my class that fret about advertising creating an unrealistic expectation of women? Even space mutant anime fans can find true love. It's somewhere out there, I assure you!
Ha, ha now she talks about all her textbook reading for school. I've been hearing about that a lot lately and it never dawned on me that people actually read their textbooks in high school. I sure as fuck didn't.
Any time an assignment starts with "it's optional but..." or "you might like to..." that's an automatic "uhh, no" from me.
Although I guess if you were so painfully "just adequate" that you'd have to do that to stay on top then go for it, but meanwhile in geniusville it feels good.
music: WILD: 安室奈美恵 (Amuro Namie)
Yeah thanks for that. I'm actually literate, surprisingly. I should be able to spell the name of my wife, anyway. That's right I'm married to a celebrity. Didn't you know? Well that's understandable because she doesn't actually know but whatever, we're married. None of this "mai waifu" weeaboo shit, she's my actual wife.
I'm taking US History I (which has been pretty snoozefest so far...
Oh what, because it's not Japanese history suddenly it's boring?
No I'm just breaking your balls. American history is really boring until WW1.
Holy crap, Michael Jackson AND Ferrah Faucet died today.
Oh June 25. Well that sure is embarrassing.
And, uhh, that's it I think. No more blog-- hmm.
So, how about that-- baseball team that won the World Series-- the Yankees? Yeah that was-- a lot of TV I didn't watch. Yep.
Time to pack it up I think.
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