Why? Well, I didn't build this monster machine to run a shitty OS that can't do anything except be pretentious.
That's right. Call back when you can run gayms.
Oh right. Blogs.
So first thing I'm blind. Cool 4 point font.
Life is a little diffcult at the moment, but I have faith. =) I have hope in something better to come. =) I was watching Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants last night and it made me think about life. |

How we take things for granted. That we just don't go for how we feel at the moment. Some of us tend to hold back, hold grudges, never take risks, wait for something better to come along, but when we have faith and know we can do it, with the help of God, our friends, or our family.
Yeah well Warhammer taught me that only a fool puts his faith in luck. A wise man puts his faith in THE EMPEROR.
I'm making a book of quotes from random people and I need to jot them down here for now...OH I'm also gonna be taking up photography. I always see random signs and just the little things in the street that spark my interest and want to take pictures of it, but never have a camera, so I'm gonna get one someday and start traveling and taking pictures of random things in random places. =)
This post was made at 8:51 in the morning. Who is this high energy that early in the fucking morning?
Oh right, high school girls.
I LOVE VOLUNTEERING! Service really is the answer to all life's problems.
I volunteered at The Red Cross with Corri, Karri, and Ephraim at La Canada high school for the fire victims. The fire is SOOO CLOSE TO THE HIGH SCHOOL. It's ridiclous how close it is. It's sad how the 2 fire men passed away because of the fire.
Passed away because of the fire. That's an interesting turn of phrase. Usually people use "passed away" in relation to disease or such like. Not violent deaths.
Yeah they are! Man, who thought fire was a good idea? What has fire done for man? Oh right, it basically allowed people to invent civilization. But besides that, what does fire do?
Oh right, it cooks food.
But besides that, fire has done relatively little.
I relaized what I wanna do in life. I wanna major in Nursing and minor in Marketing.
Relaized. Reh-layzed.
The only other major to fall back on in Pharmacy. Those are def. my choices. I love life! I hate that we take for granted every moment sometimes, but I guess that's part of life right?
'We'? Bitch, I have an egg timer on my desk that I turn over sometimes just to remind myself that the SANDS OF TIME ARE SLIPPING FROM MY LIFE AS I TYPE.
Maybe we aren't really wasting it??...Yes..MY GOSH. I CAN'T WAIT TO HELP OUT! I can't wait till my career and everything else kicks off! I love my Father in Heaven and my Savior Jesus Christ. Without them, my life wouldn't be AS GREAT. Or even GREAT! Love everybody! *muahs*
Wow. This.
The Savior suffered so much for me and you.
You, maybe. Meanwhile I was busy being -2000 years old.
I have never been happy. =)
Ha, ha-- oh what.
Now there's a totally hilarious fucking story about tithing where she pays her taxes but HER HEAVENLY FATHER saw fit to tell Obama to give back the extra money she paid so she could go out and whore around or whatever it is religious girls do (what? They're notoriously easy. I don't make the rules) I'm not really sure where God comes into this because really, she paid extra money to the state, the state took whatever percent it did because OM NOM NOM MONEY EATING MONSTER, then they realized she paid too much (dope) so they gave some back. At what point should she be thankful in this process, exactly? Personally I'd give a big "fuck you" to North Carolina for not letting me keep all of the money I earned.
Which is none, incidentally. Working is for suckers.
I am so grateful for this church. It has made me a better person.
While I do not condone ego for surely Nemesis will punish hubris you could probably take a little more credit for self improvement, okay. Operative word in that: self.
I was trying to push ahead to make my way up front, but some girls were cussing and telling me really mean things.Really mean things? What are you, nine? Get in their grill and tell them what the score is.
I just realized the big difference once I was in that situation. The gospel really does make you a better person. A stronger person =) I was able to be Christ-like and not push the argument or get into a fight.
Yeah and look what that fucking got him. Nailed to a tree.
Not that I'm condoning being a fist-swinging caveman but you know, when they start piling into the truck to hit Byzantium's version of Home Depot to get the supplies for your crucifixion I think you're well within your rights to maybe defend yourself. Or at least cheese it to Greece or something.
Two qualities I look for in a savior is some common sense and self-preservation instinct.
Stacy and I went to the Paseo to watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It was pretty good. I didn't get some parts and Stacy explained so it all came together in the end.
Ah yes, the complex narrative of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Here's how it goes, okay, try to follow along: there's this bro, right, and he ages backwards. The end.
Now the next couple of posts are something I can only describe as "logorrhea" which if you couldn't tell from the word is basically verbal diarrhea.
Like I've said before, I am a person of depth. I like going deep. Anything beneath the surface is what I like. =) I just finished watching "The Pursuit of Happyness".
Oh boy.
That movie is amazing. The struggle Christopher (Will Smith) went through is a STRUGGLE...I wouldn't be able to handle that, but we all have struggles. Some can handle more than others. Sometimes, I think about other peoples struggles and think "Wow, I wouldn't be able to handle that." I admire people that can handle a lot of adversity. My mother and my grandma are fighters. So is my cousin Jackie. People that can handle adversity, yet still manage to be happy and good are admiring to me. Very.
So you know that part in the song Layla by Eric Clapton where he just starts rocking out for 5 minutes and the song ends? It's really cool, but you're left wondering what the fuck, right? Well that's this blog, but minus the awesome part.
It was an amakening.
A what?
I think Heavenly Father knows when to hit me.
Oh so you're into that kind of shit, huh? I see.
Also her overuse of the term "Heavenly Father" reminds me of Assassin's Creed II suddenly. Knights Templar on about THE FATHER OF UNDERSTANDING (only with fake Italian accents so it's more like DE FATHUR AWF OOWNDERSTAHNDENG). Remember: Italians + fake Italian accents = like I'm really understanding a foreign language!
What is life without any hope? It is DEAD! I know what it's like to feel dead. It is not a good feeling. Ha. To not feel anything is a sad thing.
So you say. Personally I think that should be something to strive for, because really you only know good feelings in relation to bad ones, so shouldn't the goal to be to transcend all earthly emotions?
The blog ends shortly thereafter with a big FRIENDS ONLY SIGN FUCK ME.
So what have we learned?
I learned that DE FAWTHUR AWF OONDERSTENDHENG has hidden ALIEN ARTIFACTS in plain sight and then allows them to be photographed by yo-yos.
I mean, I don't know if that's the big twist of Assassin's Creed II, that God is an alien, but given the "pieces of Eden" look like FILTHY XENOS technology that's the only logical conclusion.
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