Yeah I've been playing some Dragon Age: Origins lately, and there's this weird autistic Dwarf kid who can only say "enchantment" and, surprisingly, he enchants things. He's pretty bro tier.
Speaking of bro: today I noticed I had a follower. That's very flattering, especially since it doesn't appear to be anyone I know, so thanks for that.
Now I have strangers reading, time to drown site in popups.
Here we have a blast from the past. Anorexia blogs? Hell yeah, motherfucker. It's like revisiting a favorite game from years ago. Nostalgia~
god today has been terrible. jesus. i don't even have the energy to go through it right now it was so awful.
Yeah the weather fucking SUCKED today, which put me in a great mood. Traffic is so light and no one is on campus the second there's a single raindrop. Bitches weren't from old country where today would be considered beach weather.
my aunt is such a fucking bitch. she either ignored me or bitched at me all fucking day.
everyone says i'm such a spoiled brat and if i sit down for one second they make me feel like shit for it. i've been on my feet for eight hours straight. i guess the good thing is i've burned a bunch of calories.
So one thing that's really fucking awesome is the character creator in Dragon Age. At first I thought it was pretty light weight compared to shit I'm used to, but in actuality it's just really easy to use.
Also my new computer barely cracks 60c running it on ultra high, so I'm pretty pro at the moment.
i can't believe one day could be so fucking long.
good news is my books and new saosin cd came in from amazon so that perked my spirits up quite a bit. and i didn't eat anything but 6 cals worth of gum today until dinner (which was my goal).
Oh right, you.
so far today i've done okay eating wise. not great, but not binging by any means.
I'm having a little trouble with the scale, here. That'd be like me saying "I'm doing okay with this breathing thing. Not great, but I haven't suffocated on my own fluids yet." There's a pretty huge gap between "okay" and "vomiting" at least in my mind.
I am a Florist, but i want to go back to school for either Creative Writing or English or something like that. My dream would be to write fiction novels.
As opposed to nonfiction novels. Also: can't write fiction without a degree in it.
Woman I Admire:
Audrey Hepburn- She handled every situation with grace and care and she was the champion of many wonderful causes. I just love her grace and charm and beauty!
Too bad you didn't admire how much she wasn't a cunt. Oh well. I guess logically if you're graceful and charming you're also not a cunt-- err maybe? Can you be a cunt and still charming?
the family reunion was AWFUL.
first of all, my pretty, skinny cousin was there with her new boyfriend which made me feel inferior and stupid.
No I'm fucking serious. Good. You should feel inferior and stupid.
Yeah I had another quote here then I deleted it. Having some problems giving a shit, here.
last night i was real bad off. i cut myself alot. cut so much i can no longer see my stretch marks on my stomach. all i could think was, "My parents deserve a daughter so much better than me."
did you know that 130 cups of tea will kill you?
Presumably all at once and not over the course of a lifetime. If it's the latter I know some English people who are in trouble.
i cut myself last night. not alot and it was only shallow cuts because my fear of getting caught way over powers my need to hurt myself.
Ha, ha, easy there, Linkin Park.
i will just never get it together. my mind is so fucked up, i'd probably have dropped out of college before the semester was over like the past 3 times i've tried to go to college. i am just a worthless sack of shit. honestly.
Three times? Wow, usually people give up or succeed before that. Well hey, if you need something good to say about yourself: you're persistent.
I'm not sure if that's a compliment, come to think of it.
i tried to commit suicide once, but i chickened out. it got me sent to this horrible mental hospital. i almost killed my parents by doing that. that's the only reason i'm not contemplating suicide again.
Uh-huh. So I have this awesome picture of this dog:

Oh right, you.
i'm going to be this fat, fucking failure for the rest of my life.
i'm never going to publish a novel, never going to be pretty, never going to find that perfect guy, never going to have friends... hell, i'm never even going to go to fucking college.
Yeah join the fucking club. Well, I am pretty devilishly handsome, come to think of it. Also I have friends. Oh, and I'm pretty thin.
Oh and I do go to college.
Uhh-- so no, I guess it is just you. Sorry~
Hurray story time.
this is a little scene from a discontinued story of mine.
DISCONTINUED. Last story ever, folks, enjoy it while it lasts before they discontinue them~
Levi leans into me and I can smell the alcohol and smoke on his skin. I open my mouth to breathe it all in more fully, his scent sending lightning through my system.
He made some great jeans.
He covers my mouth with his own and slowly leans me back onto his bed.
I've read this line a lot in fiction (novels) and it never really conjured an image of kissing to me. I always imagine someone looking deadly serious and covering someone's mouth with their own, but everyone has a really serious straight face-- it's a stupid image.
I feel my chest opening up and letting him fill me, letting the guilt and fear and the wanting overtake my senses.
First part sounds like a serious medical problem, while the second part sounds like a serious psychological condition.
Also brotip: you can write about things not related to you.
Ha, ha, just kidding. You can't, but hypothetically, I mean.
His body is hot like a furnace, scorching me with his fingertips. His damaged hand brushes along my back, my stomach, down my bare legs, aggravating the angry red cuts that cover me. I feel the pain of it and I like it.
Okay I hope I'm not the only one who first read "angry red cuts" as "angry red cunts". I did a double take. Kind of gives it a new meaning.
So long story short something sexy is about to happen then he asks why she cuts herself and she gets really butthurt for no reason and pulls that bullshit 6 year old tactic of "now I'm really angry at you all day" like anyone would give a fuck (and she wouldn't forget the second something shiny entered her vision, or a loud noise or something).
It's about a girl named Mercy, who during the day is a nurse on the children's floor of a hospital and at night is a sadistic vigilante killing men who rape or molest women.
Wasn't that an episode of that old Full Metal Alchemist anime? Or was that Catwoman? Either way, been done before. Better, too.
i thought i saw a man in the house last night, but it was just the silhouette of a table.
Tables are crafty like that.
Matthew keeps begging me to come back. But honestly, i don't want to. I wish i had never gotten married. I wish i could go home, but i don't wish to see him again.
I asked him about the gay porn, he said that it still turns him on, but that he doesn't want that lifestyle.
Ha, ha, ha oh wow. Turned a guy gay. Good work, honey.
Can't top that. Ending on a victorious note~
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