Why of course I don't have anything better to do with my Saturday evening.
Okay one look at this font and I know I'm going to have problems copying this. My font is going to go apeshit.
OMG TRANSFORMERS!!!!! I watched it last night (staying up until 2am in the process, and then again during the day today so Derek could see it. He was being a poohead though... anyway BEST MOVIE EVER!!!
I'm sure I had a specific line in mind when I quoted this but upon reflection the entire thing is pretty heinous.
Seriously, I literally could not sit still while watching it. I had to stand up and like jump and lean in all close to the TV because it was so exciting. It made my heart race but not in that bad way that horror movies do. A movie has NEVER done that to me before.
Greatest movie ever made, people.
Oh, what, big fan of, pfft, Citizen Kane? Get that shit out of here. Transformers is the new Citizen Kane. With robots.
I felt all kinds of emotions: I laughed, I got sad but not enough to make me cry, which was awesome, I felt admiration for all the good guys, hatred towards the Decepticons, I was really rooting for Lennox the whole time... And the special effects! Seriously, they were beyond amazing. Like, yeah. And the characterization of Optiimus Prime was spot-on perfect. It really was. I could go on, believe me. I really could.
PERFECT is how I'd summarize the Transformers movie (the new one, not the old one with Robert Stack as the voice of Ultramagnus because that movie actually is fucking awesome).
It's also how I'd describe this blog, incidentally.
So... yeah. Today I just lounged at home LOL. Read a little for Psych, worked on my senior portfolio, did a load of laundry. Boring housekeeping stuff. We ordered some chicken delivered form Vocelli's. They said they had no chicken tenders, so I said I'd get a panini instead. Well, they delivered a panini AND some chicken tenders, and charged me for both. EPIC FAIL.
That's a binder that I put together showing my accomplishments throughout high school. Mine wasn't nearly as full as other people's,because 1)I don't save programs or anything and 2)when I do activities, I'm too busy actually doing them to get pictures of me doing them. But whatever. I plan to "fudge" a couple of pictures; I actually did the stuff so who cares if I take the picture a month after the event??
Yeah I'm now learning about the wonders of portfolios in my teaching classes. To be honest I don't get the point. If you did awesome in high school won't your portfolio, by extension, be awesome? Why grade twice? More pointless fucking busy work.
But if ever there were three words to describe high school those would be they. Also "time warp".
So, then I went to Engineering, where we had... a TEST! It was just a ridiculously easy safety quiz, but it's still a test. During the "study time" before the test I played Pictionary with the guy sitting next to me.
Study time before the test. Okay.
The only bad things are it took waaay to long; I was there from 4:45 until 8:30.
That's not how you use a fucking semicol-- oh wait. Yes it is.

*facepalm* And my feet were killing me by the end of it! Seriously, I need to buy some black flats to wear to these things.
We are learning about crimes in French (don't ask me why. I have no idea.)
Yeah well my Japanese book has a murder mystery featuring the Yakuza and Thailand (for some reason) and a Chinese guy named Lao who looks like an old kung fu master. Also, everyone has huge 80s hair.
Yeah it is pretty awesome, actually.
'Sup, peeps? Firstly, a belated HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! and an on-time Happy All Saints' Day!
Okay so... Friday was boring LOLz.
You may have noticed that I said "stepmom" instead of "dad's wife." I figured just a subtle chagne like that, from dad's wife to my stepmom, will effect the way I think of her, and thus interact with her. She's important to Dad and is in his life for good so I should be making more of an effort to get to know and like her.
Someone is acting like a big girl. Also: good work applying what you learned in high school psychology, chief.
I had a dream last night, too. I dreamt that I didn't do the Econ reading at all, and was trying to BS my way through the quiz, without success. The setting was my school, but it didn't look like my school; it was more like a college campus.
In French, we reviewed interogative tense (that is, questions).
Interrogative*. Make sure you spell it right before you give the smug explanation in parenthesis. That's my job, hey.
And it was boring because no one understood it really...
I hate that fucking shit. No, skipping this entry. Don't need to be reliving my Japanese class frustrations as NO ONE BUT ME FUCKING GETS IT AND HERE WE ARE GOING OVER THE PROGRESSIVE FORM --AGAIN--.
So, there's a guy in my English class. My friend R has liked him for all of high school. And I think he's really sweet and smart and talented musically but I never thought of him like that. Even yesterday, when he held my books (without me asking or even hinting) while I put up my chair.
Holy shit I just looked at my new desktop background. Goddamn my desktop is awesome.
It makes me feel like working on Warhammer RIGHT NOW.
I guess I can do both this and that at the same time~
We had an insanely difficult test in French. Like, it's 10 pages or something ridiculous...
TEN PAGES FUCK ME. Knowing how high school works that's like five pages and we're counting front and back as two "pages".
Today was the one day EVER I didn't do Psych notes (because I was at school so long last night), so of course we used them in class. I ended up using a textbook, but I think she knew why... I hate disappointing the teacher.
Yeah you're that kid every teacher loves. Also they only look disappointed because you're motivated by others. Secretly they don't care if you do the work or not because it's one less thing they'd have to grade.
I enjoyed lunch. I had a great conversation about Denmark and its awesomeness, as per Oprah on 10/21. I also brought up the American psyche, and how it's such so automatically opposed to anything that has government involved that they ignore good, viable ideas for the sake of ideology. There's nothing wrong with having the government pick up the slack.
I can't believe the word "Oprah" and the phrase "viable ideas for the sake of ideology" appear together in the same paragraph.
So anyway my update for Saturday. Behold~
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