Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Oh my God help

Things I do not care about:
shitty fanfiction
shitty original fiction
why you're mad at your friend because he may (or may not) have said something that hurt your feelings
your opinions on TV shows
not wanting to read any of those four things has left me without much in the way of blogs to review today.
Luckily I found this garbo. Time to play guess the gender!
One might think the name "Owlboy" would indicate a man but I'm ready to be surprised.
There is a fanfic master list so--
I love hearing writers talk about their process, especially when they're as obsessive about detail/know their subject as well as Steven Moffat, Bryan Fulller, or Dan Harmon.

Writers that say things like ''merrr, I don't want to affect the audience's perception, meeerr'' suck. Give me perspectives I couldn't have considered on my own or GO HOME.
CROSS POSTED ON LIVEJOURNAAAAAL thanks for that waste of my fucking time you pretentious faggot.
I feel like 500 metric tons of arse today, I hate travelling to the city for psych appointments and my rosary broke and BLEAH. 
I hope it's brain cancer.
No fuck the guy I hope it's brain cancer.
I know that probably makes me an edgy faggot but I don't care. My desire for his misfortune is greater than my need to not seem edgy.
A post about "Fetlife" which is a disturbingly common occurrence on Livejournal and Dreamwidth.
Fetlife, for those of you who venture outside once in a while and might even have a job, is a website where people can talk about fetishes with each other.
Usually revolving around a bondage or domination/submission thing.
How do I know about this?
Well the reason is simple.
I am a charter member.
No the reason is because it comes up constantly on these blogs.
So you know even if you are into domination I doubt seriously your interest extends as far as fat people who write My Little Pony fanfiction.
You're probably looking for a harem of brown girls.
Or is that just me?
No INTJ looks at a TV remote control without wondering what it would take to turn it into a stun gun. No INTJ can take a shower without wondering if some sort of Teflon coating would make showering unnecessary. To the INTJ, the world is a toy box full of sub-optimized and feature-poor toys.

laughing out louds
INTJ is a personality type part of a personality matrix that is very popular for deep and edgy faggots on Livejournal because you take it and it makes you feel like you're a mastermind.
INTJ is probably the second most common result after INTF. INTJ for men, INTF for women.
I'd like to point out even if you genuinely are INTJ (which a cursory scan of this test tells you it is the rarest personality type and less than 1% of the population genuinely conforms to this standard) it doesn't actually indicate any ability with technology or even interest in technology.
So I think anyone who finds that amusing might not actually be a person like this.
Te = uses external structures to manage the inner world; seeks objective rules/laws; respects [earned] authority

Ni = Constantly trying to tear down established structures; finds all the exploitable holes in things; challenges authorities/prevailing wisdom by blurping out alternative perspectives/playing devil's advocate

the push/pull between these 2 things is how you get your standard bratty sub, I think - people [like me] who will dutifully do the housework and bring you your slippers, then spend the next 3 hours gleefully tormenting you to distraction
So typical white wahm, then?
Here he is~
It's at this point I'd like to mention that I call you a faggot because of what you say and how you act, not because of any sexual orientation you have.
Because, you know, clearly.
Deer Princess Celestia: today I assembled an entire camera from scratch because i'm a fricken genius, what what. Who needs friends when you have a soldering iron and a little ambition?
My Little Pony shit.


Ministry for science
Ministry for climate change
Ministry for disabilities
Ministry for aged care
Ministry for higher education
Ministry for youth
Ministry for children
Ministry for workplace relations
Ministry for mental health


Ministry for sport
Ministry for border protection

Also there were 7 women in senior cabinet for the last 3-4 years. There is one now. :|
Department of Economic Development.
Have you ever heard a more sinister name for something in your entire life?
Department of Assessment.
Departmento Munitorum.
God help I seem to have developed a fan club on Tumblr ?? ????
I'd stop using the internet if that happened.
I stopped writing this post for about an hour. I just left "I".
I wonder what I meant to say?
Well I certainly don't remember now.
Who am I?
What was I writing?

1 comment:

Owlie said...

Hahaha. If some random on the internet pisses you off that much, you need to take some midol and have a lie down.