Monday, September 9, 2013

Don't be sorry

Jesus Christ updating schedule all fucked up due to moving out and work and I don't even know what day it is anymore.
I'll get back on schedule.
Someone added this comment on the 3rd of this month (of this year):
In the alternate universe where Buddy Holly ended up the day the music died, the Crickets were better than the Beatles. I'm not sorry.
On an entry four years old so someone is digging through the archive.
The Scroll of Honor
The Lion Censorum.
 Anyway you don't gotta be sorry like that.
Everyone with any sense knows what The Beatles did for music would have happened anyway and they were just right place at the right time.
I like The Beatles, too, but goddamn people need to get over it.
Anyway fucking this person.
There really isn't much of anything better I can do to make myself feel as feminine as possible than for me to go to the gym and throw my body weight around. I mean that - I can clean and jerk a little more than half my bodyweight, snatch just under half, squat it, and deadlift slightly more. Pretty much anything I do that involves me picking up something heavy and moving it around leaves me tired, sweaty, and feeling like a duchess. It's something I'm actively trying to cultivate, especially on powerlifting days.
Are these words arranged in a coherent thought?
Makes you feel like a duchess, what?
What the fuck are you talking about?
I know a decent chunk of why is because it's pretty common for me to look around and realize I'm the only girl around - lifting freeweights, using a squat platform, on this whole floor of the gym. When I'm outnumbered like that, it's hard to forget about things like gender.
Literally no one is paying attention.
The simple proximity of finishing Bioshock and then going onto read some of the Vorkosigan saga made me realize two things: Jackson’s Whole is basically a planet-sized Rapture, and even though a crossover would be easy enough to pull off and amazing and fabulous and work to comment on aspects of both canons simultaneously, I don’t have the time right now.
Original thoughts?
 One of the few side benefits of getting sick - again - is that it lessens any other bad news I get. Like not getting the job for which I interviewed last week. I'd mind more if I could breathe properly, or if I hadn't gotten almost nine hours of sleep last night. It's a bit of a protective cocoon. Much as I'd have loved the work, and much as I deeply hoped for it - it's hard to be torn up or deeply disappointed. At least I have that going for me today.
Jesus Christ.
I guess being sick does one thing for me--
like fuck off seriously what's wrong with you?
Yesterday, as soon as I got back from the job interview, I placed an order at Adagio Tea. It'll arrive tomorrow, but I won't open it until after I hear about the end results of the interview.

I'd like to open it in celebration. If I have to open it in compensation, well, there's tea inside. And I'll make myself a cup, and resolve to keep going until I get to where I'd like to be.
Is there a douchier way to make a statement of resolve ever?
I mean goddamn.
Failing a mission in Dawn of War 2-- a video game-- has way more gravity than what you just wrote.
I'll just make tea and resolve myself to HURRRRR dry your cunt, Jesus.
In Dawn of War 2 you fail a mission and it says shit like YOUR BROTHERS DIE
SEE THAT THEIR DEATH IS NOT IN VAIN and you say "oh right then gotta step up my game then. Thanks, Space Marines."
It's one of the rules of the universe that any day with bread in it is a day well spent. Last night, and the three before that, didn't involve any good sleep - last night did, but only after getting back up after lying there for almost forty minutes, spending some more time online, and sleeping in until ten, which in turn resulted in me not getting anything of value done until three. Going to the gym, and sending in a few applications, only went so far to make me think I'd done something with my day.

Hence, the bread. And by all measures, it's going to be good.

I need go get back to writing something soon, as well. Long-term projects are good for helping me stay on my feet and moving forward.

Hence, a book request.
Jesus Christ did you read that shit?
What the fuck was that about?
Oh a day with bread is a day well spent oh I'm so deep and pretentious.
There you have it. Bread, a paleolithic invention, makes the day good.
There hasn't been a bad day in over 20,000 years.
The only good thing to waking up at five in the morning on Sunday from absolutely vicious period cramps was realizing I had enough time to watch the fourth season of Arrested Development before any spoilers hit. The last twenty minutes of the last episode were the hardest in that regard. It's very much not a show I can watch casually - it's not designed that way, and in my case, it's the only way I can stomach a lot of it. The aggressive ignorance and willful blindness to reality gets under my skin and makes it hard to want to go back to watching, unless I'm trying to finish up the current season.
How about you don't fucking watch it, then?
It sounds like you don't like it.

I've seen and interacted with so many people online that outright, up-front, describe themselves as hostile, angry, annoying, spiteful, nasty, childish, spoiled, whiny, unpleasant to be around, generally pissed off, or some combination thereof, that when I see someone label themselves as insufferable or something similar, I won't know it's a joke. I'm too used to people being up-front about these things - with the internet being a reasonably safe space to mention it right off the bat - that I take it at face value, and immediately slot the person in as they've so labeled themselves.
You're pretty douchey, lady, do you mention that?
So I'm getting a tax return.
No one cares.
Fuck it I'm going to bed.

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