Monday, September 23, 2013

All who love life fear the reaper

Wahms being wahms
my generation's response to rage
is the title of this first entry.
The response is to whine about it on tumblr, incidentally.
there were on "street preachers" campus today. lunatics with signs (one of them was wearing a sandwich board, which I thought was adorable as I didn't know people actually did that) explaining our sins to us. Included such gems as "girls who aren't virgins deserve to be raped", "women should belong to a man", and "aids is god's punishment for gays." 
Sounds like a cool dude to me.
I held a sign that said "yay for gay" for a while. People cheered for his "testimony" of how he drank and smoked pot in fifth grade, calling him a badass child. apparently later people in blue body suits showed up later. 
later people showed up later.
Also this sounds like the mess that would be in my way when I was trying to walk to class.
Christers being annoying and annoying cunts around them trying to outdo each other being clever.
In the span of about an hour, I just murdered my baking dish and my garbage disposal.

Both of these things are my own fault, thus, "murdered".

I had a glass baking dish. Normally I know better to put it in cold water just after it came out of the oven. Tonight....Physics happened.

It exploded.

I cleaned it up as best I could, but wasn't sure what to do about the bits that had fallen down into the disposal. Figured, "what's the worst that can happen?" and flipped it on. 
>putting glass through the garbage disposal
I just worked night shifts for like two weeks and haven't had time to turn on compy.

I'm a bit of a corpse, but only a little bit. I have been playing Megaman: Star Force, which is a very silly series of games but fun and I may or may not have scribbled bits of fic.
I had to listen to these two girls talk about Star Trek fanfiction today--
it was pretty dire.
New pokemon info is out! You can play as a black person if you want!

Well, light black. Possibly latino/latina. 
Preorder cancelled.
But still! That's way better than the pasty pale history of the game! And being able to chose the character that looks most like you is awesome!

It's a bit overdue. Having the non-white gym leader helped. But being able to *play* as one? That's an entirely different level of multiculturalism, and acknowledging the way both Japan and the world today works.

Better late than never. *squee*
Fucking women are going to ruin Pokemon now, aren't they?
I got my first calc test back. Class average was 55.

I got 73. 78 with the curve. That is a solid b and I've been squeaking for about three hours. 
>grading on a curve
>78 is a B somehow
Here was me when I heard "grading on a curve"
One time I go a 117% on a test that was graded on a curve.
Small class, too, so after I dropped everyone else a letter grade I moon walked the fuck out.
In fact if a class was graded on a curve I'd work extra hard to ensure the highest grade was me and it was a 100% or better.
Fuck everyone not me.
Pick a trope from this list and provide a fandom/pairing and I’ll tell you something about the story I’d write for that combination (i.e. write a snippet from the story or write not!fic or tell you the title and summary for the story I would write)
so. a thing. because i have a day off for the first time in a week and a half.

give me a character and i'll give you headcanon. sound good? 
so I have an interview tomorrow
for mcdonalds, but still. employment
will obviously tell you how it goes, and wish me luck!

Fucking service jobs.
Bet it's SHIT.
Fuck, you have no idea how tired I am.
I'm sure I do.
Anyway I've run out of shit to say about this garbo.

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