Friday, April 30, 2010

Oh hey what's going on in here

Anyone know where I can get a skull fossil in Pokemans, incidentally? No one on Earth seems to have one and it's really troublesome because I need a Cranidos for egg moves on Aggron.
It's critical.I'd get one myself but due to the fucked up way they handled Cranidos/Shieldon in Platinum I'm kind of stuck with shitty old Shieldon.
Speaking of giant dinosaurs with ridiculously armored noggins, I defeated Barroth in Monster Hunter, too. It has been a very dinosaur week.
So I have this poem that I wrote about Helen and John. It's basically John's thoughts as he asks Helen to marry him. I've put it up on various sites but I don't think it's specifically on this journal. Anyway, it'll follow.
BUt the improtatnt thing is I submitted it to my school's literary magazine and .....

THEY PUBLISHED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm pretty sure if you submit something it gets published, I don't know.
Angel's Light

Angel's night, Angels bright

Angel bathed in golden light

Never stray far from my sight

Angel show me what is right

>AAAA BBBB CCCC rhyming scheme

This is a review that was just left on the part of my Dragon Series:
Incoming bottomsore.

Okay, the story is fun but I have one problem. Despite TV shows, people do not get shot and then walk around later in the day.

John Wayne disagrees.

If you want the story to be unrealistic, put a comment in your write up that its going to be "cinematic" so people know not to expect any reality. Okay?

Gee sorry for not mentioning a story called "Dragon Series" might be a tad unrealistic.
Seriously? The fact that people are turning into Dragons didn't clue you in that this was going to be less than realistic?

Yeah, fuck you, reviewer. You know you have fucked up when I'm taking a blogger's side on an issue.

Side note: Squee needs to be one of the moods on here.

All right I took your side on one small issue, don't press your luck.

I have realized something about all my favorite couples recently.
Great, don't give a shit. Why are you telling me all this?
God, I'm so mad I'm either going to cry or scream or both. Feel free to skip over this post if you don't want to deal with a whiny college student venting.
Ha, ha, that poem got published in a college literary magazine?
Can't say I'm entirely surprised but goddamn, that's high school shit.
I was so excited for this day because I had a presentation so I wanted to break in my new green corset. I bought this thing months ago and have just been waiting for a chance to wear it. I made my own choker to go with it, put my hair in a high ponytail, added a ribbon, I was feeling great.
English majors.
Incidentally I have seen soooooome shit in my college career. Furries, people dressed like that, people dressed like it's 1700, a guy that always carried an umbrella-- people are strange.
My favorite was the guy that always dressed like Napoleon, though.
I got to my class and got several more compliments. One girl teased me and asked if I could breath.


The only thing that could have made this day any better was if Adam, my crush who is into corsets, had been able to see me.

Somehow when you say he's "into corsets" I don't think that applies to the morbidly obese.
I sit down in the car and do not even have my seatbelt on before my mom starts in with teh questions. She wants to know how my presentation went, what grade did I get, have i talked to my advisor yet?
It went well. I don't know my grade yet. No, my adviser is a useless cunt so I'll get around to it.

Remember the corset I told you about? I put up a facebook status about it and promised pictures to my one friend.
I was told by my father that I should not even think about writing such things let alone posting picture of them. Because apparently posting a picture of myself in a corset means I will never in my life get hired. Despite the fact that the only people who can see my Facebook are my friends.

Give me five minutes and I can be into your

Now I know my father wants what's best for me and that if someone really wanted to tehy could hack my facebook. But what employer is going to dig that deep?
It's so hard to do I'm sure no one has such employees.

There's nothing like sitting on the lap of a hot, shirtless guy whom you have a crush on. Except when said hot guy asks you to sit on his lap and then does things like play with your hair.

Good lord, it's been a long time. School is winding up so I've been super busy with that. Plus My computer caught a really icky virus and it still hasn't let go yet. Oh, and Word isn't working on there anymore so I have to use school computers to write.

I always wonder about people like this. MY COMPUTER HAS A VIRUS AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! Never mind that Googling "my computer has a virus and I don't know what to do" links you to a comprehensive list of instructions to follow and holds your stupid ass hand through the entire process.
It's un-fucking-canny, is what it is.

The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request that I write a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing.

>20 comments for this dreck
>my own blog struggles to get one comment despite AWESOME COMMENTARY FOR YEARS
I had to talk for just two minutes today.

OH FUCK ME TWO MINUTES. You're right, college is totally unreasonable!
And normally that wouldn't be a problem, even with knowing very little information like I did. I talked for about thirty seconds before my nervousness got me and I choked.

Oh shit I have to talk for ten entire minutes Tuesday, what should I do?
I had to pass on the presentation. I really hate public speaking. I hate being the center of attention in general. It really sucks, I have to say.

This is funny in light of your "I wore a corset today and everyone was talking about how cute I looked." If you hate being the center of attention why do you dress like a goddamn freak?
And I don't even have new Criminal MInds or CSI New York episodes to make me feel better. This day could not get worse, it honestly couldn't.

At least you came out with all your digits.
Oh and here's her very first entry. Well congratulations, me: I made it through her entire blog.
Now let us drink~

1 comment:

Robert said...

I-I'll give you comments :<