Fucking Space Marines and their armor.
Also fuck Livejournal and their font choice.Anyway, today we have some bitch teaching English in France.
It's real pretentious in case you couldn't guess.
Our first entry is "Thoughts about teaching grammar, even if you don't care." and thanks for giving me the option. YOU'RE GOING TO HEAR THIS WHETHER YOU LIKE OR NOT, MOTHERFUCKER.Actually I could just scroll down and be done with it. Or close the browser and do something else.
In fact I have a lot of options "even if I don't care" but apparently I do, because here we go.
I think that grammar needs to be explicitly taught - because the student is going to ask eventually - but WHY is it like that?Ah yes, flashback to yesterday's Japanese class.
Sometimes things just are the way they are because Japan is an isolated backwater when its language is developing and it does shit its own way on its own time.
Just roll with it. Polite form ましょう+ と思う = "I think we should _______" whereas plain よおう + と思う= "I plan to ________" just go with it. They don't think it be like it is, but it do. I guess it's because that verb can mean "to think" or "to plan" and so-- no, it still doesn't really make that much sense in an English context.
But if you were to put it into some better context, not a cartoon, and not a tight and clean control. How?Is that a fucking word jumble or are you asking a question? I thought these were your thoughts on grammar, not asking a bunch of dumbass questions about textbooks?
Ugh, forget it.
And I do. The mint-green fishnets and black leotard. They say 'wow what a lion we've got with this show-stopper.' Hair all a mane. I walk around with a shadow between my legs on stage from the spotlight overhead.
Sometimes old men give me candy afterward. Don't take it from strangers, they say, but I do, because it's so good.
if I'd get a tattoo, it should be of "sexy flower." Not a rose, he said, something with the petals opened, a little "haute couture," a little soft and natural, and put his wrists up to his neck and fanned out his hands.
The best things I do are artistic - whatever'll let me do that.
Oh yeah, your last three entries have been filled with artistry but NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.
I might say that Italian films are my favorite foreign kind.
... Of film. Why are you teaching grammar, again? 10/10 sentences of yours, on average, will be opaque and not make much sense grammatically.OR NO, EXCUSE ME.Teach grammar why are you again? Sentences many as in 10/10 sense grammatically they will not make. Opaque.
Interesting to you, maybe. Meanwhile in metown I'm rubbing my temples wondering when the milky white fog will finally overtake my vision.
No one but me in my family for French - how did I choose this isolation? In fact, if I think of it, I'm pretty sure there isn't any "Romantic" ancestry. French, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Portuguese. Interesting, sort of. Languages, and the connected cultures, bypass ancestry.
Let's think about the Basques.
You know what? No. Let's not think about the Basques. How about that for once?
ring out like a roar
in the night.
Suddenly reminded of something that doesn't suck, hold on.
All this talk of warm and cold fronts is pretty romantic.
Instead of two lovers meeting it's - air masses.
taking a walk. They were each standing about a foot into the street so that at first I'd watch the cars zooming up
Eww, you think about sex when you talk about Mormons? The only thing I think about when I talk to the religious DEVIANTS on campus is how awesome it'd be if Warhammer was real.
The thing is, I couldn't stop thinking about sex.
The religious deviants on campus being:
- everyone
Haven't been confronted by Scientologists recently, come to think on it.
Usually a song, after I've heard it once or a few times.
Like I need, need, need, to hear it again, like it touched something hard in me and I need it touched again.
Tongue tiedshort of breath, don't even try
ooooo try a little harder
something's wrong, you're not naive, you must be stronger
oh baby try
hey girl
move a little closer
you're too shy too shy, hush hush eye to eye
hush hush eye to eye
Whoa, sorry. Completely off topic but it just came on and I decided it was a lot better than this.
I was taking a walk reading The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and was stopped for my number and I said had a boyfriend he said had a woman he said you go on with your walk then, smiling, said damn mm-mm as I walked off.
Holy God what the fuck does that say? Bitch: punctuations. Now.
Also: the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass? Really? I mean, I had my arm twisted in school and read it (a bit). Who reads that for pleasure, seriously?
Hey Douglass, here's an idea for you: narratives often have a narrow focus to keep the reader's attention. Just a thought.
If you only had read how Frederick was beaten, you'd see how silly my fall was.
Fall as in "oh no I'm falling" or a symbolic Fall like in Paradise Lost?
Still, some things are significant for meaning other things, if you'd just think about them.
I give you what you wanted, girl. I have some hate left in me that is reasonable. I think it all gets worked out, especially in art and life.
You're right. Suddenly that Lady GaGa song I heard on the radio the other day has a whole new meaning for me. Like when she says "stop calling, stop calling I don't wanna think anymore" I think I suddenly understand exactly what she means. That's you. Stop calling.
I have so many books, and thought yesterday that : damn it if I had no books in my life I'd have so much space. It's not really the space though, I don't need so much space. I think rather than the space it's the weight.
You should write a book. You'd fit right in with those postmodern, pretentious assholes.
Anyway, I'm going to leave you today with two thoughts. One totally awesome to make up for THIS HORSESHIT and finally something I'm going to tell our pretentious cunt here.
The first shall be her thought for the day:

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