I think it's sufficiently clear which starter is the lamest in this case. And here we have a fan of said penguin.
If you're keeping score, the lame duck out in the previous generations are: Bulbasaur, Chikorita and Mudkip. Water has taken the prize twice, grass twice. Fire is always superior.
Think about it. First generation you had a turtle with pneumatic water cannons on its back, a giant fire lizard or a fucking... Thing. Second gen you had a giant bipedial crocodile, a giant flaming porcupine or a... Gay thing. Third gen you had a fighting fire chicken or a Rambo-esque jungle lizard. Or a Derp.
Keeding. You're not a stalker. This was just a message to you if you feel like you've been watching me harrrrrrrd. Like seriously hard.
For some reason when I read this post I thought he was talking about the vidya gaym Stalker (or S.T.A.L.K.E.R. as it's properly written) but apparently he's talking about a real stalker.
- Bio class was so warm, I decided to just napppp :D
- The IB Survival Handbook is soo...handy :D
I like to justify my "zero reimbursement for doing a favor for my school system" in my head by thinking of it like Gundam. I'm the prototype Gundam in this case. It's superior to the mass produced models.
Oh and I've really been implicit about what's been going on with my life lately but I don't give a shit anymore.
Explicit*. Implicit would be you saying-- well, something that's implied.
As long as I'm not explicit, s/he has no reason to get mad at me because s/he will just prove that all my rantings is about him/her and that'll basically expose him/herself
Oh. What?
If you're reading this and you feel offended and probably is prepared to rant to your friends about how much I've been "shit talking" and you're also brainstorming other possible
I feel offended at how fucking douchey this has been so far. I think you owe me, and me personally, an apology.
This major life change is actually pretty recent. My "circle of friends" changed and I lost two of my best friends, but I ended up finding a lot of good people whom proved that they
I've never seen someone fuck up "who" and "whom" backwards like this before.
You do know you need a preposition to use "whom" in that capacity, right?
would be there for me and would be definitely a lot more trustworthy, plus many other people whom I somewhat neglected and now pay attention to a lot more.
Wow this is the world's most complicated sentence. I've been trying to diagram it for the past five minutes and I gave up. Oddly, though, your second "whom" is correct because it's a direct object.
I'm a little angsty today, like a pendulum full of emotion, but it's a part of growing up isn't it.
Speaking of I've finally worked up the nerve to download "Unicorn Gundam" and I saw immediately that one of the tags on it is "angst" so I'm incredibly concerned now.
Remember when Gundam was an awesome space opera about great heroes and giant fighting robots in space and HOT BLOOD and shit?
Yeah I miss that too.
I mean of course the whole doubt and fear thing was always part of it but it was never the all-encompassing theme that it has become today.
I'm going to be a little explicit with my language but please consider that this isn't coming from what I feel, this is coming from the fucking heart.
Implying that "coming from the heart" isn't "what you feel" but whatever. Also this must be some pretty serious shit to warrant such a warning at the start. The last thing that I read that started with a plea "from the heart" was about ending slavery in America.
But anyways, my point here is that, where the fuck do you think you're going doing what you're doing?
This, of course, coming from a high school kid who says "anyways". Isn't this the kind of talk a father gives to his son after he picks up the guitar or something? Who the fuck are you to be saying this to your friend?
What the fuck is going on with you bro? You've turned into this Yu-gi-oh crazed, girl-hungry, shit-talker.
Sounds like typical middle school kid to me.
Bro, you were in the Top 100 for comedians in Canada on Youtube
Youtube, whose number one comedian is currently a 13 year old boy who speeds up his audio and pretends to be four (I am dead fucking serious), to me, is an incredibly poor indicator of comedic talent.
pick one.
You had two of your poems published in a magazine - that's two more than I myself have ever gotten published.
Fuh, yeah. Which magazine? Your school literary magazine? I used to get shit published monthly without fucking trying. If you have a firm grasp of grammar regardless of content or talent you're getting in.
I don't know if you realized, but the two things society has been looking for since the beginning of time is people in the arts and people in the sciences
Yes, society ONLY values TWO THINGS and TWO THINGS ONLY. Why is most of the industrialized world in middle management, again?
Yknow, I was about to post a really angry entry about how your shit talking makes it seem like you're obsessed with me but something tells me this is what you want.
I have no idea who you're even talking about but you seem to be the one obsessed, friend.
Reon Kadena <3
Ruh-roh. Getting my hose, I feel like I'm going to need it.
When I was looking for a picture of her, I didn't want to put up a picture that showed her body off.
Good luck with that. She does have an amazingly large chest for a Japanese woman.
I wanted to find a picture that showed off her face. Sure she has a nice body, but that face is killer.
A quick Google image search with content filter off can confirm his sudden interest in her.
No, serious talk now. Some guys fail to see how much more attractive a face can be over a body. Even in her "racy" photos, one cannot help but stare at her...FACE.
Huh? Oh, oh yeah. Sorry I was starting to lose interest in what you were saying because I started looking at my own Google image search.
Anyways, what's my point about this little rant here? That bodies are overrated? That face's are so much more attractive? That the term "gorgeous" is so much better a word to use than "hot"?Gay.
No. It's that I'm not gay. So stop talking shit.
Well you never sound gayer than when you're saying "I'm not gay".
- Woke up at 3am!
- Played Pokemon
Bun you IB textbook. I'mma use my Chikorita and cut you up with Magical Leaf.
See I told you my hypothesis has merit. Later he confirms he also likes Mudkip, so he's 3/4 so far.
So I'm going to get the new Pokemon soon and I want to make a new team that I can use to pwn my IB buds
Cool kids on the bus now, watch out.
And a note to the latter part in the above : I don't want to use "normal" pokemon (like Tyranitar, Typhlosion etc. aka. OVERPLAYED POKEMON)
Well if it's strong it's going to get used, so I'm not really sure-- there aren't unlimited options, here. It's not like there's a hidden Tyranitar-tier Pokemon that people have forgotten about or anything.
I want an INTERESTING line-up. So if you have a favourite that you never see in "strong" line ups please please pleaseee feel free to suggest.
>Put your iPod on shuffle.
> Write down the first 5 songs that play.
Well I think that's it, then. Enjoy your Pokemon, faggot.
Hey wait--
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