Well no more, for today I have successfully RNG abused a Growlithe.
Sunny days are here to stay?
Anyway I'm sure Mr. Jackson wasn't referring to Pokemon when he sang this song, but the alternative is far too silly to comprehend. Feeling alienated about accusations of pedophilia? Yeah, I think that would happen.
So here we have today for your delectation The Deep.
I was just contacted by some recruiter looking to hire me on as a CSR manager.Why, if you work the standard 9-5, that's an entire 81 dollars a day!
"The pay rate is nine dollars an hour."
Do you know how many boxes of Lucky Charms that is?
I said that did not meet my requirements.
"Well," she said in a huffy voice, "what do YOU make per hour ?"
I am independently wealthy and am currently working this secretarial position for chuckles.
So here's some sort of flowchart of nonsense I'm not really sure what that's about--
Oh I think he's a furry.
I like my work.
I really do.
Like most people who work off of commission in the fandom, I have a day job.
In my case, it is a night job.

Dare I ask what that "night" job is?
I work overnight running a department of Mastercard, and I work primarily with European and Australian banks.
Thrilling, I know.
Oh, okay. Well, certainly not what I was expecting from our fur-suited friend, but all right.
So, for those who are in the know. . .
I got sunburnt rather badly this week. It was not a fun time at all, and it is just now beginning to peel. Bleh.
So speaking of the sun, this reminds me of my Sunny Day team:
I'm going to have a Shiftry lead, right, then a Claydol support for stealth rocks, then motherfucking Arcanine. It's going to be, as the kids say, "the bees knees".
I ended up going counter Kabbalistic in my ordering of the Sephirot, but I think it makes more sense.
But the Sephirot is Kabbalistic--
isn't it? I don't honestly know, come to think of it.
For those of you not versed in "wacky" as myself (meaning you haven't played Xenogears) I shall explain.
In Jewish mysticism there's this thing called "the three of life" which is supposed be the various emanations of God. People think this means shit, but in reality it's just a loose collection of character traits.
No different than, say, the flowchart of nonsense I linked earlier about furries.
I also alter the positions of the Angels themselves (and their functions),
Ah yes last person to do this was a man named "John Milton" and he was writing something called "Paradise Lost". I don't think you'll be met with similar success, however.
So, I managed to come up with a monster of a story idea.
Like, this one amazed me and I have yet to even write it.
Well I'm glad someone is getting some enjoyment out of it because I have no doubt that when you post it I'll be bored to tears.
I feel bad because some might view it as me waxing over my esoteric learning,
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWN. Jesus, you can't even get through the first sentence of describing the fucking thing and I'm already looking at something else to do.
Like staring at the glory that is my Growlithe.
I even came up with a name for the bad guy, which is exciting. I am also uber pwning with my olde school mythos knowledge. Thoth, you are on notice. :D
One important thing, I think, for any good villain is the ability to pronounce his name easily without sounding like you have a gay lisp.
So I raise contention with Brian Jacques on a few topics.
Mainly, why are foxes always evil ? Ferrets too.
Brian Jacques, a man who probably hates the day he came up with his masterpiece Redwall, is a famous author of young adult books mostly centering around sentient mice who get into various knightly adventures.
The series proper started in the 1980s, a healthy two decades before this whole furry thing started, so I think it's pretty safe to say Brian Jacques himself is just a man with an idea, because the books themselves were really quite enjoyable as a child.
Of course I'm sure they have since become the target of something far more sinister and creepy (like furry sex) but I guess we're in for a surprise. Or not.
I understand he had to polarise somewhere, but can you really see a tyrannical fennec ruling over the mice and hedgehogs of a forest ?I just see it taking everyone's cock.
See? What the fuck did I just say? These furries cannot go one whole paragraph about sentient animals without mention someone getting their knob polished.
What is wrong with you people?
These are books for children, for Christ's sake.
It would be like if Magikarp's splash attack gave your opponent the option to mercy kill themselves and save you the agony.
Yeah of course Pokemon has a huge furry following. It's something of a constant horror I have to battle. Pokemon is as much a psychological battle as it is a tactical one.
Then it evolves and kills everything with rage and fire.
Yes I am quite pleased with my Gyarados as well. Earthquake, Ice Fang, Dragon Dance, Waterfall--
I am beginning to really like the furry group here.
Hurp I'm a durp
I also was referenced a few times, mainly because I am a 'damn foreigner'.
Grounds for deportation, in my book.
That you're a furry, that is. If they find out you're a terrorist they detain you, why should this be any different?
Warning, this contains gratuitous amounts of GAY !
Ha, ha wow. Now you warn me. That's like wandering five miles into a high radiation zone only to be met by a sign "warning: your face may melt" Yeah, kind of figured that out around the time I started sprouting vestigial wings due to the radiation.
I was asked a question: what do I look for in a mate ?
"Well first thing she has to be human, boss, so I think the term is "girlfriend" and not "mate" but whatever, yeah" would be my response.
Jesus Christ this is like a fifteen page checklist of traits and features.
If he asked I would say yes.
But, he would have to know how to ask.
Oh I see, you're a living Da Vinci Code riddle.
None, because the other two would fly away~
And a few more entries I'm not reading and we're up to his very first entry, awww.
It looks like he's new to this whole blogging thing.
Well I hope this gives him a nice, warm welcome :3
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