Then, when you point out you're on laudanum or something equally adult and you find their pot childish and tame, they either leave or get really butthurt. Jeez, chill out. I thought pot made you mellow.
i just found some papers in a rolling papers type o papers.
Like rolling papers type "o" papers. I see we're dealing with a master of the English language, here.
theyre large lol i recall buying em back when i smoked way too much pot because regular papers wernt big enough lol looking at these things its like...i could easily fit 2 grams in one of these papers if not more haha
I'm glad someone is laughing because I'm groaning right now.
last night was fun. me and amy went out and convinced other people to come out. my cousin came and it turns out she doesnt suck haha i just assume all ym family members suck but she was pretty cool.
That reminds me on an essay I handed in last week I kind of said that an epic poem isn't epic because it follows the epic form but the epic form helps create the feeling of a grand event unfolding before you, and to accentuate this I mentioned that Dante's Inferno had no epic invocation, then I was recently revisiting it and was hit square in the face by the epic invocation in canto 2, so good work, me. Hopefully that doesn't adversely affect my grade by being dead fucking wrong but I guess it happens to everyone at some point oh well~
and jeremy from charlottetown came cuz amy pretty much forced him too lol and when me and my cousin went to get papers we ran into meewa from charlottetown too!
Jesus Christ.
actually shes been in japan since november and she just got back and shes off to charlottetown today.
Do you know what happens if they catch people with pot in Japan?
They cut off their hands.
No, they throw them in jail for a long time and then deport them if they're foreign. I must say it seems a little harsh to me but if it prevents shit like this from coming out of their country-- can't really complain.
so ya....religion may not be a bad thing in theory but some people dont really do it right lol
lol it's okay guys I said lol so it's automatically funny.
i got picked up by russell...a giant pot head dude that was pretty sketchy but had a shit load of good weed.
Man you're as bad as the religious with this shit. They can't go one sentence without mentioning Jesus, you can't go one sentence without mentioning pot.
he had a miniature doberman and we stopped at about 8 tim hortons lol we also were so stoned the whole way it didnt really matter if he was crazy lol he was tellin me he did 5 years in jail after being involved in a police chase where he drunkenly rammed some cop cars off the road while trying to ditch 5 kilos of coke out his window.
Connected thoughts or the ramblings of a mental patient?
easiest goodbye so far. i was smoking a bowl on the front porch and caleb was smokin one in the back.
Jesus Christ, man.
not much goin on here. me and mira went adventuring a lil bit yesterday then raked our yard...i broke the rake lol oh and i got rid of her evil blinds too! it was super duper nice outside so basically i just kept finding excuses to go outside haha
lol lol haha
today...hmm..its a high of 1 so i dont need to be outside much lol ive got a few things to do....
HIGH of one, right you fuck?
No? No mention of smoking and adding fifteen lols to it so I know it's actually funny and not obnoxious?
im feeling oh so loved lately. everyones missing mark.
I'm hoping Mark gets hit by a bus.
her brian is tellin her to do one thing but the rest of her wants to do another.
What-- oh, her brain. Okay.
i shaved.....but i took pictures!
I hate the internet.
what a great weekend. erica rocks. she likes to take things slower than any girl ive ever met lol but at least shes down with cuddles.
Saying something that can be construed as negative= "add an lol so they know I'm not mean". Does this work? I mean yes, it does, but, but why?
from friday after work until about an hour ago when she tucked me into bed and sang me a lullaby before insisting on going home to her own bed lol
Suddenly reminded of Paradise Lost only the stoner version where instead of eating from the tree of the knowledge of life and death "from which thou shalt not eat" Eve smoked a bowl after being tempted by a giant hemp rope snake.
Ah, but it's not all bad. Adam and Eve had to fall so we could all be saved by Rastafarian Jesus.
honestly....i have no idea why i didnt kiss her or anything lol besides the fact im retarded lol but i think now that shes gone and my brains working right again its pretty obvious she likes me.
lol I don't know why I didn't lol kiss lol her lol I think lol she likes lol me lol lol
You motherfucker.
so tonight got boring and caleb felt like gettin high so we got high and played video games for a few hours.
Okay I think we've all had enough of this shit.
I ain't even mad
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