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I play bad game Runescape
Thankfully, though, today it didn't take very long at all to find this.
Am I seriously gonna fall out of the jrock fandom for kpop...? I mean, I love both fandoms, but it's seriously hard for me to love two fandoms at the same time.
I always wonder about people like this. I LOVE THE FANDOM. Really? You like the people who like stuff? Eh, I love Final Fantasy but the other fans of Final Fantasy are pretty much the biggest group of assholes imaginable outside of a Nazi rally.
Also yes, it is very trying to listen to Korean and Japanese music at the same time. In fact, I'd wager listening to any two songs at the same time would just be a lot of noise.
Or wait, no, she just loves two fandoms at the same time. Who gives a shit? Is it really that hard to keep generiJapanese music straight? Japan is going through the same transition American music did (to complete shit, that is) a few years ago: everything is a Dir en Grey (which itself is equivalent to Linkin Park in terms of emo faggotry) clone.
Okaaaiz. So earlier today I discovered the Livejournal app for the iPod Touchie.:|
You can learn a lot about someone from the music they listen to. Here's the game: hit shuffle on your music player, and write down the first 25 songs that come up.
Seems overzealous to do this 25 times, so I'm just going to do it once and we'll compare our number ones.
I got Twisted Sister, what'd you get?
9th Revolver - Alice NineHa, ha you suck I win holy shit
Anyone know what that is, even?
Let's see--Are they girls?
No--Wait I have a visual to go with this:

I'm not going to reproduce it here because my font would go APESHIT and I'd never be able to fix it, but if you want to experience what it's like being a skin bag filled with guts and blood, you can check it out here.
Hm... This makes me sound like a nerd/geek/nerdy-geek, right...? Like I study 24/7 so I can get good grades. But the truth is that... I don't ever study... I barely even study for tests... LOL. ( ̄□ ̄;)

I'm going to modify this exercise and try to just name 12.
Name twelve of your favorite Jrockers :
Well, good thing my grade in Japanese class doesn't revolve around pop culture.
Hm... I've realized, I don't fangirl enough on my lj... How strange.

Sounds like a trip to the Tylenol cabinet for me after this post.
2000 - I was 4. Still innocent. I everyday at recess,
So that makes you... 14.
That's why you're so annoying. All right.
01. I've come to realize that my butt: has been touched by various people.... Seriously. LOL
LOL XD holy shit.
Have you ever gotten that feeling when you wondered why you are born? Like you are the total waste on this beautiful planet filled with amazing people?
>planet filled with amazing people
What, are you from Mars or something?
And you are only making this world worse because you existed? Heh. I feel like this every single second.
Well you're certainly making my world worse currently.
Me : " I wonder what Kanon tastes like..."
My friend #1 : "OHHHH~~~"
My friend #2 : " Thinking dirty again, eh?"
Me : *Suddenly realized what I had just said... and RUNS AWAY LIKE A TURTLE IN PAIN while dying inside of mixed feelings
Cool it, girl. I'm going to get a hose, Jesus Christ.
I'm so proud of myself. (?)
What? What? I'm done?
Man I wish school were this easy. WELL WE'RE DONE EARLY I GUESS YOU CAN GET STARTED ON UNCLE TOM'S CABIN (I'm only 50 pages in now, jinkies!)
Somehow I'm two books a head in Paradise Lost because of Uncle Tom's Cabin. I'm not sure how that happened. I guess because Paradise Lost was still work to sit there and read it I feel justified in not reading Uncle Tom's Cabin because look how far I am in Paradise Lost now.
1 comment:
Racer X - Sacrifice
Iron Maiden - Heaven Can Wait
Bill Bruford - Either End of August
Focus - Answers? Questions! Questions? Answers!
Bathory - Outro
Darkthrone - Slottet I Det Fjerne
Edge of Sanity - Born, Breed, Bleeding
Racer X - Gone Too Far
Dimmu Borgir - Antikrist
N.W.A - 8 Ball
Melvins - Roadbull
Megadeth - Gears of War
Bathory - Father to Son
Immortal - Where Light and Dark Don't Differ
Metallica - Battery
Alice in Chains - Swing on This
I don't even really like most of these songs, fuck this
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