Oh yeah, unrelated: blogs.
It's just always amazing to me how creative people are when it comes to violence. Figuring out book bindings? That'd be a 2000 year process, but a rapid fire shotgun? 20 years.
I'm sort of envious, though. Having two of those mounted on the front of my car would come in handy. No one would be cutting me off anymore, no sir.
Some point in 2009:
Hannah: So Who is the Library Day Speaker this year?
Lita: i'm not really sure.
Hannah: I heard it was Vanda Symons?
Lita: I think so, they write books.
Okay, That was like the most epic fail of fail I have ever said last year.
... LOL XD
Now uh, the above speech was so stupid. Not to mention, it happened in the library. So I fail.
Vanda Symons does write books fyi and she is also a really lovely person to meet.
It's okay not to have anything to say. You don't need to keep posting. Or keep your already too long post from ending.
Aww -___-
I was talking to some of the junior librarians today (actually now to be presise), sounds like their having a freakin marvelous time.
Oh, what? I went into my image folder looking for something and it's 15 minutes later and I don't remember what I was looking for.
Stop this. Stop this immediately.
What could I have been looking for?
Well you seem to fancy yourself some kind of litfag but you don't know how to spell precise or the difference between "there", "their" and "they're". Probably something to do with that?
Hello LJ,
for the first time in ages, I don't actually feel like posting because I have nothing to say.
OH BOY NOTHING TO SAY! I'M SURE READING THIS! Oh wait, it gets better, too! "I don't actually feel like posting"! Goddamn, this'll be a great read!
How did Milton or Homer open their epics? "whatever don't really feel like writing this. Sing muses, or whatever it is you do. Or don't, whatever."
Somehow I don't think people would give quite as much of a shit as they do if they had opened like that.
Time to watch the Commentary to The Forbidden Kingdom
Oh my gosh! I'm gonna go and have that damn tea! YES? yes.
And...i'm going to...stop being so annoying now.
(Top 5 tonight m'dears!)
Here was my face during this:

Okay m'dears! Welcome to February!
Not long now until I start Uni, but still quite a long way to that point in time.
Okie dokie, Let's hope that this month I can manage to post EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Am I up for the challenge?
Hell. To. The. Yeah.
So yesterday I was moving my eyes in a weird way to imitate how characters in Mass Effect 2 often look and I heard a weird pop in my head and now my left eye hurts periodically. Should I be concerned? I can still see out of it and everything but-- I don't know. It's worrisome.
Uhhm, I was going to say something about the title..Oh right yeah, actually coming to think of it, I think I might just pass on that because it could aggrivate...certain people.
I should really shut up.
I just woken up (YES IS 11.40! LEAVE ME ALLOOOONE!)
Today is going to be a good day, the parent's are leaving the house to go to work and I'm home alone in all it's glory, Yaaay ^-^
Shut up my eye hurts goddamn I think I detached a retina--
it feels better if I cover it up.
So once upon a time there was a guy I liked and I knew I was out of his league.
Anyway, fast forward a few days later, I didn't like him anymore because he was a creep.
The End.
After that, there was another guy I liked.
And for a while we were pretty...cool. Except because I'm screwed up, the more he liked me, the more I pushed him away. Until I realized what I actually had I didn't do it so much. Anyway, long story short - it's pretty much the opposite now, so we hardly keep in contact even though I try but neugh.
This is probably the first time I've seen in your blog that you've managed a coherent thought through two paragraphs. I know you're big into the "lol I'm so randum xD" phase right now because you think you're "like, totally funneh" or whatever it is you morons think (goddamn I got douche shivers typing that) but don't expect me to read any of it.
In fact I've skipped three straight pages of posts for this exact reason.
Told me to mention him in my journal entry. So, this is his mention, yup. Hello Morgan. Blah blah blah.
Oh speaking of, holy shit I heard the worst song ever today. It's called "Blah Blah Blah" and it's by that banshee, Kesha (not spelling that with a dollar sign, get fucked)
I don't even understand the appeal. She can't sing, she looks like she doesn't shower very often, she's really not particularly attractive (personal hygiene or no). No, I don't get it at all.
Do you get offended if someone repeatedly checks their mobile phone when you're out for lunch or dinner? If so, do you usually say something?
My answer to this is "yes"
Uhhhhh. This is why I have to go so off-topic. You're so impossibly boring I can't even think of anything mean to say about you. That's pretty fucking dire. I've posted every other day (not counting weekends) for over a year and a half and you're the one who exhausted my bile.
Good work (oh and also not counting days I've forgotten).
Now there's a totally hilarious post about Windows 7 and her updating schedule. Apparently she's letting Windows 7 run her life and that's somehow the computer's fault (brotip: there's a big red "turn automatic updating off" button in your control panel).
Well that's it. I think my work here is done.
I have to go write a reflection on Emerson's "Nature" which is problematic because I've done a lot of soul-searching on this monumental text in the long and brilliant literary history of the United States and the only "reflection" I can come to is that I have no reflection on the subject.
(I also haven't read it which isn't proving to be the problem you'd think it would).
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