Actually, no, turns out one is really short. Also it's about being anorexic which I think I just did a review of one of those a few weeks ago (and a couple more before that) so let's depart from that topic for a little bit.
Instead let's get an exercise in the greatest punctuation of all time: the ellipsis.
This weekend was ok,I was ill all day sat.but got up sunday not feeling great but the best in days.
Speaking of "no space between your punctuation marks" did you know in Japanese you don't need to put a space because it's already included after each punctuation mark? Pretty handy, that.
Of course that doesn't really make up for typing in Japanese being a general flowchart nightmare but still, it is pretty cool.
I went to the market sunday afternoon,hoping of course the tax check would be there is was not of course!That it wasn't beating me to the bank.I had to stop at cfair for the paper which I forgot,and cigs.Since topps is taking over.......they aren't ordering much.....out of cigs.So,I get to the fair and going in I spy something that looked like a sack!There is 2 older women in front of me ......they were in a dead time........they go and I go out and bent down felt it and snatched it up.I guess it gives validation to.........ask and you shall receive!
I have no idea what she's trying to say here, but if I had to hazard a guess I'd say she went to a drugstore that's being taken over by Topps (presumably not the baseball card company) and then she found a backpack someone left and instead of being a good Samaritan and turning the item over to lost and found or something she instead decided to keep the bag, citing the old axiom "ask and you shall receive" which I'm pretty sure was about Christfag shit and not stealing, but I don't really know.
So already our girl is of questionable moral repute, but that may just be the sign of a complex character and not some self-centered cunt (har har har).
I was gigling all the way home....I never find anything.....a quarter here and there few ...."heads up''pennies!But nothing ever of any mention.So,I was most happy!I felt bad about dude who lost it,but my gain for once.
She felt bad for the dude who lost it, despite the fact that she stole it.
There's a word for this, I can't really seem to recall what it is-- oh that's right, I remember now.
Now her post decays into random words. At one point she says "tracker and tailor" and I'm almost positive she means "tractor trailer".
Wow I picked a bad blog to review. I know I'm supposed to be funny and make jokes and shit but I'm so mystified by everything she types I feel I have to report back here and translate it just to reaffirm to myself I even understand what's happening.
It was long and boring......the weekend.Saturday I was just exhausted after jaenelle.I went to bed early.Him and jen were going to bed when I was getting up!Tell ya what kind of day sunday was?I cooked a pot roast and did laundry.Went for the paper.Who else was gonna?Several times a day I am reminded of why I hate it here!
See what I mean? What the fuck, man?
Here ya go ........ready?
Wait let me gird my loins like some kind of Gaul-- okay, go for it.
He lost the cash!That fucking,stingy,self centered jackass hasn't lost money in 20 years!All of a sudden now?
I should have known..........He went to town at 12;15......he got back here 2;15...........with creamer,sugar,toilet paper,a pack of cigs!
I didn't eat yesterday because we had no tp.Today I was looking forward to eating something,we got next to nothing....and definately nothing that won't make me shit!!!!!!Nope......nothing to drink,or eat!!!!!!
I don't know what to say, honest to God. You didn't eat because you had no toilet paper?
... Get some?
He says I don't know how I am getting home.I was like what do you want?I can't cancel jen's appt tomorrow,I got no cell min!You tell her she can't go!I am not...............this is not my fuck up!
Yeah, you tell it sister!
Monday................doctor tomorrow for jen.....a ride to edn.Hope weather is good by mid morning.Monday music mania,no house or men,I seriously have to get some of that crap out of the tivo,and on discs....got my own bugs bunny...just got to get to a cd.
Anyone know what the fuck?
I'd like to know, actually.
Apparently Jen has a doctor's appointment Monday (also tomorrow? I don't know. It was posted on a Thursday). And then we have Music Mania (I don't know) and no house or men (so playing outside I suppose) and she has to get "that crap out of the tivo and on discs" followed by "having her own Bugs Bunny" (???) and then that last part.
Wait, no, I have the perfect reaction to this. I saved this a long time ago and I never thought I'd get a chance to use it, but finally its time is here:

He's got most of the symptoms.........now we are in mania(depression)
Wow, that's really strange. Can you be manic and depressive at the same time? That's like being hot and cold at the same time.
Well my darlings as fun as it is reading this (about as fun as the time I wracked myself on my bike's handle bars [long story]) I have to read Comus and work on getting a Gyarados (both lofty goals). Gyarados breeding opens with a delay of 607, pretty much the worst delay there is, so good luck to me~
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