Anyway our boy here has some kind of tragedy in his life (well at least one, as he is a furry) but it might be really hard to tell given the walls of letters he calls paragraphs.
I actively try and do a damn good job at not letting people walk all over me. I'm the first to tell someone to fuck off if I feel they are gonna take me for a ride but honestly when it comes to my friends or people I care about I tend to get walked on and just take it.
Soooooooo... You do or don't let people walk on you?
I guess he doesn't, except sometimes he does.
Personally if someone were to walk on me I'd try first to discern why I'm laying in a potential path of foot traffic then try to either move or tell the person not to step on my dick, but that's just me.
the last few years i've been a total scrooge or however the fuck you spell it about christmas and the newyears and all the other holidays (thanksgiving too).
I don't think that's how that word works but okay. Also I like how he says OR HOWEVER THE FUCK YOU SPELL IT and then proceeds to spell the word correctly. Someone should really consider inventing an online dictionary or something because that would be really handy. If you weren't sure about a word you could just open up another window and hammer that bitch in and wham, there's your answer.
Shit if these internet people really got their shit together they could work out some sort of tab index system so you could just click on the tab and open multiple websites in the same window. You could just have that dictionary in the background while you're making a post so you don't look like a complete illiterate.
Goddamn I'm full of good ideas.
i'm getting really tired of them really fast i just went in an emotional backflip in the last ten minutes.
The title of the post is "my actual bloodline family" but I'm not really sure that helps in understanding this Toyota of a sentence (timely reference). Get it, because Toyotas can't stop and it's a run on?
Hell yeah.
My grandfather called me and started screaming at me saying i stole...his mittens...two years ago...fucking seriously.
So tell him you didn't steal them?
First off two years ago i'dve never been interested in some fuckn mittens and i'm still not and for me to steal mittens when i have my $180 boardin gloves is retarded in and of itself and nobody can dig under my skin like my family with their words so i'm goddamn enraged at this point like i threw my phone had to move the glasses away from me chainsmoke two cigarettes and take a shower only to get out and find that i have a new voice mail not five minutes after he called me acusing me of being a thief and a liar he left me a message saynig he found his gloves and he wants me to call back and let him apologize.
Wow it's like John Milton wrote this only suddenly he was struck full retard or something (John Milton was a pro of writing really, really long sentences with parenthetical asides in digressions kind of like what I do sometimes).
Now there's a post about his brother dying of brain cancer (perhaps it runs in the family, because I'm pretty sure a cancer claimed our boy here's brain a long time ago and he kept running somehow, like a computer without a hard drive [that doesn't make a lot of sense]).
This year i'm going to be at rainfurrest on my birthday
Stop. "Rainfurrest"?
o here's hopin i don't turn into a big pile of depressed on my birthday at a con and i actually make it so that i have one more day in september thats awesome, filled with friends laughter maybe the drink *coughawesomesexcough* and good times for everyone
y'know i used to believe that people were makin shit up when they said shit like "they have a smile that lights up my world". I thought it was all smoke and mirrors and stuff. I used to think they were all crazy when they talked about how just the though of someone could bring their worst mood and make it do a 180. I never quite figured out how a smile so genuine could come from something as simple as a text or a song could crawl across thier face, or how somethin even smaller can put someone in bliss.
free from everything pain, worries, sorrow. how someone completely analytical and contemplative can just not be able to do it anymore on someone. It never occoured to me as a possibility that the world could change and almost stop to become just that much brighter with a person. I donno maybe i'm crushin'.
MAYBE, I DON'T KNOW. No really. I don't know. I have no clue what the fuck you're rambling about.
Maybe it's more. I sometimes wonder if i'm enough to chase.
Huh, comparing love to a chase, what does this remind me of--
Other times it's like butterflies in my torso tell me to run as fast as i can until i catch. I don't know. I used to think. I never quite figured. I used to believe. There is only really one constant in this whole mess of some sort of things. Damn do i love that fuckn' smile
I guess that's more of a hunt than a chase, but same shit.
i've been reflecting alot lately and i'm gonna post things about me here that follow the 7 sins i'm not a religious person but these "sins" intrigue me to no end and i find each and every one of them in me in some way and how i'm going about in life trying to fix them (yes i'm bitching this whole journal)
I, too, am interested in the notion of sin and Dante's Divine Comedy is one of my favorite writings of all time so I'm very interested in your no doubt poorly-thought out, poorly-worded diarrhea of a post on the subject of the Seven Deadly Sins. I especially like the promise that he'll be "bitching this whole journal". very promising.
This is one i've recently gotten in check with the help of my room mate and his mother i've seen the joy of giving and i'm addicted to it. i'll buy the whole shop at work doughnuts i'll lend money (sometimes that i don't have) to someone who desperately needs it and i don't really ask for it back i tell
Okay I have no idea what the fuck he's talking about pretty much from the beginning. He seems to be implying he lent money without expecting it to be repaid at all and because of that he's greedy.
I don't think that's how greed works?
Greed is usually being particularly miserly or unreasonably attached to money. Dante divided this into two categories, the miserly and the prodigal, and they forever sat in these stone half pipe contraptions and wheeled giant boulders at each other only to crash in the middle and repeat the process over.
Sort of like that level of Crash Bandicoot like that where you had to jump between the circle cut out in the middle, but I think that might have been a coincidence.
I think Dante was inspired by the myth of Sisyphus.
Awesome people awesome friends FC and the music spun in the rooms *jizzed in my pants* Rush Tek and Statik jeeze that was sikk!

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