Friday, February 5, 2010


As you may well recall from last entry, my eyes have been scourged by the fiery darts of Phoebus Apollo, and so today's entry brought my already reeling eyeballs to a state of milky blindness.
Who decided bright (almost neon) green looked good on a really bright orange background? This idiot, apparently.
The only schools I’ve ever gone to have been Catholic ones. For a number of reasons I won’t go into now, looking back on this often makes me cynical, and angry.

I went to regular public school and I ended up cynical and angry too. Wonder how that happened?
I often heard this complaint at my Jesuit university: “I resent having to take three theology classes, and treat them as if I believed them. To me, it’s like taking a class on fiction.” Now I would agree.

I wouldn't. You went to a school taught by Jesuits. What did you expect?
That's like when I'm surprised my school goes full retard around snow. I went to a school in the (barely) South, what did I want?

In 7th grade, my Religion teacher was my Science teacher.
Must have been a fascinating lesson on the theory of the humors or perhaps the music of the spheres.
I sometimes wonder if my education could be considered child abuse: I memorized miracles, mysteries, and lives of the saints for quizzes and texts.

Preaching to the choir. I'm about to read The Scarlet Letter for the third fucking time.
I'm 22 and it's still child abuse as far as I'm concerned.
My favorite spells were always prayers to Mary. So that is how I will end this post: Salve Regina, mater misericordiae: vita, dulcedo …

Get the flamethrower. There's a witch afoot.
Here's my summary of the next entry: "there's a summary on Wikipedia of OH FUCK MY EYES ARE MELTING STOP LINKING IN THAT COLOR."
Last week we went to the museum. A whole whale is hanging from the ceiling. Bigger than big! OK, have you ever seen a Volkswagen car that's like a bug? Um huh, you know what I'm talking about.

Yeah, it's called a Volkswagen Beetle. It's sort of named after a bug?
That's how big the heart of a blue whale is. I know it's not possible, but if that heart was in me could I love more?

... You do know the size of your heart, contrary to what Dr. Seuss taught you, has nothing to do with your ability to-- never mind, I'm talking about a girl who thinks witchcraft is real.
(I like to believe that when I write fiction, I explore the possible beauty and meaning of every moment, every image in life. But I am pretty damn vulnerable to despair and distraction when I'm actually living my own life.)

Wow you're really boring. I bet your fiction sucks.
Excuse me I'm just going to EV train my Larvitar while you talk. I'm sure you won't mind.
160 HP, 252 Att, 96 Spe. That shouldn't be too difficult.
There, 290 of 510 EVs knocked out in just a few short minutes.
I am an open-minded person, but I have also learned to be a realist. Please read this explanation of rape culture. I'll wait.

Now that you understand, a little bit, how a young woman is vulnerable in a patriarchal society, I expect you to understand why I will be cautious around you if you are a) a man I don't know very well b) a man as old/older than as my parents (hint: they're both under 50) or c) ANYONE I don't know very well.

Oh look, Foundations of Education has returned.
Oh, Tyranitar needs 1,250,000 exp to get to 100. That's pretty high, actually.
Yet another reason in an ever-expanding list of reasons Ghost Pokemon are the master race of Pokemon: on average they only need 800,000 exp.

I need to protect myself, and there are some things I would like you to assume about me:

Oh I found your protection right here.
Dirty Harry wishes this existed when he was tooling around San Fransisco.
Oh, no her protection is the following: RULES RULES RULES DON'T TALK TO ME.
Don't flatter yourself. I wasn't planning on it.
Christ, your rulebook is bigger than the Warhammer 40,000 3rd edition rulebook.
Which is like 400 pages, incidentally.

I would only like you to contact and communicate with me in the appropriate venue, i.e., the circle we know each other in.

So... MSN?

If we know each other through the Time Bank, message me through that system ONLY, and ONLY if it is about a volunteer opportunity.

Listen I just need a Cranidos if you don't have one you can just say so and I'll find someone else to trade with--

2) I am not looking for a romantic partner right now. Thanks but no thanks.

You know what? I'll just use my Sceptile instead, actually.
3) I have a few circles of friends my own age (let's just say mid-20s). Of course I would like to get to know you at the appropriate venue (see #1), but outside of the clubs and organizations we both belong to, I am satisfied with my social life. Let's keep our relationship (read: friendship) professional.

I thought you were cool but it's like talking to a fucking lawyer over here.
4) If you are a man and you're showing an inappropriate interest in me (as defined by points 1-3), I am going to look you up on the Wisconsin Circuit Court open records system, and then I am going to report you to the moderator of whatever group we know each other from.

>inappropriate interest
>friendly conversation outside of her "social circle" would technically fall under that category
Glad I'm a man and don't have to worry about this rape stuff. This seems like a really complicated affair.
Seriously a .44 Mag is like a thousand bucks. You can even get the Clint Eastwood variant.
Worth thinking about.
Well this whole EV thing has really taken off so I better stop here so I can focus on this much RAW EXCITEMENT (when fighting hundreds of Seakings is more interesting than your blog you have fucked up in a way that I can't even describe properly).

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