I'd congratulate each and every one of you, but I'm sure it's just a lack of trying.
Not going to get any points for being too lazy to do what you usually do, are you, people?
One of my classmates prayed our teacher would be snowed in, but she was there; however, one of the boys didn't show up, and the one that did, the one who's chronically late to begin with, said he'd had a hard time digging out the end of his driveway.
Neat-- Zzzzzzzzzz.
The good news is that I'm feeling better. The bad news is apparently I've passed the weirdness onto my bird.
I'll be sure to read this.
I've been feeling a little weird today. I first felt it while doing a yoga pose on Wii Fit, and then off and on all day I've been tense and tired and a tad lightheaded.
You know when I bought the Wii I was promised it'd be a fun vidya gaym machine. Unfortunately that never really panned out go figure~
I haven't been at school for this long for quite some time. I'm basically one and done this semester, the joy of being part-time, so I go to school, have my class, and go home, especially Tuesday/Thursday.
Must be nice.
Tuesday-- Tuesday.
Except today I had my choral read-through, which was scheduled for 1:00, so I hung around for almost four hours after French finished.
Whoop-de-shit. I had to do that twice a week last semester.
Actually it wasn't four hours, but it was a long fucking time, all right.
I got a 0% when I got back to it because the audio still didn't load and I just plugged in random answers. My teacher also emailed the company and they were like, make sure your students have the updated programs and software installed. Well, I did that when I first accessed the website less than a month ago because the site wouldn't let me access it otherwise. Sigh. I hope this isn't a continuing problem.
Sounds like user error to me. The other students didn't have this problem, did they?
Macs, I tell you.
Speaking of:
>professor assigns online quiz
>half the class can't take it because they are no good at computer
>I take it and do well
>teacher cancels the exam until he can get the issues worked out

We just got to days of the week in French class. I feel horrendously dumb--who knew mardi was actually Tuesday?
Oh, what? You've been talking like you're a regular pro at French.
Hmm, guess gras must mean fat. No wonder people speak of Mardi Gras as actually just one day. Here I thought it was the French term for Carnival.

I don't even know about this whole bullshit French culture thing. It just kind of stands to reason there's a good excuse to throw a big party before the fasting season.
Also, we didn't really do anything to celebrate in class today. I half expected my teacher to walk in with beads or something.
Yeah college isn't like high school. There aren't many movie days :(
He also called to tell us that my grandmother did in fact buy the vehicle we'd looked at--all the way back on Monday. Mom was surprised that grandma hadn't called to tell us herself. Well, grandma's not always the most considerate person sometimes.
Didn't know she had to clear every purchase with you. She's an adult.
We're on the verge of a mini-snowpocalypse,
Thanks a lot, Obama, for coining the dumbest word I've heard in recent memory. Snowpocalypse.
I confess: I totally rooted for the Saints. I mean, come on, like I'd root for the team that beat the Bears three years ago. I think not.
Oh look, football.
Hey, Wii-type people:
Is it common for the remotes to suddenly stop working when you're in the middle of playing something? This keeps happening when dad and I play Super Mario, which is really frustrating, because it usually occurs when we're moving and we end up running off a platform and dying.
Vidya gayms
I think part of it happens when we accidentally hit B, but when I became aware that might be causing problems I was cautious about it and the remote thing still happened.
Blaming the controller for user error. What are you, nine? I used to do that AND throw my SNES controller across the room angrily. Then I turned 10.
Although knowing how the Wii controller is it might actually be the controller. REVOLUTIONARY CONTROLLER my ass. I'd probably have an easier time controlling the game through a VCR remote.
It's funny, but the game with the absolute best Wii controls I've ever seen also was entirely menu driven. Great.
Her technical problems continue in piano class and I'm starting to think all technology recoils at her touch at this point.
Not all of us can bear the blessing of the Machine God I suppose, but goddamn.
Also, and semi-random: If you live in the general area, you probably heard that a plane crashed literally across the street from my school Saturday night. It was a small plane and the two people aboard died. It's always sad when something like that happens, but honestly, had it happened at a different time on a different day, and had the plane landed even a few yards to the east, there easily could have been more fatalities.
Holy goddamn I wonder if your power would work on Xeno technology, or does it only work on our blessed human machinery?
Either way I'm calling the Inquisition and the Adeptus Mechanicus.
She then brought up the whole "But Alaska and Hawaii weren't always states in my lifetime" bit. True.
... How old are you?
So I think that's it. This entry is starting to drag a little. Oh well, hopefully Wednesday will be a little livelier.
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