I'm hoping for a sequel (or prequel, whatever) to Dante's Inferno: Homer's Odyssey. Holy shit, I'd preorder five. Press A to gouge Eurylochus' eye with a fiery poker.
So speaking of people undoubtedly damned to an eternity of suffering: cryqueen.
what a day i am haven,i have to go to work today when it is snowing,how bored i am.i wake up today to have a good day but it can happen for me because someone in my house wouldn't let me have it,i am so tried of living in my mom house;she is driving me carzy,alway want to start a fight with me and i dont have time for it.
There's this tendency in modern writing towards what litfags dubbed "stream of consciousness". So while people like the aforementioned Dante and Homer, and even more recent authors like, say, Mary Shelley, probably spent a lot of time thinking about what they were going to say and how they were going to say it, stream of consciousness dispenses with that bothersome "quality" and even "coherency" and just cuts to SHEER WORDS ON THE PAGE.
I like to call it the "Stephen King philosophy of writing". If you write a lot the law of average dictates some has to be good (coincidentally, Stephen King disproved his own theory).
well i feel like my skilles is not being recognize by my sensei,in my class,is there any one that take karate,tell what you have to to get promotion,because my still is better then the people that he promoted yesterday and i am so angry.
Usually martial arts reward patience, perseverance and temperance (you know, like you were some kind of virtue or something) and especially Eastern varieties also reward the reduction of ego, but whatever I guess you could bitch until you get your way.
so today someone told me that i am giving u this gift because othere people in my class were saying something about the way i was dress in a dress with no short undernet when i was wearing one on,don't u just hate when people think they have the right to talk about u,when u were not around i fine that annoying;now i am so angry about what she told me about the women in my class saying,why can people just tell others how the feel in front of them.i think that would be a good thing to do.

can someone tell me how u could have sex with a guy one day and the next,he's telling u that he doesn't want a relationship with u.well that happen to me and I still have feelings for him ever though he doesn't.
MY is allways the same, i feel like im doin the same thing. Take work for insead i go to work and watch kids and is the same thing i do,
Okay I think I have a perfectly plausible explanation for this. She is a thawed cave woman. We should really congratulate her for integrating this far into modern society.
Every little girls that is see r marry and i can fine sumone to love me.
I know I just used this image recently but I think the situation calls for it:

is it me r i dont have luck in fining love i dont know anytime i fine someone sumthing bad happen,can sumone help me out so i can know what im doin wrong.
See this is exactly what I mean. I quote something, reread what I just quoted, and I immediately forget what it is I have to say about it because it basically stands on its own. I don't really need to say anything. I can just quote and say LOOK AT THIS SHIT.
today is a borin day all i do all day was sit around n take care of some ladys kids, im bored how do i suppost to have fun with this job, is borin help me.
And that's it. Her blog looks kind of new, so welcome her to this FABULOUS COMMUNITY that is blogging. :3
As a welcoming present, I have a good title for your blog, compliments of my bro Dante: "abandon all hope, ye who enter here".
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